英语 关于in hospital , in the hospital , in a hospital我知道in hospital是生病住院.那in the hospital和in a hospital 是什么意思.help.不要复制答案,给我点讲解吧!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:47:55
英语 关于in hospital , in the hospital , in a hospital我知道in hospital是生病住院.那in the hospital和in a hospital 是什么意思.help.不要复制答案,给我点讲解吧!
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英语 关于in hospital , in the hospital , in a hospital我知道in hospital是生病住院.那in the hospital和in a hospital 是什么意思.help.不要复制答案,给我点讲解吧!
英语 关于in hospital , in the hospital , in a hospital
我知道in hospital是生病住院.
那in the hospital和in a hospital 是什么意思.

英语 关于in hospital , in the hospital , in a hospital我知道in hospital是生病住院.那in the hospital和in a hospital 是什么意思.help.不要复制答案,给我点讲解吧!
生病了,去看病或住院,说in hospital,这时说医院是与疾病有关系的,医院是治病救人的地方.如果你去医院联系其他业务,比如推销药品,跟医治疾病没有关系,就是 in the hospital 了.如果你泛泛地谈到医院,不特别指出哪一所医院,这时就是 in a hospital.希望这样解释你能明白.

英语 关于in hospital , in the hospital , in a hospital我知道in hospital是生病住院.那in the hospital和in a hospital 是什么意思.help.不要复制答案,给我点讲解吧! 英语短文 in the hospital英语短文 关于in the hospital 50-60字 在线等 谢谢了主题是in the hospital 围绕主题写就可以了 I am in hospital.In hospital是状语还是表语?I am in hospital.In hospital是状语还是表语? 英语 in hospital.和in the hospital 有什么区别 八上英语选择题:I really worry ____ my friend ill____.A.about,in hospital B.at,in a hospitalC.at,in the hospital D.about,in hospitals My mother is ill.I must take her_A,in hospital B,to the hospital C,in the hospital选择?为什么? I am in the hospital其中in the hospital是表语还是状语? I am in hospital这个句子里in hospital是地点状语,也是表语吗? i work in a hospital.I 'm a________________. I work in a hospital.I'm a ( .) 英语短语辨析in the hospital和in hospital的区别. He is ill .I know he is ( )now A:in the hospital B:in hospital C:at the hospital D:at hospital I worked __3years ago.A.in hospital B.at hospital C.at a hospital以上三个答案有何区别? 关于介词的区别in the hospital &at the hospital有没有什么区别?谢拉 I got a summer job in a hospital怎么译 I know most of the ____ in this hospital. the hospital i work in sits on a beautifui mountain. I dropped him in on my way to the hospital.I dropped him in on my way to the hospital.