
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:44:58
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As the society's insurance policies become more and more perfect by the day,to fully utilize modern information deal with technology and scientific methods,to establish a fully functional society insurance system that is suitable for various business demands and is futuristic is very necessary.This construction is based on the situation in which labour protection work is facing and the demands of work development for labour protection,baesd on the demands of national structurization,and following the five protected merging symbols,the unilateralization of labour protection,the concentration of data management,and the group ideal of a high-level information sharing,to realize the combination of various existing information systems,to establish a group management,service,automated unilateral provincial labour and society protection management information system,to structuralize labour protection,to let the decision-making process more scientific,and to provide better conditions regarding services for the public.At the same time,to make the government electronic adminstration system and future city-planning information-adaptability,and to prepare for the "one-card" society protection system.

Along with the daily consummation of social insurance system, for make the best of modern information processing technology and scientific knowledge, it's necessary to build a social insurance system ...


Along with the daily consummation of social insurance system, for make the best of modern information processing technology and scientific knowledge, it's necessary to build a social insurance system which is complete-function, not only apply to various requirements but also have perspectiveness.
This project according to situation faced to job of labour security and its requirement from the development work, in terms of general idea about the national plan requirement, on the basis of collect five insurance, labour security integration, date centralized manage,
晕,太长了实在翻不下去 ,算了,当练习吧


With the gradual fulfillment of the society insurance system, for the purpose of taking full advantage of the modern information managment technology and scientific methods, it is necessary to institu...


With the gradual fulfillment of the society insurance system, for the purpose of taking full advantage of the modern information managment technology and scientific methods, it is necessary to institute one society insurance system which can meet the present business requirement of various parts and can be foreseeingly used in the future. This project regards the situation and the demand of the development of the labour security work, in line with the requirement of the national plan, according to the main consideration as co-collection of five insurances, integrity of the labour security, concentration of the data management, high-level share of the information, to integrate present various information system with the aim of construct one provincial labor and society insurance management information system of the functions of management, service and office automatic in together. it can provide the positive supports for the labour security work standardization, the scientific decision-making and service socialization and at the same time, it can help the government prepare for the electronic government affair, the future informationization of the city and the ‘one card ’project of the society security system.


the best purpose of translation is in cash.

As the improving of society's insurance policies,it is necessary to establish a fully functional society insurance system in order to take full advantage of modern information to deal with technology ...


As the improving of society's insurance policies,it is necessary to establish a fully functional society insurance system in order to take full advantage of modern information to deal with technology and scientific methods, to establish a functional which is complete-functional, not only apply to various requirements but also have perspectiveness.
This project meet the situation and development requirements for labor protecting the job,in terms of the requirements of national vision,on the basis of the integral conceiving five insurance collection, labour security integration, date centralized management, information highly sharing, which can create favorable conditions for normalization of labor and social security, decision-making more scientific and social service.
At the same time, to prepare for the "one-card" project for e-government system of government, informationize of future city and the safeguards system of society.


英语翻译随着社会保险制度日益完善,为充分利用现代信息处理技术和科学手段,建立一个功能齐全,既适用于当前各地业务需求,又具有前瞻性的社会保险系统已经十分必要.本工程根据劳动保 英语翻译农村社会养老保险制度的完善是构建我国现行农村社会福利制度的重要举措.在城乡统筹视角下,我国农村社会养老保险在发展中还存在着保险制度间衔接障碍、养老保险金发放形式 英语翻译随着新闻事业的蓬勃发展,法制社会建设的日益完善,法制新闻报道成为新闻报道中的重要组成部分.在进行法制新闻报道的过程中,正确的舆论导向在其中起着至关重要的作用.正确的 英语翻译随着计算机应用的日益普及,计算机在社会运行及发展中的重要性日益加大,计算机安全也越发为人们所重视.现在各种安全技术都在向系统底层发展,研究操作系统内部结构,实现对系 社会养老保险制度 英语翻译随着社会的发展、变革,各国对外交往的日益频繁,来自其他国家的外来词日益增多,外来词对本国词汇的影响也越来越不容忽视.随着俄罗斯的发展,俄语中的外来词也日益增多.受俄罗 英语翻译摘要为:摘要:随着经济的增长和社会的进步,在人们生活水平日益提高的同时,人们的生活环境和生活质量却面临下降的威胁,广大旅游者对回归大自然、欣赏大自然美景、享受原野 英语翻译以下为需要翻译的经济类短文,随着我国经济的发展,社会的商业化发展,作为市场经济的主体部分,企业的兴衰存亡,对完善市场经济,促进改革开放,提升居民的生活水平都起到了至关重 英语翻译企业社会责任会计问题研究-以食品行业为例摘要随着食品安全事故的频发,企业的社会责任受到了社会各界的关注.要真正把社会责任落到实处,就要建立起一个完善的社会责任会计体 英语翻译这翻译成中文是社会保险制度还是社会保障制度呢? 英语翻译:随着社会主义市场经济和现代企业制度的逐步完善,深化成本管理改革也日益成为一个突出而又迫切的问题.企业要生存、发展,就必须全员对成本形成的全过程进行参与,全面控制, 英语翻译“随着我国市场经济的不断发展和完善,企业的国际化,规范化程度正日益提高,成本管理作为企业的一个重要组成部分,渐渐凸显了其在经济决策中的重要性.我国中小施工企业普遍存 英语翻译摘 要随着改革的不断深入,市场经济体系日益完善对会计工作提出了前所未有的要求.作为金融企业,如何做好目前的会计工作,增强内部会计控制的有效性,在新一轮经济全球化的竞争 英语翻译海洋是人类赖以生存的蓝色家园,是实现社会可持续发展的基础.随着世界经济的日益发展以及竞争的日益加剧,越来越多的国家把经济发展的重心由陆地转向海洋,“蓝色经济” 也随 英语翻译请不要用软件翻译啊,由于我国社会基本养老保险制度建立的时间比较短,社会保障的有关制度和法律法规还有待于完善和健全,强制性的基本养老保险的覆盖率很低,严重阻碍了养老保 英语翻译随着社会的日益发展,企业的用功机制越来越灵活,劳务派遣员工就是随着社会分工化不断细分而衍生出来的一种新兴行业.根据全国总工会2007年的统计,在公有制企业、事业单位和机 英语翻译股份回购早自20世纪70年代以来在西方日益成熟的资本运作市场逐步地被广为运用,成为上市公司的主要财务活动之一.近年来,随着我国经济体制的日益完善,上市公司股票回购的案例 英语翻译社区预防青少年犯罪的对策研究以杭州地区为例随着经济的发展和社会的进步,青少年犯罪问题却日益突出.本文以杭州地区为例分析了社区对青少年犯罪的预防工作的现状,明确了青