
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 16:02:09
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Exploded with a loud sound,the ship Virginia was blowed up in the twinkling of an eye.Meanwhile,our hero,1900,disappeared,turned into ashes and was doomed to sleep in the boundless sea forever.That’s how 1900 ended his short but legendary life.
It’s been quite difficult for me to describe 1900 in only a few words just because he was not a man of superficiality.He was so talented that he could use notes to create one new melody after another,and yet he was so slow-witted that every time he met the woman of his dreams,he got tongue-tied.He was so open-minded that to gallop over the eighty-eight keys for him was as easy as turning his hand over.However,he was also too self-enclosed to even set foot on land for once.He was so brave a man that he showed no timidity facing up with the challenge raised by the so-called Jazz King,but he was so afraid of the infinity of the city even though he could easily make his music infinite.That was 1900——a man of no name,no ID,no registration,no passport,no parents,no home,no birthday except his music.
Presumably someone would think that the whole life of 1900 was a complete tragedy.However,thinking from another angle,perhaps 1900 was still fortunate.Although abandoned in the saloon,1900 still got survived safe and sound because his warm-hearted adoptive father came to his rescue in time.Although he was trapped in the shabby hold,his imagination still expanded as he could see the infinite sea day and night.1900 was so keen on his piano because he could handle the direction of his life over the eighty-eight keys.He was so concentrative in the piano that he could get a sense of achievement only by using notes to create beautiful melodies.If one day he would get departed from his piano,the chances were that he would lose confidence in himself and in life forever.Stubborn as 1900 was,he’d rather die than losing himself in the infinite city.As he said to his best friend Max,he couldn’t see the end to the whole world yet he could see it of the piano.The endlessness of the city made him feel scared and helpless about his future,so he chose to die with the ship where he was born.Maybe his sacrifice could finally made him feel wholly self-achieved as he could accompany with his piano at the very end of his life,maybe the ship Virginia was the best place for him to be born and to die,and maybe to die with his piano and his music was the happiest thing in 1900’s life.Maybe all the things happened to 1900 were his fate.
May the sea the giant piano for 1900 to play,may the ocean waves the most gorgeous rhythm 1900 created!

I was really looking forward to watching this movie - although, my expectations were not very high - but it turned out to be worse than I expected. I knew Channing Tatum was not the great...


I was really looking forward to watching this movie - although, my expectations were not very high - but it turned out to be worse than I expected. I knew Channing Tatum was not the greatest actor - although, he is gorgeous - so I wasn't expecting very good acting. It was decent but I just didn't feel the chemistry between the two actors. The "twist" which I won't mention was where I thought the movie went completely downhill. It was very poorly executed and if you've seen the movie, you'll probably agree. Throughout, the movie was very slow- moving and not very exciting but there were a couple emotional parts! So far, the only people I've asked that did like the movie, seem to be the younger ones.
This movie is definitely NOT comparable to "The Notebook" like some people have been saying. It was nothing special, so I wouldn't watch it again, but I'd say it's good for a chick flick night. Another one of those movies like that looked SO much better on the commercials.
Brave Heart, the winner of Oscar Prize, is about the war between England and Scotland.
But in the movie, the most important thing is not fighting. It is the pursuit of freedom that attract me most. In the age mentioned in the movie, England ruled Scotland in a cruel way. People in Scotland rebelled.
Wallace, leader of the rebellion, was a real hero. He fought bravely with his soldiers, for neither wealth nor power. What they want the most is that they could live a free life.
After long-time fighting, the rebellion was beaten down and Wallace was arrested. The ruler gave hime a last chance to confess and promised him if he did so, he might not be sentenced.
But what's Wallace's choice. At the last of his life, he abandoned the chance to survive and cried out, 'freedom'. This was the word that all people in Scotland wanted to say.
This movie is my favorite. It tells me that there is something named freedom which is more important than life.
