SAT语法 副词Angrily and a bit confused,the defense witness found it difficult to respond coherently to the district attorney's aggressive cross-examination.angrily答案说有错 为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:09:29
SAT语法 副词Angrily and a bit confused,the defense witness found it difficult to respond coherently to the district attorney's aggressive cross-examination.angrily答案说有错 为什么?
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SAT语法 副词Angrily and a bit confused,the defense witness found it difficult to respond coherently to the district attorney's aggressive cross-examination.angrily答案说有错 为什么?
SAT语法 副词
Angrily and a bit confused,the defense witness found it difficult to respond coherently to the district attorney's aggressive cross-examination.
angrily答案说有错 为什么?

SAT语法 副词Angrily and a bit confused,the defense witness found it difficult to respond coherently to the district attorney's aggressive cross-examination.angrily答案说有错 为什么?
The defense witness,who was Angry and a bit confused,found it difficult to respond coherently to the district attorney's aggressive cross-examination.

呵呵呵 对啊 作为状语 后面的的confused 形容词啊 a bit confused 有些困惑 and 并列相同词性成分啊 而题中给的却是副词形式 angrily 能对么~~~


做这题的关键在于识别and并列的内容,从语法上说 angrily可以作为副词可以和 a bit 并列 同时修饰形容词confused。 但问题在于意思不对, a bit confused 是一点困惑是对的 但如果angrily形容confused就不妥了,意思是生气地困惑? 所以要意识到“生气”应该是和confused 并列的 所以此处应改为形容词形式angry 和confused并列 修饰的是后...


做这题的关键在于识别and并列的内容,从语法上说 angrily可以作为副词可以和 a bit 并列 同时修饰形容词confused。 但问题在于意思不对, a bit confused 是一点困惑是对的 但如果angrily形容confused就不妥了,意思是生气地困惑? 所以要意识到“生气”应该是和confused 并列的 所以此处应改为形容词形式angry 和confused并列 修饰的是后句的主语witness,大意为:目击者为很难对辩方律师的问题做出回答而感到生气和一些困惑。


and 后面的 confused 是形容词,与形容词并列的也应该是形容词,而 Angrily 则是副词,构不成平行结构。要成为平行结构,要么是 Angrily and a bit confusedly(副词与副词并列),要么是 Angry and a bit confused (形容词和形容词并列)。


and 后面的 confused 是形容词,与形容词并列的也应该是形容词,而 Angrily 则是副词,构不成平行结构。要成为平行结构,要么是 Angrily and a bit confusedly(副词与副词并列),要么是 Angry and a bit confused (形容词和形容词并列)。
Angry and a bit confused 就等于 the defense witness was angry and a bit confused (辩方证人又生气又有些慌乱)
* 主从复合句:
While he was angry and a bit confused, the defense witness found it difficult to respond coherently to the district attorney's aggressive cross-examination. 就在辩方证人又生气又有些慌乱的时候,他发现有条理地回答地方检察官挑衅性的交互讯问是很困难的。
* 并列句:
The defense witness was angry and a bit confused and he found it difficult to respond coherently to the district attorney's aggressive cross-examination. 辩方证人又生气又有些慌乱,他发现有条理地回答地方检察官挑衅性的交互讯问是很困难的。
这里说的是辩方证人在 found 时所处的的状态(即处于生气和慌乱是状态下发现),而不是 found 这个行为的程度(即生气并慌乱地发现),因此只能用形容词作状语。


大家分析得过于复杂了,容易把人弄糊涂。其实Angry and a bit confused,就是一个形容词短语,在句子作原因状语,整个句子= The defense witness found it difficult to respond coherently to the district attorney's aggressive cross-examination because he w...


大家分析得过于复杂了,容易把人弄糊涂。其实Angry and a bit confused,就是一个形容词短语,在句子作原因状语,整个句子= The defense witness found it difficult to respond coherently to the district attorney's aggressive cross-examination because he was angry and a bit confused.
例句:1. Angry at the girl oversleeping, Mr Green went down to wake her up. (=Mr Green went down to wake up the girl because he was angry with her for oversleeping. )格林先生下去叫醒她,是因为她睡过了头惹恼了他。
