
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 03:02:53
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II. 将下列名词变成复数形式:
(1) The _______ are playing football. (boy)
(2) We are _______ , we live in China. (Chinese)
(3) These are Lucy’s _______ . (box)
(4) How many _______ are there in the village? (woman)
(5) One of the ________ is a Young Pioneer. (girl)
(6) I have two (leg) _______ and _______ . (foot)
III. 人称代词的转换:
(1) A friend of _______ will come to visit her this evening. (she)
(2) Are these your pens ? They aren’t ______ . (I)
(3) Would you please give _______ the pencil? (he)
(4) Is this _______ book ? (you)
(5) _______ had an English party last Sunday. (we)
(6) They enjoyed _______ very much at the party. (they)
IV. 用little , a little , few , a few填空:
(1) The question is so hard that very _______ students in our class can answer it .
(2) “Can you speak Chinese ?”“Yes , only _______ .”
(3) There is no milk in my bottle. Could you let me have _______ .
(4) Hurry up ! There is _______ time left.
(5) Lucy has been here for a year . She has made _______ friends .
V. 用下列代词填空:
all, another, any, both, many, much, some, one…the other, other, others, the others
(1) You may keep the book for one month, but you mustn’t lend it to _______ .
(2) There’re fifty students in our class. Twenty of them are girls and _______ are boys .
(3) We don’t have too _______ time.
(4) My sister and I are _______ good at Maths.
(5) We study maths, English and some _______ subjects .
(6) Are there _______ animals on the farm?
(7) There’re forty students in our class. _______ of us are Chinese .
(8) Would you like _______ water?
(9) Mary has two friends. One is Lucy , _______ is Kate .
(10) We have _______ books to read.
VI. A. 将下列词变为形容词形式:
care _______ use _______ wind _______ cloud _______
rain _______ sun _______ friend _______ interest _______
B. 将下列形容词变为副词形式.
easy _______ hard _______ careful _______ early _______
slow _______ quick _______ kind _______ clear _______
usual ________ real _______ bad _______ heavy _________good _________
work _______ teach _______ sing _______ drive ________ write _______
D. 用括号中词的正确形式填空:
(1) I think the tool is very _______ . (use)
(2) Lily had a _______ breakfast and went out . (quick)
(3) We are very _______ to the new student. (friend)
(4) You can _______ find the cinema, it’s not far from our school. (easy)
(5) The teacher asked us to be more _______ . (care)
(6) Tom’s father is a _______ . He works in a factory . (work)
(7) What a _______ day ! (wind)
(8) Look at the panda . How _______ it walks ! (slow)
(9) The story is very (interest)_______ , I’m very _______ in it .
VII. 用动词非谓语形式填空:
(1) It’s very kind of you _______ that for me. (do)
(2) Farmers use trucks _______ their products to the markets . (take)
(3) I’d like _______ (buy)some oranges.
(4) Jack promised _______ to the English party . (come)
(5) Kate is always ready _______ others . (help)
(6) Our teacher likes _______ friends with us . (make)
(7) Cindy often helps me _______ the flowers . (water)
(8) We have _______ the car and wait for the lights to change . (stop)
(9) “Must I _______ home so early ?”(leave). “No , you needn’t .”
(10) You mustn’t _______ football every day . (play)
(11) It takes them three weeks _______ how to drive a car . (learn)
(12) Will you please _______ me your phone number? (tell)
(13) Our teacher asked us _______ these maths exercises . (do)
(14) Jim’s father told him _________ him with the work . (help)
(15) The teacher asked the boy _______ late again . (not be)
(16) You’d better _______to school at once. (go)
(17) It’s raining hard now . You’d better _______ . (not leave)
(18) Do you know how _______ this question ? (answer)
(19) My sister and I enjoy _______ TV very much . (watch)
(20) Does she want _______ the film tomorrow? (see)
(21) Lucy and Lily are busy _______ the classroom now . (clean)
(22) Jack’s father never lets him _______ football after meals. (play)
(23) Mary began _______ English when she was six. (learn)
(24) Mr. Green decided _______ to Beijing by plane . (go)
VIII. 用动词一般现在时填空:
(1) _______ Lucy _______ apples ? (like)
(2) Mary often _______ to school . (walk)
(3) We sometimes _______ football after school . (play)
(4) My parents _______ a car . (not have)
(5) _______ you _______ the answer to the question ? (know)
IX. 用动词现在进行时填空:
(1) You can’t see them . They _______ model ships now. (not make)
(2) _______ Mary _______ an Chinese song now ? (sing)
(3) Jack’s sister _______ TV now . (not watch)
(4) Don’t go out . It _______ hard now . (rain)
(5) Some students _______ in the classroom. (read)
(6) _______ the students _______ the museum now ? (visit)
(7) Don’t make any noise. They _______ a meeting . (have)
X. 用动词一般过去时填空:
(1) Tom _______ TV last night . (not watch)
(2) Jack _______ late for school yesterday. (be)
(3) _______ you ill last week? (be)
(4) _______ Lucy _______ a good time yesterday ? (have)
(5) We _______ shopping last Saturday. (go)
XI. 选用适当的情态动词填空:
(1) “_______ I speak to Jake? ”“Speaking !”
(2) Don’t be late again . You _______ be here on time.
(3) You can’t park your car here . You _______ park it in the car-park .
(4) You _______ play on the street , it’s dangerous .
(5) You _______ talk to friends by telephone .