英语填空题 我只觉得不通 很奇怪 sit / study / work / cold / write / think / go / want / great / /snowIt's 12 o'clock at night.It's____and____.So I'm _____in bed with my computer.I'm _____about them,too.I'm now____English in london.I want

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 15:38:06
英语填空题 我只觉得不通 很奇怪 sit / study / work / cold / write / think / go / want / great / /snowIt's 12 o'clock at night.It's____and____.So I'm _____in bed with my computer.I'm _____about them,too.I'm now____English in london.I want
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英语填空题 我只觉得不通 很奇怪 sit / study / work / cold / write / think / go / want / great / /snowIt's 12 o'clock at night.It's____and____.So I'm _____in bed with my computer.I'm _____about them,too.I'm now____English in london.I want
英语填空题 我只觉得不通 很奇怪
sit / study / work / cold / write / think / go / want / great / /snow
It's 12 o'clock at night.It's____and____.So I'm _____in bed with my computer.I'm _____about them,too.I'm now____English in london.I want to go to my hometown one day and____there.
It's 12 o'clock at night.It's____and____.So I'm _____in bed with my computer.I'm _____a letter to my parents.They are in my hometown.They ask me in their letter:How is it ___?And I ___to tell them:It's ____and I'm very well.I'm ____about them,too.I'm now____English in london.I want to go to my hometown one day and____there.

英语填空题 我只觉得不通 很奇怪 sit / study / work / cold / write / think / go / want / great / /snowIt's 12 o'clock at night.It's____and____.So I'm _____in bed with my computer.I'm _____about them,too.I'm now____English in london.I want
it's 12o'clock at night.it's snowing and cold.So I am sitting in bed with my computer.I am thinking about them too.I am now studying English in London.I want to go to my hometown one day and work there.


cold, snowy, sitting, thinking, studying, work.

snowy cold sitting thinking studying work

snow cold sit think study work

midnight, boring, playing, working, studying, stay= =补充了~It's 12 o'clock at night. It's__midnight__and__boring__. So I'm __sitting___in bed with my computer. I'm ___writing__a letter to my parents.The...


midnight, boring, playing, working, studying, stay


英语填空题 我只觉得不通 很奇怪 sit / study / work / cold / write / think / go / want / great / /snowIt's 12 o'clock at night.It's____and____.So I'm _____in bed with my computer.I'm _____about them,too.I'm now____English in london.I want 认识一个朋友,然后他把电话号码告诉我,叫我打给他,但是很奇怪,用手机打不通,只能用固定电话才能打通如题,请问这是为什么哦 如雪的肌肤娇艳如花这句话是否是病句(语意不通),总觉得很奇怪, 别人觉得我很奇怪.我的行为出乎别人意料之外,我感觉奇怪有贬义。 英语翻译好奇怪阿?英文则么理解这个呢?难道我英语逻辑有问题,想不通阿. 并讲解一哈错题!我总觉得很奇怪啊 你不觉得,我很奇怪吗?翻译 请问化学反应式用英语怎么读啊?我觉得很奇怪哦比如:H2+O2=H2O还有SiHCl3 求翻译 成英语 我很奇怪 为什么看Joe和feynman说英语觉得很正常,但多多就觉得好奇怪? 蜻蜓有没有可能长触角呢?我无意中发现一只蜻蜓长有触角,觉得很奇怪.请问蜻蜓有可能会长触角吗?有图~ 你不觉得奇怪吗 英语怎么说 最近很奇怪,很多人都会做,我也会做,但老觉得别扭.我细究其思路时就觉得有地方不对劲,但又不知道哪里不对劲,可怎么都想不通,想了一个星期,本来心情很好,可一想到这道题没解决就心情低 英语填空题The man in the corner admitted to ___The man in the corner admitted to ___a lie to the manage of the company.having told我想不通.我觉得应该用to have told这个不定式.因为撒谎这个行为是在谓语动作“承认” 我觉得你是个奇怪的人用英语怎么说 英语翻译我觉得这个句子好奇怪. 为什么我觉得地理看图没多大用,那些时间题,气压,风向等,我觉得很奇怪很难回答的,怎么办才好、 我感觉到挺奇怪的 英语?a little strange for me可以这么说吗 这么说好吗就是看见一个外国人不会写汉字 但是只写拼音 我觉得很奇怪