根据中英文提示完成句子.你必须等会儿打开它.You must ______ ______ ______ it later.不要聊了,马上上课了.______ ______,please.The class begins.用餐时,你一定不要立即开始吃.______ meals,you ______ begin ______immed

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:51:13
根据中英文提示完成句子.你必须等会儿打开它.You must ______ ______ ______ it later.不要聊了,马上上课了.______ ______,please.The class begins.用餐时,你一定不要立即开始吃.______ meals,you ______ begin ______immed
xnA_ezZыʆo` PnV^kQ ]tg+_3K[bL] sgv:4~3j| vް}(MOl=q1~}QX+[÷*\V'gpdNZk^?`OhIKEY.м\<|r0n{/=5Dy^m"Wt2EN1E3N0sLξ9A $WHw{ç- *;'-`)%XƵSř Y*k %_LqSʢ2 ;_UClʀ>l%fqbF SȤ,+]fqrJ|\*tN ,ɡt2V W A(RT0Y*9XXO6af l1-e I$F+<%x.pHg9"\ yyTeuӐNЩ<I;[j7[\N&E~q`  Mh1EIHSc*

根据中英文提示完成句子.你必须等会儿打开它.You must ______ ______ ______ it later.不要聊了,马上上课了.______ ______,please.The class begins.用餐时,你一定不要立即开始吃.______ meals,you ______ begin ______immed

你必须等会儿打开它.You must ______ ______ ______ it later.

不要聊了,马上上课了.______ ______,please.The class begins.

用餐时,你一定不要立即开始吃.______ meals,you ______ begin ______immediately.

晚上9:00后不许留在户外.You _______ ________ ________ __________ 9:00  p.m.

十六岁不能开车.You _______ ________ a car ________ ________ ________ ________ sixteen.

根据中英文提示完成句子.你必须等会儿打开它.You must ______ ______ ______ it later.不要聊了,马上上课了.______ ______,please.The class begins.用餐时,你一定不要立即开始吃.______ meals,you ______ begin ______immed
1、You must wait and open it.
2、Don't talk in class,immediately.
3、When eating,you must not start eating immediately.
4、Don't stay out after 9:00 in the evening
5、The sixteen year old can't drive.

1. wait and open
2. Stop chatting
3. At;mustn’t; eating
4.Don't stay out after
5. can't drive at the age of

  1. wait and open

  2. Stop talking

  3. At, mustn't, eating

  4. mustn‘t stay out after

  5. can't drive, at the age of