分析一句英语句子的结构与成分There are many tapes of vegetarians,some of whom don't even eat animal products such as milk,eggs,or yougurt.我想问一下some of whom don't even eat animal products such as milk,eggs,or yougurt.中为什

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 16:21:57
分析一句英语句子的结构与成分There are many tapes of vegetarians,some of whom don't even eat animal products such as milk,eggs,or yougurt.我想问一下some of whom don't even eat animal products such as milk,eggs,or yougurt.中为什
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分析一句英语句子的结构与成分There are many tapes of vegetarians,some of whom don't even eat animal products such as milk,eggs,or yougurt.我想问一下some of whom don't even eat animal products such as milk,eggs,or yougurt.中为什
There are many tapes of vegetarians,some of whom don't even eat animal products such as milk,eggs,or yougurt.
我想问一下some of whom don't even eat animal products such as milk,eggs,or yougurt.中为什么要用whom,着重分析一下some of whom.谢谢!

分析一句英语句子的结构与成分There are many tapes of vegetarians,some of whom don't even eat animal products such as milk,eggs,or yougurt.我想问一下some of whom don't even eat animal products such as milk,eggs,or yougurt.中为什
1.从 some 开始是一个定语从句,whom 是关系代词的宾格,指代“素食者”,由于处在介词 of (意思是“之中”)后面,所以要用宾格,some of whom 意为“他们之中有些人”.句子翻译:素食者有多种类型,他们之中有些人甚至不吃动物制品,如牛奶、蛋类或奶酪.
2.又例:There are many students in our school,some of whom come from foreign countries.我们学校里有很多学生,其中有些人来自外国.
3.你可能会问:既然表示“其中有些人”,为什么不用 some of them 用 some of them 也可以,但是一定要用句号与前面的句子隔开,即 There are many students in our school.Some of them come from foreign countries.英语的逗号与句号不能随便替换!逗号只能分隔主句和从句,或分隔两个并列的分句,只有句号才能分隔两个独立的句子.


some of whom整体作为一个定语,相当于that, 而whom 是非限定关系代词,因为of 是介词,所以后面要跟who的宾语whom

There are 句型里 vegetarians作宾语,所以用whom

分析一句英语句子的结构与成分There are many tapes of vegetarians,some of whom don't even eat animal products such as milk,eggs,or yougurt.我想问一下some of whom don't even eat animal products such as milk,eggs,or yougurt.中为什 分析一下这个英语句子的结构和成分Do you know that there is more than one kind of English?还有它属于什么从句? 英语句子结构分析!(荧光笔画的那句) 急需英语高手详细分析下面句子结构成分what做什么成分there are limits to what a society can spend in this pursuit 请分析一句英文的成分(写主语,谓语.)?there iw still some timeleft. 英语句子结构分析 he stood there smoking a cigarette There are a lot of people living in Shanghai.请帮忙分析一下句型结构living in Shanghai在这句句子中时做什么成分. 分析英语句子成分是不是一定要按照句子的结构分析吖 是不是一定要看那个句子的成分来分析吖 英语句子结构分析(该句运用了什么从句?)成分分析One theory discussed in the book is that proposed by George Lozanov. 一句英语句子的结构分析First,there needs to be a certain structure to a situation,a certain predictability that allows you to have a basis for the intuition.这句话不知道如何分析结构,主要是 “to a situation”以及a certain 分析这个英语句子的结构 The Promises We Make to Ourselves还有每个词的成分 There are many different pipa schools,each one of which has its special way of interpreting the classical pieces.一句中的each one of which,在句中充当什么成分,整个句子的语法结构是什么? 求助英语句子结构分析“how I was feeling and things like that.things like that在这句里的成分? 请帮我分析一句英语句子(高中),What would he not have given to be able to see his mother!请帮我翻译一下并且分析一下句子的成分! 简单的英语句子结构分析问题Only when humanity began to get its food in a more productive way was there time for other things.句中there的用法是怎样的? 英语高手帮忙分析下感叹句结构How tall a man Yaoming is!How tall a man Yaoming is!句子的主语是Yaoming,谓语是is,a man 在句中充当什么样的成分? 主谓谓语句:我的讲义,你能抄下来么?那么这句的谓语是什么?分析下整个句子的成分结构. 分析一句英语的句子结构Accepting the truth about what is so places us in a position to learn and move forward.拒绝机译!