
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:42:27
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My father has stopped company work,he loves fry stock,specially on the stock market to earn money.Every day he is digging at the stock market,although his degree is not high,but his knowledge is very wide,often teach me all the knowledge of the respect,I benefited a lot from.Father is a self-made,he always in the effort.In order to make my mother and I live a happier life,father is what I admire!

My father does not work in a company now. He likes to 'play' stocks, and he gains by investing in stock market. He studies and analyzes the stock market everyday. Alhtough he did not receive higher ed...


My father does not work in a company now. He likes to 'play' stocks, and he gains by investing in stock market. He studies and analyzes the stock market everyday. Alhtough he did not receive higher education, he is very knowledgeable. He often teaches me knowledge of different areas, and I benefit a lot. My father started from nothing to make a fortune. In order to provide me and my mother a happier life, he is always working hard. My father is man deserving respect.


my daddy has retired,he likes to scalp in stocks and earns money by stocking.he diges into the ups and downs of the stock market everyday,even though he's not a highly educated man.he has a wide ran...


my daddy has retired,he likes to scalp in stocks and earns money by stocking.he diges into the ups and downs of the stock market everyday,even though he's not a highly educated man.he has a wide range of knowlege and always teach me various kinds of knowlege, I benefited a lot from that.
daddy froms rags to riches,he makes efforts all the time,In order to make my mom and I live a better life, father is the one which/who I admire!


My father has stopped company work, he loves fry stock, specially on the stock market to earn money. Every day he is digging at the stock market, although his degree is not high, but his knowledge is ...


My father has stopped company work, he loves fry stock, specially on the stock market to earn money. Every day he is digging at the stock market, although his degree is not high, but his knowledge is very wide, often teach me all the knowledge of the respect, I benefited a lot from. Father is a self-made, he always in the effort. In order to make my mother and I live a happier life, father is what I admire!


英语翻译翻译内容如下:我的父亲现在已经不在公司上班了,他热爱炒股票,专门靠炒股票挣钱.他每天都在钻研股市行情,虽然他的学历不高,但是他的知识面非常广,经常传授我各方面的知识,使 英语翻译不要用翻译器!需要翻译的内容如下:我现在是一个初中生业余作为一个绘师我经常在PIXIV上发表我的作品 求翻译一段英文 英语翻译内容如下:“非常抱歉,在您购买这个商品之前我已经在易趣上明确说明是不可以退货的.所以我不能提供退货的服务.希望你能理解!”请不要用网页或者软件翻译 谢 英语翻译翻译内容如下:同一个世界自古以来,人类都把动物称作为“朋友”.可是,却没有一个人遵守,仍然肆意杀害.由于人们不爱护,许多动物已经灭亡了.这篇文章主要讲的是:一个狼群收养 英语翻译需要翻译的内容:生活中已经融进了你的痕迹,太多的喜好都是你给的,很多的习惯也因你而起.然而现在你渐渐走远了,我不会再留恋之前的光景,但我依然在这里.后不后悔的事情已经 英语翻译翻译时要1 2 虽然语句不顺不用管 我回自己处理 内容如下; 我对粤语很感兴趣.虽然现在我不会说.但我相信不用1.2月我就可以把酒店用的粤语学会.因为我的模仿.学习能力很强.我曾在 英语翻译翻译如下内容成英文:---------------------分割线不要-------------------------前段时间我收到邮件说我账户内的域名数量已经达到50个,需要在用户管理里面填写更多的信息.否则如果超过75个 英语翻译翻译内容如下,应该很简单, 英语翻译下面是翻译的内容:“我想告诉你,我懂你.其实我一点都不坚强,我现在还不明白你的心,你能告诉,你现在喜欢我吗?”请翻译. 英语翻译翻译内容如下:我叫爱迪生,于1847年2月11日诞生于美国中西部的俄亥俄州的米兰小市镇.我父亲是是荷兰人的后裔,母亲是苏格兰人的后裔.我的一生有过很多工作,但我总在工作之余做 英语翻译金山词霸之类我的电脑有,但总觉得不牢靠。抱歉,好像提交的时候出了点纰漏:需翻译的内容如下:山美水美人更美.用英语怎么说双龙戏珠用英语怎么说. 英语翻译内容如下:您好,我的名字叫**,我是**的孙子,**的儿子.几天前我父亲给与您通过电话.如果有这个可能的话,我想出国深造,但对于一些具体的情况不太了解,所以想请教您一些相关的问 翻译句子:现在我父亲一定在家. 英语翻译我的中文摘要如下:随着科技的不断发展,我们已经进入了一个日新月异的信息时代,网络的影响已经渗透到了我们日常生活的各个领域,同时随着网络的不断普及,网络以其传播的内容 英语翻译不要用翻译器要翻译的内容如下:昨天都没有给你写信我最近挺忙的你呢?收到我的信后,请回信~ 英语翻译很短,内容如下:亲爱的XX,很遗憾又与你不辞而别,可是我实在抑制不住强烈的思念家乡的感情,请您不必担心,当您阅读到这封信的时候,也许我已经和家人团聚,明天早上我保证绝对不 英语翻译尽可能不要有语法错误,大致的内容如下(可修改)我来到日本已经1个月了.在此期间我已游玩了很多地方.在这么多的地方中,我最喜欢的就是东京的迪斯尼乐园.它很大也很漂亮,是个 英语翻译翻译内容为:06/01/2012的订单号100112947已经取消了好几天,请帮我查询退款是否已经返还我的信用卡?谢绝 360 谷歌翻译工具 进行翻译!