
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/12/01 18:05:36
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mail package arrived delivery bureau X years X month X day.Opened by double review of packaging is intact.Recovering known as shortage.Original weight was 524g recovery weight is 355g.Short of 169g.The day mail imported,courier had contact the recipient by phone,recipient said that,is not delivery in designated locations,asked arrangements for delivery in the morning of the 21st.When deliver the mail,courier join with recipient to open the package found only iphone4s phone box,inside the box found only mobile phone manual,invoice list,and charger.The recipient claimed that the phone is lost.

The message X x x arrived at the post office.The double open check outer packing.Complex called the lack of original weight,524g355g.The lack of169g.Import the postman and the recipient mail call, the...


The message X x x arrived at the post office.The double open check outer packing.Complex called the lack of original weight,524g355g.The lack of169g.Import the postman and the recipient mail call, the user not to designated locations in the morning of 21 July arrange delivery requirements.Deliver the mail deliverer and users in the open and found pieces of only iphone4s mobile phone packing box,box only mobile phone specification, invoices and red electrical appliances. The user claimed that mobile phone lost.


The package reached to the delivery office on X (Day)X (Month) X (Year). The package was double checked and there was no damage on it. The package was also double weighed while the weigh indicated dif...


The package reached to the delivery office on X (Day)X (Month) X (Year). The package was double checked and there was no damage on it. The package was also double weighed while the weigh indicated differences: 524g for the first time but 355 g for the second time. On the day of import, the postman contact with the receiver but the latter told that he/she was not at the mailing address while the delivery was failed and requested to be arranged in the morning of day 21. The customer opened the package, witnessed by the postman but there was only a packing box of iphone4s left, in which laid phone handbook, invoice and charger. The customer claimed that the phone had been lost.


The package arrived at the delivery facility on [month] [day], [year]. The package are found to be intact after the package being opened by both parties[不清楚原文中的“经双人”具体指的是谁,请楼主视情况修改英文]. After re-weighi...


The package arrived at the delivery facility on [month] [day], [year]. The package are found to be intact after the package being opened by both parties[不清楚原文中的“经双人”具体指的是谁,请楼主视情况修改英文]. After re-weighing, a short weight of 169g was found - original weight was 524g and delivered weight was 355g. On the day of import, the delivery courier contacted the consignee via telephone. The consignee asked to have the package delivered on the morning of 21th, because he was not at the designated address. When the package was delivered, the courier and the consignee opened the package together and only found iPhone carton with only the brochure, invoice, packing list and charger inside. The consignee declared that the cellphone is missing.


The message X x x arrived at the post office. The double open check outer packing. Complex called the lack of original weight,524g355g. The lack of169g. Import the postman and the recipient mail call,...


The message X x x arrived at the post office. The double open check outer packing. Complex called the lack of original weight,524g355g. The lack of169g. Import the postman and the recipient mail call, the user not to designated locations in the morning of 21 July arrange delivery requirements. Deliver the mail deliverer and users in the open and found pieces of only iphone4s mobile phone packing box, mobile phone box only manual, invoices and red electrical appliances. The user claimed that mobile phone lost.


英语翻译邮件X年x月x日到达投递局.经双人开拆复核外包装完好.复称短少,原重524g复重355g.短少169g.邮件进口当日投递员与收件人电话联系,用户表示不在指定地点要求21日上午安排投递.投递该 小华叔叔到速递公司应聘,甲公司每天先付30元,然后每投递一份邮件付2元钱;乙公司每投递一份付3元钱,如用X表示每天投递邮件的份数,那么,在甲公司叔叔每天可得()元 英语翻译请把我的包裹送至邮件办公室交给XX,或者在x月x日后再送过来, 英语翻译兹证明XXX,性别女,出生日期XXX,于X年X月X日至X年X月X日在XXX担任设计工作,在此期间表现优异、工作出众,深得领导肯定和同事赞赏.特此证明兹证明XXX,性别女,出生日期XXX,于X年X月X日至X 英语写时间格式怎么写?X年X月X日X时 英语翻译租赁合同1甲方同意向乙方出租X 房,期限自X年X月X日至X年X月X日,月租金X元(人名币大写)2付租方式:(1) 一次付清:总计X元(人名币大写)(2) 分期付款,每三个月付一次,计X元 求xxxx年x月x日和xxxx年xx月xx日的正则表达式 2010年7月12日到2013年6月8日多少年用x年x月x天表示 解方程:X-0.36*X=16 5.4X+X=12.82012年5月6日上交! 英语翻译请翻译如下句子,勿用翻译软件直接给我,您X日X点X分发给A先生的邮件现已转至我司(XXXXX公司),现报价如下: 求翻译成英语!很短的两句话!急啊!好人帮帮忙!我公司将派遣X先生于X年X月X日至X年X月X日出访英国,参加X公司X展会活动,2010年X月X日离开英国返回.我公司担保申请人遵守所在国法律,按时回国. 2014年有什么大事发生?格式如:x月x日,balabalabala…… 印度洋海啸发生时间05年印度洋海啸发生于X月X日 全球变暖是什么时候发生的?是XXXX年X月X日, “于2007年X月X日在XX中学加入共青团”这句话是不是病句 英语翻译英语翻译 翻译器请绕道谢谢!您好!原本你给我发来邮件说我的订单会在2014年1月8日到达,可现在又推延到1月21日,你们已经超过了很多天,违反了合约,这浪费了我的时间,让我很不悦!请 数字之间表并列用顿号还是逗号?例:我在XX年X月X日 XX年X月X日分别用了X元 X元。请填下标点。 山西2009年之后能看到日食的时间?2009年7月22日看了一次日偏食,下次在何时?(x年x月x日x时x分)