
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 08:56:42
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这位女士想找一位“有趣”的男人,绝顶聪明、英俊不凡、身家丰厚和无条件地爱她.而她的爱好只是购物、睡觉和看电视而已.我认为,我们的婚姻顾问拒绝为她服务是无可厚非的,因为不论怎么看,她自己都算不上是一个“有趣”的人. 不少单身女性会将“共同兴趣”和“沟通”作为主要择偶条件,但对不少男性来说,这些女性难有共同点和难以沟通!比如,没有男人热衷于购物,或能对Chanel手袋发表一番高谈阔论,怎样“沟通”?年轻而美绝全城的肤浅女人可能仍有机会找到很有钱的坏男人,这种婚姻却另具意义.但如果你已不再年轻,又不是美绝全城,问问自己凭什么条件找到质素高及“有趣”的男人? 有不少事业成功型女性,自以为受过“高等教育”而态度嚣张.实在她们拥有的不外是文凭或学位,足以找份好工作吧,但不足以找个好男人.因为她们的知识只限于熟悉的范畴内,眼光狭窄,为人闷透,跟别人没什么话题可谈.就算她们外表姣好,男人多认为她们欠缺魅力,很闷,就像白纸般空洞,没什么启发性. 想做一个“有趣”的女人,首要培养一些兴趣.而刻意做一些事讨好别人,并不会令你成为真正有趣的人,反而会令你看来更愚笨!举个例子,喜欢研究红酒并无不妥,但不少人因为追赶潮流而报读红酒课程,而不是真正喜欢品酒.这些人上了几堂课,死背几个酒名,待文凭到手后,便装作品酒专家,但言谈中又将酒名读错、混淆酿酒地区,令人敬而远之. 再如,在优美的环境下,打高尔夫球既能呼吸新鲜空气,又可舒展身体,本是不错的,但大多数人强迫自己打高球,并不是出于真心喜爱,而是认为高尔夫球是上流社会的专属运动,打高球是追求一份认同感.事实上,大部分中国女性痛恨在阳光下暴晒,装作喜爱打高球并不会令她们更“有趣”,只会令人觉得她们造作而已. 想做个有趣的人,先要对自己诚实.如果你喜欢品茗多于品酒,为何不多花些时间研究普洱或其他茶类呢?我们都是喝茶长大的,对茶有一定的熟悉程度,而茶类的历史、类别、医疗药用价值、泡茶技巧,都很令人着迷.当你将此兴趣化作热诚后,可以参加一些茶会和茶聚,甚至到中国各地和外国学习品茗……这些经历和知识可令你更有趣. 如果你真心喜爱打高尔夫球,而且球技高超,当然没问题,但如果你并不热衷,为何要强迫自己在太阳下暴晒、装作是高尔夫球爱好者呢?那倒不如做自己喜爱的事来得好,如针织、打乒乓球、掷飞碟都无所谓,只要是你真正的兴趣便可.而真正令你感兴趣的活动,会令你身心专注投入其中,燃点心中那团火,热爱之情更会从眼神流露出来. 这才会让你成为真正有趣的女人,令男人觉得你魅力非凡. (按:中文内容乃翻译及撮写版本)Be interested to be interestingI walked into the office the other day and saw a lady crying. One of our Consultants had just turned her down and she was upset about our rejection. Apparently, she was looking for an “interesting” man, highly intelligent, handsome and rich and would love her unconditionally… yet her only hobbies included shopping, sleeping, watching TV and nothing else. Our Consultant’s decision not to accept her was absolutely correct. It would be too much of a challenge to make her sound “interesting”.People who come to us consistently name “common interests” and “communication” as two most important conditions in finding a partner, yet they themselves offer little for anybody to be in “common”, or to “communicate” with! We don’t, for instance, have any men in our data base who is keenly interested in shopping, or capable of conducting any meaningful conversation about Chanel handbags. Young, devastatingly beautiful women may still find men, even sinfully rich men, when they are shallow or blank - albeit such marriages take on other connotations, but if you are neither young nor drop dead gorgeous, please do ask yourself what exactly have you got to offer?Many successful women arrogantly consider themselves “highly educated” when in fact they only have certificates and degrees, which may be enough to find a job but ruefully insufficient to find a man. Their book knowledge is usually restricted only in their field of expertise, beyond which they remain ignorant and disinterested and have little else to talk about. Regardless how they look physically, men find them “unattractive” because they are dull and uninspiring, blank and boring. To be an “interesting” woman, one must first be interested. Doing something to “impress” people seldom makes you interesting; it may back fire and make you look rather silly. For instance, there is nothing wrong if you genuinely like wine, however many are rushing to take wine courses not because they LOVE wine, but because that’s a fashionable thing to do. A couple of courses later, armed with yet another “certificate” and having memorized a few names, they begin to act like connoisseurs - oblivious to people flinching around them as they grotesquely mispronounce names or mix up geographical locations… Golf would be another example. Whilst it is a good game offering fresh air and exercise in a beautiful environment, many are forcing themselves to golf not because they LOVE the game, but because it is an arrogant sport for the “upper crust” where they dearly wish to be identified. The truth is, most Chinese women abhor too much sun, faking an affinity to golf therefore doesn’t make you interesting, it makes you pretentious.The key to become genuinely interesting is to be honest. If you actually prefer tea to wine, why not take time to study Pu Erh ?