
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/26 21:11:38
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1.They'll be protected from their enemies so that they won't get hurt.
2.They'll get enough food from man so that they won't have to hunt for food or get starved.
3.People can go to the zoo to learn more about wild animals thus think of better ways to protect them and love them more.
1.Wild animals belong to nature and keeping them in cages will make them no longer wild.
2.Keeping wild animals in cages will force them lose their natural abilities,and that'll be really a great pity to themselves.
3.The animals will feel lonely without partners,just like men will feel longly if they're thrown away to a deserted island.And it's too cruel to animals.

1.They have enough food so that they won't starve.
2.It's a good way to protect them from being killed by human beings.
3.Humans can help animals like pandas to breed.


1.They have enough food so that they won't starve.
2.It's a good way to protect them from being killed by human beings.
3.Humans can help animals like pandas to breed.
1.Some of them feel lonely,because only two or three of them are in a cage,sometimes only one is in a cage.
2.Some of them lose their natural character gradually,such as lion,tiger,they look so weak.
3.Animals belong to different areas of the world,for example,elephants like hot weather. If they stay in cold areas then they will feel uncomfortable.


把野生珍奇的动物关在动物园里好不好?要求:正反方各说理由3条,要用英文! 把动物关在动物园的英语 在动物园里,你将看到第一个关在笼子里的动物是什么?脑筋急转弯 在北京动物园你将看到许多珍奇动物.英语怎么说 动物是否应该关在动物园里?为什么? 在动物园,最先看见被关在笼子里的是什么动物?请尽快给出正确答案 急急急、求一篇100词的英语作文,内容:动物园里笼养动物好不好?要点:1有机会亲眼目睹野生动物,2有助于培养对动物和自然的爱,3能保护动物免于野生环境的危险悬赏 进动物园,最先看到的被关在笼子里的动物是什么? 去动物园,看到的第一个关在笼子里的动物是什么? 去动物园看到的第一个关在笼子里的动物是什么打一数字 把动物关在动物园有什么坏处,回答的请尽量多点,急用! 1、动物园里最多的动物是什么?2、第一个关在笼子里的动物是什么? 关于动物园对动物有益无益的辩论我是反方,即不应该把动物关在动物园里,有什么语言或论据可以支持我的观点吗?最好是英语的,汉语的也可 为什么动物要把动物关在动物园给动物看? 我在动物园,看到动物天天关在笼子里,是什么动物?本条 为什么设动物园,让动物无自由?为什么让动物们呆在笼子里,不把他们放回大自然?我去过很多动物园,但是没有见过动物有比大自然里的动物快乐、高兴.所以我想到了我们自己,如果我们被关在 关于动物园里笼养动物好不好的英语作文进行讨论啊…速求啊! 有一种头似马、角似鹿、尾似驴、蹄似牛,俗称“四不像”的珍奇动物,其野生种群18世纪在我国灭绝.1985年