几道系动词的英语题1.He ___ very busy.Don't bother him.A.looks B.seems C.gets D.appears但我不知道为什么A不对?2.Japan ___ powerful,but it is not so.A.looks B.seems C.appears D.gets为什么A和B不对?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 12:42:59
几道系动词的英语题1.He ___ very busy.Don't bother him.A.looks B.seems C.gets D.appears但我不知道为什么A不对?2.Japan ___ powerful,but it is not so.A.looks B.seems C.appears D.gets为什么A和B不对?
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几道系动词的英语题1.He ___ very busy.Don't bother him.A.looks B.seems C.gets D.appears但我不知道为什么A不对?2.Japan ___ powerful,but it is not so.A.looks B.seems C.appears D.gets为什么A和B不对?
1.He ___ very busy.Don't bother him.
A.looks B.seems C.gets D.appears
2.Japan ___ powerful,but it is not so.
A.looks B.seems C.appears D.gets

几道系动词的英语题1.He ___ very busy.Don't bother him.A.looks B.seems C.gets D.appears但我不知道为什么A不对?2.Japan ___ powerful,but it is not so.A.looks B.seems C.appears D.gets为什么A和B不对?
1.A应该对,我们生活里面也说XX looks busy,反之我倒觉得如果只是seems,还不足定论dont bother him因为知识好像.我不认为是look like好像的意思...应该是looks busy代表看起来忙.就像我们说he looks happy而不是说he look like happy.这里是考察系动词吧
如果说:He looks busy running here and there.怎么就不是看出来他很忙了,东奔西跑的
而He seems也没有上下文,至少需要He seems busy as lots of work left behind from last week...要这一类的限定才敢肯定你可以从一个人的面部或者其他方面感觉到他是很忙的.
同样Seems代表你已经对这种强大保持怀疑态度了,没办法说it is not so也没必要说了 但是appear在这里就很合适了

1.look like 才是看起来的意思

sb look +adj 某人看起来怎么样,多是从人的面部来看,从而表示人的"身体,心情等状况"
如you look tired. (不能直接从人脸上看出人很忙)
sb seem+adj 则从人的整体状况来看,表示...看起来目前的状况
2.appears 貌似怎么样,用在这里恰当.
sth looks/seems 都表示很有可能的结果....


sb look +adj 某人看起来怎么样,多是从人的面部来看,从而表示人的"身体,心情等状况"
如you look tired. (不能直接从人脸上看出人很忙)
sb seem+adj 则从人的整体状况来看,表示...看起来目前的状况
2.appears 貌似怎么样,用在这里恰当.
sth looks/seems 都表示很有可能的结果.


he’ve的英语意思是什么如题 谢谢了he’ve的英语意思是 求ve结尾的英语动词,比如 drive live什么的 英语关于间接引语的转换(几道题目)在下列句子中填上said或told,并给出括号内动词的正确形式.1.He ___ me that she ___(come) tomorrow.2.The gardener ___ that he ___(cut) that tree down yesterday.3.I ___ you I ___(have) ne 几道系动词的英语题1.He ___ very busy.Don't bother him.A.looks B.seems C.gets D.appears但我不知道为什么A不对?2.Japan ___ powerful,but it is not so.A.looks B.seems C.appears D.gets为什么A和B不对? 有关间接引语的英语题!在线等!急!1.He asked me,“Are you going home this weekend?” He asked me ___ I ___ ___ home ___ weekend.2.He said ,“I am living with my brother.” He said ___ ___ living with ___ brother. 谁帮我解决这几道英语填空题~1.书刚售完.The books ___ ___ ___ ___.2.他住在市中心He lives ___ ___ ___ ___ city3.他决定拉小提琴,而不弹吉他She decided ___ ___ ___ ___ ,not ___ ___ ___ ___. 英语部分的第59页第二题《给所给动词的正确形式填空.》1.Last night they ___[smell] smoke and___[see] a fire.They___[call]119.2Yesterday Sam___[be] unhappy,because he ___[lose] his puppy.3.It was very hot yesterday,Sam___[swim] in 初一英语题:用所给动词的适当形式填空.1.It's time for us ___(have) art class.1.It's time for us ___(have) art class.2.Mr.Shute ___(come) to China last week.Now he ___(visit) the Great Wall with his wife.3.Joan usually ___(go) to the 英语:根据汉语提示,完成下列句子.1.我的戒指被人偷了.My rings ___ ___ ___ .2.他给了我一些很好的建议.He ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ .3.他仔细检查试卷确保没有错误.He looks over his paper carefully ___ ___ ___ there 英语 用动词的正确形式填空(划出关键词,写时态)1.I ____(do)my homework every evening.2.we usually___(fly)kites in the park.3.My mother ___(clean) our room on Sundays.4.Tom ___(play) the piano every Saturday.Now he ___(play).5.My 写出下列动词的第三人称单数和现在分词形式1.go ___ ___ 2.listen ___ ___3.read ___ ___ 4.drink ___ ___5.wash ___ ___ 6.look ___ ___7.open ___ ___ 8.hop ___ ___ 用be动词的适当形式填空~```1.___ I a teacher?Yes,you _____.2.___ Tom a student?NO,he ________.3.___ you new here?Yes,I _______.4.___ your sister a worker?No,she ______.5.___ this room nice?Yes,it_______.6.___ our teacher happy?No,she/he ____ 他今天没有往常起的早 英语怎么说He ___ get up ___ early ___ ___ today(填空) -- I've taken someone else's green sweater by mistake.一道情态动词的英语选择题-- I've taken someone else's green sweater by mistake.-- It ______ Harry's.He always wears green.A.has to be B.will be C.mustn't be D.could be 为什么选D不 用所给词的适当形式填空:1.She's been ___(swim) for two hours.2.Miss Zhao ___ (teach) us English last year.3.Jim was the ___ (one) student to get to school this morning.4.He wants a new pair of ___(skate).5.I've been studying Japanese sinc 一些英语情态动词用法的空情态动词后接___,没有___和___的变化.其否定形式是在后面直接加____ 再下面句子里填上said、told,并用括号中动词的正确形式填空.What ___ he ___ that he ____(do)?When ___ you that he ___(buy) this car?Why ____ you ____ that you ____(be) busy? 英语紧急提问,3Q,用所给动词的正确动词填空,.1.It's time to get up.She _____(put) on a new skirt.2.let the boy_______(visit)the beautiful city.3.Let's ___(start) our class.4.The post office is on ________(one) Avenue.5.What would he li