We couldn`t eat in a restaurant because ___ of us had ___ money on us. A.all;any B.on;any C.none;aWe couldn`t eat in a restaurant because ___ of us had ___ money on us. A.all;any B.on;any C.none;any D.no one;any答案给

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:20:53
We couldn`t eat in a restaurant because ___ of us had ___ money on us. A.all;any B.on;any C.none;aWe couldn`t eat in a restaurant because ___ of us had ___ money on us. A.all;any          B.on;any           C.none;any          D.no one;any答案给
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We couldn`t eat in a restaurant because ___ of us had ___ money on us. A.all;any B.on;any C.none;aWe couldn`t eat in a restaurant because ___ of us had ___ money on us. A.all;any B.on;any C.none;any D.no one;any答案给
We couldn`t eat in a restaurant because ___ of us had ___ money on us. A.all;any B.on;any C.none;a
We couldn`t eat in a restaurant because ___ of us had ___ money on us.
A.all;any B.on;any C.none;any D.no one;any
答案给的是C,但是我刚才查了一下 none即可指人又可指物,no one只能指人,而此处是 “我们没有一个人” ,是指人,所以想问为什么D不可以.
Don`t laugh at her. She is ___ any of the others in your class.
A.as clever a student as B.as a clever student as
C.so clever a student as D.so a clever student like
答案为什么选A而不是C?另外请教 as...as 和so...as 、 so...like是固定的吗,如果是请教用法.

We couldn`t eat in a restaurant because ___ of us had ___ money on us. A.all;any B.on;any C.none;aWe couldn`t eat in a restaurant because ___ of us had ___ money on us. A.all;any B.on;any C.none;any D.no one;any答案给
第一题:你可能有听过所谓 none = no one这样一个等式,我个人经验是你需要抹除这个等式.比较贴切的等式是none = no one / not any.有什么区别呢?
No one一般作为一个代词便独立使用了,即在本句中如果没有 “of us"则选D也可以:
...because no one had any money left.
-How many of you are going?
-None / No one.
在这些情况下,none = no one.
然而当后面出现了诸如of us的时候,则no one中的one 与of us 中的us重复了,使用no one of us就复沓不地道.然而这个却可以使用none:
...because none/not any of us had any money on us.
这个情况下,none = not any.
第二题,这个好办,记得一般情况下选as...as就对了,因为这个可以用于肯定与否定句中,而so...as只能用于否定句中.其实本题考点是在于as + adj.+ a/an/the + noun + as这个奇葩结构,不过明显你已经掌握了.

no one后不可以接of短语。none后可以接of短语 作主语时 谓语动词常用单数
第二题as...as 和···一样 否定时 not so...as=not as· ···as

4.可一般用来回答how many +n, how much +n 及含any+n引起的疑问句 .
1.no one意为“没有人”,只能指人,不能...


4.可一般用来回答how many +n, how much +n 及含any+n引起的疑问句 .
1.no one意为“没有人”,只能指人,不能与of连用.
3.可回答来回答who,及含anyone,anybody引起的疑问句2.在否定句中既可以用not as ...as...也可以用not so...as,而在肯定句中只能用as...as.应该不是固定结构


1.C 一般在我们国家的一些权威的语法书都认为no one of us是错的,none of us才是对的,有些外国出版社出版的书也自相矛盾,比如牛津大学出版社出版的Practical English Usage(英语用法指南)也认为no one of us是错的,不过该出版社出版的<牛津高阶英语词典>认可了no one of us是正确的,在这里我认为还是复旦大学教授,英语惯用法泰斗葛传...


1.C 一般在我们国家的一些权威的语法书都认为no one of us是错的,none of us才是对的,有些外国出版社出版的书也自相矛盾,比如牛津大学出版社出版的Practical English Usage(英语用法指南)也认为no one of us是错的,不过该出版社出版的<牛津高阶英语词典>认可了no one of us是正确的,在这里我认为还是复旦大学教授,英语惯用法泰斗葛传GUI的<<英语惯用法词典>说得正确,该书认为none of us 无疑是正确的,不过no one of us有人用,不过不规范,至于取舍,就有楼主决定了!比如:no one用于指人,不与of短语连用,用作单数:No one told us about that.关于那件事没人告诉过我们。(不用none) 表“没有一个,无一”
None of us enjoy getting up early.我们中间没人喜欢早起。
But none of them has been turned to stone yet! 但是他们谁也没有变成石头!
no one of them指的是“他们中没有一个人”,,,,是全部否定,,,
而not one of them是部分否定,指的是“他们中不是每个人”。。
2.A so...as一般用在否定句中,也就是not so...as,意思是不如....那样。as...as肯定否定都行


We couldn't eat in a restaurant because ( )of us had ( ) money on us.上面这一句中(all) ( all、 换成any we couldnt eat in a restaurant because __of uwe couldnt eat in a restaurant because __of us had _money on us A any no B none any We couldn't eat in a restaurant because _____ of us had _____ money.A.all,noB.any,noC.none.anyD.no one,any We couldn't eat in the restaurant because ____ of us had ____ money on us.A.all,no B.none ,any We couldn't eat in arestaurant because ( )of us had ( )money on us.A.all,no B.any,no C.none ,any D.no one ,any we couldn't eat in the restaurant because _____of us had _____on us.A.all,no B.any,no C.none, We couldn't eat in the reataurant beceuse_of us had_money on us.(3-56) a.all.no b.none.any c.any.no We couldn’t eat in a restaurant because of us had money on us A. all; no B. any; no C. none; any答案C B为什么不对?We couldn’t eat in a restaurant because of ( )us had ( )money on us A. all; no B. any; no C. none; any对 1.We couldn't eat in a restaurant because ___ of us had ____ money on us.We couldn't eat in a restaurant because ___ of us had ____ money on us.A.all,no B.any,noC.none,anyD.no one,any We couldn’t eat in a restaurant because of us had money on us A. all; no B. any; no C. none; anyWe couldn’t eat in a restaurant because of us had money on us A. all; no B. any; no C. none; any【选什么 并解释一下其他两个为什么不 We couldn`t eat in a restaurant because ___ of us had ___ money on us. A.all;any B.on;any C.none;aWe couldn`t eat in a restaurant because ___ of us had ___ money on us. A.all;any B.on;any C.none;any D.no one;any答案给 (12:4)There was --- food that we couldn't eat it all.There was --- food that we couldn't eat it all.A.so many B.so muchC.too many D.too much We couldn't eat in a restaurant because ( ) of us had( ) money on那 A 为啥不对?↗赏A:all,noB:any,noC:none,anyD:no one,any We couldn't eat in a restaurant because( )of ushad( )money on us.A.all,no B.any,noC.none,any D.no one,any那A为什么不可以选呢?要说解题思路 英语语法.We couldn't eat in a restaurant because__of us had__money on us.A any no B none any 感觉两个选项意思都一样啊,为什么选b不选a? Oops..We couldn't detect a face in the photo.Plese try a different one. 英语翻译we eat what we can and what we can`t eat we can.they ate what they can and what they couldn`t they could. We couldn't run in the classroom.(改为祈使句)