It will be a good use of money.怎么翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:40:40
It will be a good use of money.怎么翻译

It will be a good use of money.怎么翻译
It will be a good use of money.怎么翻译

It will be a good use of money.怎么翻译






I think it will be a good idea for us _______ us more than good remains to be seen.A.Whether it will do B.If it will do C.What it will do D.That it will do 为什么选 A ,句意是什么 OK______tell your parents that you will be with us A it is very far farm here B have a good journeyD it takes only 2 hours by train It remains to be seen____it will do us harm or good Unit One Getting along with others错题分析15.Why don’t you come with us?It will be _________.A.a good fun B.good fun C.a good funny D.good funny It will be a good use of money.怎么翻译 My life will be a lot_____than it is now.(good) it would be a good idea if you came out to talk about ICT with us的WOULD能用WILL吗?CAME能用COME吗? ____it will do us harm or good remains to be____it will do us harm or good remains to be seen.A.if Bwhether Cthat Dwhere I will always be good to it. whether it will do us good remains to be seen.帮我解释下,可以用whether吗? ( )it will do us harm or good remains to be seenA.if B.whether C.that D.where it is very important for us to be in a good mood中为何用to be.it指代什么? it is very important for us to be in a good mood中为何用to be.it指代什么? Do you think it will do US good or harm? Do you think it will do us good or harm? it will be good 英语语法请问一下,英语高手.it will be good是什么英语语法.我没有多少分,请见谅.it will be a good story这个有时态么? It will be a good place for children____a vacation. A.take takeand why.