
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 15:39:43
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Finally,the use sole brand shortcoming lies in,if this brand receives threatens highly or starts to glide down,the company will face the difficult position which this kind of product will lack successors.With it opposite,is helpful in the different market district localization different brand in the company disperses the risk,because a brand defeat cannot affect other brands.
2.The new product development
the massive investments which carried on to the product research and development had guaranteed valuable cleanly equally every half year promotes a new product in the Chinese market.And developed the new product through the improvement existing product,the product renews already becomes a valuable clean formidable competitive advantage.

at last, the disadvantage of using single brand is that if this brand encounters threats and declines, the company will face a huge problem - there will be no others which can replace it. In contrast,...


at last, the disadvantage of using single brand is that if this brand encounters threats and declines, the company will face a huge problem - there will be no others which can replace it. In contrast, by establishing various brands in different markets helps divide the risks, as the failure of one brand will not have such a big impact on others.
2. the development of new products
the investment in product developement made sure that Baojie will be able to present a new product to the chinese market every half a year. By enhancing present products and developing new ones, the renewing of product has became a fabulous quality which will help Baojie compete amoung others.


英语翻译最后,使用单一品牌的缺点在于,如果这个品牌受到高度威胁或开始下滑,公司将面对该类产品后继无人的困境.与之相反,在不同市场分区定位不同品牌则有助于公司分散风险,因为一个 单一的英语翻译 英语翻译 单一的工作 英语翻译句子:金钱的价值不在于拥有,而在于使用. 谁能帮忙编写一篇单一元素的新闻报道?使用单一元素结构!急用! 铸造的缺点如题 涂料的优点是什么?缺点是什么?有那位大哥知道中国十大品牌的比较如:立邦的优点是什么?缺点是什么?华润的优点是什么?缺点是什么?多乐士优点是什么?缺点是什么?大宝优点是什么?缺点是 金属材料使用性能缺点金属材料.高分子材料.陶瓷材料.在使用性能上的最大缺点是什么?采取什么方式来解决?专科大一机械制造基础146最后一题,原题就是这样.老师让我们写哥小论文600字以上 谁能告诉我纯麦芽威士忌也就是单一麦芽威士忌的十大品牌? 在光和作用时,如使用单一色光.是用蓝紫光还是红光. 在EXCEL中如何用一个公式去统计某单一品牌的总销售额例如这个表中“中羽”的总价的和是多少怎么用公式求出来. 表示单一的成语如一家之言,一面之词等等 现在一般使用什么品牌的气动元件? 玻璃管液体温度计中使用水印的优点和缺点 煤矿使用的单体液压支柱倒放有什么缺点? 石英石台面价格、品牌,石英石的台面好不好,有什么缺点?国内石英石十大品牌哪个最好? 英语翻译:最后,使用打印机打印作业 英语翻译中俄贸易商品还存在许多亟待解决的问题,如贸易规模不够大、商品结构单一升以及“灰色清关”问题.