Is this your car?用It is回答,还是用This is回答

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:40:40
Is this your car?用It is回答,还是用This is回答
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Is this your car?用It is回答,还是用This is回答
Is this your car?用It is回答,还是用This is回答

Is this your car?用It is回答,还是用This is回答
yes,it is!
yes,that is
they are both ok!

Yes ,it is !
No,it isn't!

Is this your car?用It is回答,还是用This is回答 is this your car?yes it's改错 Is this car (your/yours) 填哪个? Excuse me,is this your car?... A:Is this your car,Jim?B:Yes.Iam cleaning the car.A:It is a very nice car.B:A:Is this your new car,Jim?B:Yes.I am cleaning the car.A:It is a very nice car.B:Thanks.A:Can I borrow your car tomorrow?B:Sorry,it will be my mother's tomorrow.A:Why?B:When CAR THIS IS YOUR MAY USE I IT YES 连词成句怎么连 This is ----car and it's----English car.填冠词 is this his car?否定回答时用this还是it?如果用this对吗?为什么? 英语翻译This is a common type of car accident as it is easy to miss a car hidden behind your windscreen frame the first time you check. your car is lemon,it has broken down your time Is this your sister 答语为什么要用it is. Dear car owner:Dear car owner:You have parked your car in the wrong place.This is a “no parkingDear car owner:You have parked your car in the wrong place.This is a “no parking” area.I don’t know what do you think when you parked it.This is yo Is this your school?Yes,it is my school.Is this your ticket?Yes,this is my ticket.为什么一个用it is,一个是this is回答? Is this gutar your Yes,it is( ) is not that your car?well it was my car .怎么可以加that?还有 为什么用was 用 am is are have has 填空; 1 ( ) that your car?No it ( ) her car.2 His classmates ( ) (be) fine ①It is my coat.②Is this your shirt ③It's not an old car.①②③改为复述形式 This is a photo( )my car.It's nice