翻译几个句子(英语高手进)1. 你觉得这场辩论会开得怎么样?-还不错.2.这座壮丽的大楼何时盖起来的?3.别到处闲逛了!做你的正经事吧.4.他是个生气勃勃充满着机智的人5.英国当时正处于选

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 05:34:49
翻译几个句子(英语高手进)1. 你觉得这场辩论会开得怎么样?-还不错.2.这座壮丽的大楼何时盖起来的?3.别到处闲逛了!做你的正经事吧.4.他是个生气勃勃充满着机智的人5.英国当时正处于选
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翻译几个句子(英语高手进)1. 你觉得这场辩论会开得怎么样?-还不错.2.这座壮丽的大楼何时盖起来的?3.别到处闲逛了!做你的正经事吧.4.他是个生气勃勃充满着机智的人5.英国当时正处于选
1. 你觉得这场辩论会开得怎么样?-还不错.

翻译几个句子(英语高手进)1. 你觉得这场辩论会开得怎么样?-还不错.2.这座壮丽的大楼何时盖起来的?3.别到处闲逛了!做你的正经事吧.4.他是个生气勃勃充满着机智的人5.英国当时正处于选
1.How do you think of the debate?Not bad.
2.When was this splendid building built?
3.Stop goofing around and do something meaningful.
4.He's a spirited man full of wittiness.
5.England was a mess when the new prime ministor was to be elected.
6.We now have trucks to take the place of wagons.
7.The scale of this map is 1:1000000.
8.Those announcers tried to loose their accents and longed for a BBC standard.
9."Cool" is a popular word among the countrymen.
10.It laid out an assortment of all kinds in the exhibition.
11.A person with lot more experience than Mary took over the teaching of Marge.
12.The enemies had been driven out of the fortification.The Red army won the final victory.

1 do you think this debate have? - is good.
2 this magnificent building when the cover?
3 don't loll about! Do your business.
4 he is a vibrant full of wit
5. Britain was in chaos elec...


1 do you think this debate have? - is good.
2 this magnificent building when the cover?
3 don't loll about! Do your business.
4 he is a vibrant full of wit
5. Britain was in chaos elect a new prime minister.
We now have six trucks replaced the cart.
7 this map is drawn by one millionth of proportion.
8. To remove the broadcasters own xiangyin and aspired to BBC pronunciation.
9 "cool" is one of the most fashionable Chinese words.
The exhibition of complete varieties of goods.
11. One more people than Mary experience has over such discipline.
The enemy was finally from the fort. The reds made the final victory 分分分



1. 你觉得这场辩论会开得怎么样?-还不错。
What do you think of the debate? Not too bad.
When was this magnificent skyrocket built?
Don't just hang around! Mind your...


1. 你觉得这场辩论会开得怎么样?-还不错。
What do you think of the debate? Not too bad.
When was this magnificent skyrocket built?
Don't just hang around! Mind your business!
He is smart and full of life.
The Great Britain was in shabbles right now electing its new Prime Minister.
We have replaced the van with a truck.
The map is 1:1,000,000.
The broadcasters worked hard to eliminate their accents to meet the BBC standard.
"Cool" is the most popular word among citizens right now.
The exhibition demonstrated a great variety of products--anything you might think of!
Mary was replaced by a more experienced one to coach March.
The enemy troops were driven out of the fortress and the Red Army got the final victory.


1。What do you think of (feel like)this debate?--Not bad.
2.When was this splendid building built?
3.Don't ramble around!Do your own business.
4.He is an intelligent people who is full of e...


1。What do you think of (feel like)this debate?--Not bad.
2.When was this splendid building built?
3.Don't ramble around!Do your own business.
4.He is an intelligent people who is full of energy.
5.England is involved in chaos in the period of electing a prime minister.
6.We have truck replace cart now.
7.The proportion of this map is 1:1000000.
8.The announcers try their best to get rid of their local accent,
hope to reach the pronounce standard of BBC.
9."Cool"is the most fashionable word in people's eyes.
10.There're a set of all kinds of goods shown in the exhibition.
11.A person with more experience than Mary has taken over the teaching of Machi.
12.The enemy troops were finally dislodged from the fortress.
The red army won /achieved final victories.


翻译几个句子(英语高手进)1. 你觉得这场辩论会开得怎么样?-还不错.2.这座壮丽的大楼何时盖起来的?3.别到处闲逛了!做你的正经事吧.4.他是个生气勃勃充满着机智的人5.英国当时正处于选 英语高手速进,翻译句子! 你骗我 英语怎么说>> 高手给翻译两个句子:1.你骗我.2.为什么你不相信我呢? 英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子!机器翻译的就免了1.你在国外会受到种族歧视吗2.国外物价会很高吗3.通过这次的经历会令你有想要再出国的打算吗 求求英语高手,解答几个句子. 英语翻译请问下面两句话怎么翻译(英语)?“你是一陀屎”“放你的狗屁”有一个人用英语骂我,我想骂他,但不会用英语骂人,请高手多写几个骂人的句子给鹅 英语翻译英语句子翻译 1.你觉得我的新自行车怎么样?2.直到他们来了我们才开始. 想法偏激 英语怎么说,帮忙译些句子虾们,帮我翻译一下以下几个句子.1.你的想法太偏激了.2.如果你想开点,乐观点,你一样可以过得很快乐.3.有时候我觉得你真的不好相处,太难侍候了.4.我是一 急!求英语高手帮忙翻译以下几个句子1.四川发生大地震的消息让我们震惊.2.他虽然然不会说话,但能通过手势让别人知道他的意思(by meansof)3.鼓起勇气,成功就属于你(keep up)注:第一句要 哪位英语高手帮翻译下面句子:你假装不爱我,我假装很幸福. 那位英语高手帮忙翻译个句子!refer to 如果需要,你可以查阅笔记 那位英语高手帮忙翻译个句子!refer to 如果需要,你可以查阅笔记 翻译句子:我宁愿你不告诉他.请英语高手翻译成英文. 英语翻译miss 这个单词有3个意思 我想求个有内涵的英语高手 造个句子 如 :心里住这什么什么的小姐 你思念她 你觉得自己绝不能错过她.不要单纯翻译,要句式还有内容更加浪漫,有欧美style 英语高手帮忙翻译几句很简单的句子.你需要照顾好你的牙齿(复数)我曾经养了超过20只仓鼠. 帮忙翻译一下一个句子,英语高手请进!“自从你第一次接触网络游戏开始到现在,玩网游的时间已经有多久了?”请把上面这句话翻译成地道的英语,适合做问卷调查的标题.如果觉得中文语句不 帮我翻译一下这几个英语句子,谢谢啦 英语几个句型的用法翻译下面句子:1.用上not...until...他直到10点才起床.2.too和not enough A:这件衬衫太小了.____B:不,我觉得够大了.