请问一道托福阅读题但是为啥A不对呢?…"Numerous theories are based on the idea that aggression is an inherent and natural human instinct.Aggression have been explained as an instinct that is directed externally toward others in a proce

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 15:01:56
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请问一道托福阅读题但是为啥A不对呢?…"Numerous theories are based on the idea that aggression is an inherent and natural human instinct.Aggression have been explained as an instinct that is directed externally toward others in a proce

"Numerous theories are based on the idea that aggression is an inherent and natural human instinct.Aggression have been explained as an instinct that is directed externally toward others in a process called displacement,and it has been noted that aggressive impulses that are not channeled toward a specific person or group may be expressed indirectly through socially acceptable activities such as sports and competition in a process called catharsis.Biological or instinctive,theories of aggression have also been put forth by ethologists,who study the behavior of animals in their natural environments.A number of ethologists have,based upon their observations of animals,supported the view that aggression is an innate instinct common to humans."
Question- An ethologist would be most likely to study:
a,learned catharsis in a certain species of monkey
b,the evolution of a certain type of fish
c,the bone structure of a certain type of dinosaur
d,the manner in which a certain male lion fights other males lions.

请问一道托福阅读题但是为啥A不对呢?…"Numerous theories are based on the idea that aggression is an inherent and natural human instinct.Aggression have been explained as an instinct that is directed externally toward others in a proce

D恰恰符合这一条件( fights )

ethologist 生态学家

答案应该是d, 一种雄性的狮子和另外的雄性狮子争斗的方式

请问一道托福阅读题但是为啥A不对呢?…Numerous theories are based on the idea that aggression is an inherent and natural human instinct.Aggression have been explained as an instinct that is directed externally toward others in a proce 此题A为啥不对 请问你托福阅读怎么练的29呀?我快考了 但是做的不好 尤其是最后一道题 b为啥不对呢 为啥C不对呢 我做托福阅读,错得不是特别多,但是每篇几乎必错一道词汇题.RT求帮助,应该怎么办呢?张红岩的托福书已经背完啦.= = NND. 请教一道托福阅读题 谢谢 一道C语言指针的题,为啥选A呢,不太理解… 一道高数求极限的题lim n->0 cotx(1/sinx-1/x)=?等价不穷下在加和减不能用 但是这个拆开用 怎么等于0 这样做不对 为啥呢 陷入思维怪圈了 高中物理.如图看2题.A为啥不对? 第9题A为啥不对 一道线性代数,向量组线性无关的问题,能不能详细的讲一下为啥A不对?第三题. 托福阅读16 听力18 口语24 写作22 求问怎样提高阅读和听力阅读和听力一直上不去,听力是感觉听懂了但是题做不对.阅读感觉做题速度不慢.除了词汇题之外,我觉得其他题做的也挺好的……结果 【托福TPO11阅读】请问哪位大神也考托的,tpo11的第20题,也就是第二篇的第六题,为什么答案不是A呢?百思不得其解啊.明明原文就说的是Weather is overcast 虽然看了答案解析但是还是不能理解那种 线性代数题,求看下我写的对不对...如图,对着书照着公式一步一步弄..但是为啥感觉不对呢一 第二题,为啥d不对 第一题 C为啥不对 有关offer serve provide的一道题My mother is going to _______(提供)more delicious food for my birthday party 答案是offer 但是serve为啥不对,我当初选的是serve.还有provide为什么不行?那么这三个词有什么区别呢