he got lost.___(lucky),he found his way to his hme in the end.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:41:52
he got lost.___(lucky),he found his way to his hme in the end.
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he got lost.___(lucky),he found his way to his hme in the end.
he got lost.___(lucky),he found his way to his h
me in the end.

he got lost.___(lucky),he found his way to his hme in the end.
Luckily 幸运地


he got lost.___(lucky),he found his way to his hme in the end. he is (luck) ,he is got a low mark. the policeman lost his temper.he ___ 1 got angry 2 was in a bad mood 选择哪一个.为什么 It was when he got home ___ Jim found that he lost his purse.A .that B .where C .before D .until He said,I lost my pen yesterday.=He said that ___ ___ ___ ___ pen ___ ___ ___. 1.He got _____ (lost) in the forests. He got up late ,but he was ____ (luck) enough to catch the bus. I ___ (luck) got a chance to be a volunteer for the 2010 World Expo when the news ___,we all got happyA got B reached C arrived D lost the key,___ he lost ,has been found He lost his dog同义句His dog ___ ____ be lost. lost. got lost. miss 区别 but I don't want go there any more.Because there were too many people.We got lost and couldn't find each other.Bad luck Have you found him yet?No,he has probably yome.Let't call him up now .Ireally hate to go to such place.so doI.是No,he has probabl Alice got lost in the forest yesterday同义句Alice ___ ___ ___ in the forest yesterday 用所给词的适当形式填空,______,he find his lost purse at last .[luck ] , 23.—Tom hasn’t turned up yet.He might have got lost.—No,he .His car has got a GPS.23.—Tom hasn’t turned up yet.He might have got lost.—No,he .His car has got a GPS. A.must not have got lost B.wouldn’t have got lost C.ca 我的英语有些不会 请你教教我怎样做 根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空How many times do you brush your__________(tooth) every day?2.______(luck),John got back the notebook that he had lost at the cafe. When the news ___ ,we all got excited.A.got to B.reached C.arrived D.lost 选择填空