动词时态、语态习题(求答案)甚急!最好有解释,比如为什么要选此选项.勿乱答,我已有标准答案.5.She ought to stop reading; she has a headache because she _______ too long.A.had read B.read C.is reading D.has been rea

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/09 10:56:21
动词时态、语态习题(求答案)甚急!最好有解释,比如为什么要选此选项.勿乱答,我已有标准答案.5.She ought to stop reading; she has a headache because she _______ too long.A.had read B.read C.is reading D.has been rea
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动词时态、语态习题(求答案)甚急!最好有解释,比如为什么要选此选项.勿乱答,我已有标准答案.5.She ought to stop reading; she has a headache because she _______ too long.A.had read B.read C.is reading D.has been rea
5.She ought to stop reading; she has a headache because she _______ too long.
A.had read B.read C.is reading D.has been reading
6.------You’re talking too much.
-------Only at home.No one ______ me but you.
A.is hearing B.had heard C.hears D.heard
7.-------What have you been doing?I asked you a question.Why didn’t you answer?
-------Sorry,I ___________ to the news on the radio.
A.listened B.have listened C.was listening D.had listened
8.-------You should have told him the date earlier.
-------I_______,but he forgot about it.
A.did B.have C.had D.should have
9.------You could have asked Tom for help,for he is good at physics.
-----Really?Oh,a whole night __________.Why didn’t you tell me earlier?
A.is wasted B.was wasted C.had wasted D.has wasted
10.The thief tried to break away from the policeman who __________ him but failed.
A.held B.had held C.would hold D.was holding
11.You _________exercises at your desk!Why not take some exercise?
A.always do B.are always doing C.have always done D.have always been doing
12.----What were you up to when she dropped in?
----I ____ for a while and ____some reading.
A.was playing; was going to do B.played; did
C.had played; was going to do D.had played; did
13.Until then I _______ for him for hours in his office.
A.waited B.was waiting C.have been waiting D.had been waiting
14.-----Did you see Marty in the manager’s office?
-----Yes,he ______ by the manager.
A.is questioned B.was being questioned C.had been questioned D.was questioned
15.Look at this I _______ some magazines and _______ this card!
A.was looking through; found B.am looking through; had found
C.looked through; had found D.had looked through; finding
16.------Tom’s wife took the place of him to attend the conference.
-------I would rather Tom _______ there,not his wife.
A.had been B.have been C.was D.went
------I _______ but I _________ anything at all.
A.listened; have heard B.have listened; hear
C.was listening; wasn’t hearing D.am listening; don’t hear
18.The shop assistant promised me that the material ______ and what she said ______ to be true.
A.would be dried easily ; was proved B.will be dried easily; was proved
C.dried easily; proved D.was dried easily; proved
19.-----What place is it?
-----Haven’t you seen that we _____ back where we ______?
A.were,had been B.are,were C.were,have been D.are,had been

动词时态、语态习题(求答案)甚急!最好有解释,比如为什么要选此选项.勿乱答,我已有标准答案.5.She ought to stop reading; she has a headache because she _______ too long.A.had read B.read C.is reading D.has been rea
5.B 一直都在读,所以才有了头痛,have been doing ,是过去在做,现在也正在做,而将来也可能继续做的!题意是她本应该停下来的,语意就是没停,所以B
6.C 根据意义,本题是现在时态,所以BD都派出了,hear这类动词是没有doing形式的!所以选择C
7.C 根据题意,是过去时,所以BD都排除,而他说的是“我”问你问题的那个时间点,所以用正在进行时,意思是“你问我问题的时候,我正在听新闻”
8.A 本题我也有点模糊,主要是在AB之间徘徊,根据题意,他是告诉过他的,所以D不选择,而CD我则觉得如果选择的话,后面应该把told给写出来,不能省略的!did用在次就表示“告诉了”的意思!
9.B 本题考的主要是语态,应该用被动式,时间是被浪费的,所以CD排除,而这里明显是昨天,所以A排除
10.A 本题我也感到有点模糊(sorry,英语这东西虽然是我的强项,但是我也是中国人啊!毕竟不是母语啊!我也是本着对您负责的态度才说实话的,我是完全可以很肯定的说是A的,但是那是昧着良心做事,这个我做不来啊!)感觉AD都可以,但是A的可能性比较大,因为都是过去时,tried,failed,所以依旧并列的用法,就选了A.(其实英语题大多都是用的排除法啊!反正我就是这样的!您也看到了,
11.A 本题看似复杂,实则简单,B原本就是错的,排除!而CD都不对,have done 和have been doing是不和always连用的!用在次也一丝不通顺.这里是用一般现在时表示一个“习惯行动作”,也就是我们所说的“习惯”,例如he always stays up ,这个意思就是他总是熬夜,他习惯熬夜(这句我很熟悉,我们外教就经常这么在别人面前“夸”我,而前一个exercise表示“练习题,习题,家庭作业”之类的东西,为可数名词,所以加s了,而后面那个exercise是“运动”之类的抽象东西,是不可数的!这个我是分的很清楚的!这点你也可以问你们英语老师的!我做人从来都是“知道就是知道,不知道就是不知道,从来不忽悠人”
12.X 这个题我就是真的很纠结了啊!我觉得选择C,至于为什么,嗯.这个.如果非要我说为什么,我就.好吧,我说吧.这是我多年写题练出来的语感(我都觉得我有点厚颜无耻啊!汗⊙﹏⊙b汗)
13.D until then应该用完成时,排除AB,至于CD呢,我.(又是语感?⊙﹏⊙b汗)
14.B 语感.⊙﹏⊙b
15.A 其实这个我也不确定啊!这个我觉得是A,用排除法,排除D,而觉得BC都不符合语法,就只剩下A了,但又觉得A也不对,只不过他是所有里面看的最顺眼的了,不得不选这个而已!
16.A 我觉得是A,would rather后面应该用虚拟语气,而这明显是过去时态,B排除,而C,D都虚拟的不正确,所以选A
17.D 用排除法,第一个应该是正在听,所以排除AB,而hear是没有doing形式的!这个我在上面是说过的啊!
18.C prove啊,dry啊,sell啊,这类词都是没有被动的啊!比如this book selles well ,而不是is sold well,这个没有为什么,只有一个字,背下来!(⊙﹏⊙b汗,好像是三个吧?
