
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:38:51
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between Hawthorne's earlier and his later productions there is no solution of literary continuity,but only increased growth and grasp.Rappaccini's Daughter,Young Goodman Brown,Peter Goldthwaite's Treasure,and The Artist of the Beautiful,on the one side,are the promise which is fulfilled in The Scarlet Letter and the House of The Seven Gables,on the other; though we should hardly have understood the promise had not the fulfillment explained it.The shorter pieces have a lyrical quality,but the longer romances express more than a mere combination of lyrics; they have a rich,multifarious life of their own.The material is so wrought as to become incidental to something loftier and greater,for which our previous analysis of the contents of the egg had not prepared us.
The Scarlet Letter was the first,and the tendency of criticism is to pronounce it the most impressive,also,of these ampler productions.It has the charm of unconsciousness; the author did not realize while he worked,that this "most prolix among tales" was alive with the miraculous vitality of genius.It combines the strength and substance of an oak with the subtle organization of a rose,and is great,not of malice aforethought,but inevitably.It goes to the root of the matter,and reaches some unconventional conclusions,which,however,would scarce be apprehended by one reader in twenty.For the external or literal significance of the story,though in strict correspondence with the spirit,conceals that spirit from the literal eye.The reader may choose his depth according to his inches but only a tall man will touch the bottom.
The punishment of the scarlet letter is a historical fact; and,apart from the symbol thus ready provided to the author's hand,such a book as The Scarlet Letter would doubtless never have existed.But the symbol gave the touch whereby Hawthorne's disconnected thoughts on the subject were united and crystallized in organic form.Evidently,likewise,it was a source of inspiration,suggesting new aspects and features of the truth,鈥攁 sort of witch-hazel to detect spiritual gold.Some such figurative emblem,introduced in a matter-of-fact way,but gradually invested with supernatural attributes,was one of Hawthorne's favorite devices in his stories.We may realize its value,in the present case,by imagining the book with the scarlet letter omitted.It is not practically essential to the plot.But the scarlet letter uplifts the theme from the material to the spiritual level.It is the concentration and type of the whole argument.It transmutes the prose into poetry.It serves as a formula for the conveyance of ideas otherwise too subtle for words,as well as to enhance the gloomy picturesqueness of the moral scenery.It burns upon its wearer's breast,it casts a lurid glow along her pathway,it isolates her among mankind,and is at the same time the mystic talisman to reveal to her the guilt hidden in other hearts.It is the Black Man's mark,and the first plaything of the infant Pearl.As the story develops,the scarlet letter becomes the dominant figure,鈥攅verything is tinged with its sinister glare.By a ghastly miracle its semblance is reproduced upon the breast of the minister,where "God's eye beheld it!the angels were forever pointing at it!the devil knew it well,and fretted it continually with the touch of his burning finger!"鈥攁nd at last,to Dimmesdale's crazed imagination,its spectre appears even in the midnight sky as if heaven itself had caught the contagion of his so zealously hidden sin.So strongly is the scarlet letter rooted in every chapter and almost every sentence of the book that bears its name.And yet it would probably have incommoded the average novelist.The wand of Prospero,so far from aiding the uninititated,trips him up,and scorches his fingers.Between genius and every other attribute of the mind is a difference not of degree,but of kind.
Every story may be viewed under two aspects:as the logical evolution of a conclusion from a premise,and as something colored and modified by the personal qualities of the author.If the latter have genius,his share in the product is comparable to nature's in a work of human art,鈥攇iving it everything except abstract form.But the majority of fiction-mongers are apt to impair rather than enhance the beauty of the abstract form of their conception,-- if,indeed,it possess any to begin with.At all events,there is no better method of determining the value of a writer's part in a given work than to consider the work in what may be termed its prenatal state.How much,for example,of The Scarlet Letter was ready made before Hawthorne touched it?The date is historically fixed at about the middle of the seventeenth century.The stage properties,so to speak,are well adapted to become the furniture and background of a romantic narrative.A gloomy and energetic religious sect,pioneers in a virgin land,with the wolf and the Indian at their doors,but with memories of England in their hearts and English traditions and prejudices in their minds; weak in numbers,but strong in spirit; with no cultivation save that of the Bible and the sword; victims,moreover of a dark and bloody superstition,鈥攕uch a people and scene give admirable relief and color to a tale of human frailty and sorrow.Amidst such surroundings,then,the figure of a woman stands,with the scarlet letter on her bosom.But here we come to a pause,and must look to the author for the next step.
For where shall the story begin?A "twenty-number" novel,of the Dickens or Thackeray type,would start with Hester's girlhood,and the bulk of the narrative would treat of the genesis and accomplishment of the crime.Nor are hints wanting that this phase of the theme had been canvassed in Hawthorne's mind.We have glimpses of the heroine in the antique gentility of her English home; we see the bald brow and reverend beard of her father,and her mother's expression of heedful and anxious love; we behold the girl's own face,glowing with youthful beauty.She meets the pale,elderly scholar,with his dim yet penetrating eyes,and the marriage,loveless on her part and folly on his,takes place; but they saw not the bale-fire of the scarlet letter blazing at the end of their path.The ill-assorted pair make their first home in Amsterdam; but at length,tidings of the Puritan colony in Massachusetts reaching them,they prepare to emigrate thither.But Prynne,himself delaying to adjust certain affairs,sends his young,beautiful,wealthy wife in advance to assume her station in the pioneer settlement.In the wild,free air of that new world her spirits kindled,and many unsuspected tendencies of her impulsive and passionate nature were revealed to her.The "rich,voluptuous,Oriental characteristics" of her temperament,her ardent love of beauty,her strong intellectual fibre,and her native energy and capacity,鈥攕uch elements needed a strong and wise hand to curb and guide them,scarcely disguised as they were by the light and graceful foliage of her innocent,womanly charm.Being left,however,for two years "to her own misguidance," her husband had little cause to wonder,when,on emerging from the forest,the first object to meet his eyes was Hester Prynne,"standing up,a statue of ignominy,before the people." She "doubtless was strongly tempted to her fall;" and though the author leaves the matter there,so far as any explicit statement is concerned,it is manifest that,had he written out what was already pictured before his imagination,the few pregnant hints scattered through the volume would have been developed into as circumstantial and laborious a narrative as any the most deliberate English or French novelist could desire.
For his forbearance he has received much praise from well-meaning critics,who seem to think that he was restrained by considerations of morality or propriety.This appears a little strained.As an artist and as a man of a certain temperament,Hawthorne treated that side of the subject which seemed to him the more powerful and interesting.But a writer who works with deep insight and truthful purpose can never be guilty of a lack of decency.Indecency is a creation,not of God or of nature,but of the indecent.And whoever takes it for granted that indecency is necessarily involved in telling the story of an illicit passion has studied human nature and good literature to poor purpose.

"The Scarlet Letter" is the most prominent American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne's masterpiece, but also throughout the United States in the most prestigious Romantic Novel of the authority of the wor...


"The Scarlet Letter" is the most prominent American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne's masterpiece, but also throughout the United States in the most prestigious Romantic Novel of the authority of the works. Fiction story takes place in the mid-seventeenth century, who were under the rule of Calvinism in Boston, the author starting from the prevailing social status quo, through a touching love story of tragedy to expose the right people's mental, spiritual and moral devastation.
* Hester Prynne is a marriage has been the unfortunate woman, young and beautiful, but married to a physical deformity surgery Shi Luojie sickly * Chillingworth Worth, it simply does not love between husband and wife, and later, Roger has lost at sea, stagnate, with Prynne alone live with. when a handsome ambitious young pastor, Arthur Dimmesdale * into her life, their sincere love, and spent the for some privacy, but enthusiastic love life. Soon, Prynne because of the hidden reason of pregnancy exposure for adultery was arrested, in prison, gave birth to daughter Pearl.
In accordance with the prevailing religious rules and Prynne only account for adulterer's name to get a pardon, or they will be punished. However, the task is the implementation of the trial was his lover. Prynne would prefer to endure any punishment alone, in order to bring her and Dimmesdale's buried in deep love between the hearts of her strong hold on the.
* Hester Prynne had been punished, she must wear a life-long red A-embroidered coat. Letter A on behalf of adultery (Adultery) word. Prynne outliers live alone with little Pearl, in the outskirts of a remote hut in the off those lonely life. while the sinister ex-Fu Luojie Dimmesdale found abnormal performance, the use of painful and contradictory feelings of pastors constantly torment him, and was finally promoted to Dimmesdale in his bishop on the eve of the forthcoming , publicly announced his own secret, the people around Dimmesdale to expose the first love of this mantra. When he put his own bras screeching, a scarlet A-word branded on his chest.
Around in his own wife passed away.
* Hester Prynne, his strong, perseverance, faithful to the love. Although we are the rulers found guilty, but she is innocent, pure. Her spirit rising to become truth, goodness and beauty in disguise. She The move is the right of the feudal regime, oppression and teaching of love, human rights and freedoms fully affirmed.
Dimmesdale and Prynne was originally produced a passionate love, even though he was once a retreat for their own comfort can be hidden, but the mental suffering, and not because of his security to quell the contrary, more and more intense. He and Pak's appointment, he pillory the stage of self-confession, their escape plans, and the final public speeches have become Dimmesdale a step toward the altar of love approached footprints. Finally, he side-track T-shirt, when people see a branded on his chest a red A-. The A word is actually branded in his mind, which is the distillation of love.
The authors used roses a symbol of beauty, goodness and the use of prison a symbol of death, with a light, a bird ... ... Dimmesdale and Prynne symbol of love between the crystallization - a small Pearl to his works are full of fascinating Yi Gu resolve.
In the works Finally, in Prynne and Dimmesdale shared tombstone engraved phrase: a cemetery on the blood red of the A-engraved. This is nothing less than meaningful words.或者"The Scarlet Letter" Book
"The Scarlet Letter" is the American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne's most outstanding representative of the United States as a whole romantic story in the most prestigious works of one of the authority.'s Novel The story takes place in the mid-seventeenth century Calvin who were under the rule of the Boston, the author At that time, the social status quo from the start, through a touching love story to expose the tragedy of the spirit of the people, spiritual and moral destruction.
* Hester Prynne is a marriage was on the unfortunate women, young and beautiful, but married to a physical deformity of the sick patients * Shiluo Jie Ling Qi Worth, a lack of love between husband and wife, and later, Roger Also missing at sea, Yaowuyinxun, Prynne lived a lonely life. At this time there is a handsome and ambitious young minister, Arthur Dimmesdale * into her life, they are sincere love, time After a period of privacy but warm love life. In the near future, Blenheim pregnant as a result of the hidden exposure to the crime of adultery was arrested, in prison, gave birth to a daughter, Pearl small.
At that time, in accordance with the rules, the only explanation adulterer Prynne's name in order to be pardoned, they would be punished. However, the implementation of the mandate of the trial but it was his lover. Prynne alone would rather put up with any punishment for her generation and Dimmesdale Seoul between the deeply buried in the hearts of love, she has a strong hold on.
* Hester Prynne was punished, she must be wearing a life-long embroidered red A word of the coat. A letter on behalf of adultery (Adultery) of the word. Prynne Pearl with a small retreat from living alone in remote huts on the outskirts of In those who have been lonely life. Sinister and former Fu Luojie Dimmesdale found the abnormal performance of the minister to use such mixed feelings and suffering, continue to torment him, Dimmesdale finally promoted to bishop in his forthcoming On the eve of, publicly announced their secret, Dimmesdale to expose people around the love of the first carol. When he himself say a few words of bras, of a scarlet A word in defense of his chest. In his own wife who passed away.
* Hester Prynne, his strong, perseverance, love of the faithful. Although the ruled that the guilty, but she has a clean, pure. Her spirit rising to become truth, benevolence and beauty in disguise. She moves on to teach and the right of the feudal regime of oppression under the love, human rights and freedoms fully affirmed.
Prynne and Dimmesdale initially had a red-hot love, although he had to retreat, to cover for their own comfort, but the heart of the suffering has not been affected by his calm and security, on the contrary, more and more strongly. He Prynne and the date, he flails on the stage of self-punishment of repentance, and their escape plans, as well as the final public speeches have become Dimmesdale's love toward the altar of the approaching step by step by step. Finally, he say a few words T-shirt, people see a large cake in his chest A red characters. A word that is actually baked in his mind, this is the distillation of love.
Rose spent by the author with good symbol of the United States, with prison a symbol of death, with a light, a bird ... ... Prynne and Dimmesdale a symbol of love between the crystallization - Pearl so that the work is full of a Charming drive.
In the last works in combination Prynne and Dimmesdale's words inscribed on the tombstone: a cemetery, inscribed A word of the blood red. This indeed is the phrase meaningful!


between Hawthorne's earlier and his later productions there is no solution of literary continuity, but only increased growth and grasp. Rappaccini's Daughter, Young Goodman Brown, Peter Goldthwaite's ...


between Hawthorne's earlier and his later productions there is no solution of literary continuity, but only increased growth and grasp. Rappaccini's Daughter, Young Goodman Brown, Peter Goldthwaite's Treasure, and The Artist of the Beautiful, on the one side, are the promise which is fulfilled in The Scarlet Letter and the House of The Seven Gables, on the other; though we should hardly have understood the promise had not the fulfillment explained it. The shorter pieces have a lyrical quality, but the longer romances express more than a mere combination of lyrics; they have a rich, multifarious life of their own. The material is so wrought as to become incidental to something loftier and greater, for which our previous analysis of the contents of the egg had not prepared us.
The Scarlet Letter was the first, and the tendency of criticism is to pronounce it the most impressive, also, of these ampler productions. It has the charm of unconsciousness; the author did not realize while he worked, that this "most prolix among tales" was alive with the miraculous vitality of genius. It combines the strength and substance of an oak with the subtle organization of a rose, and is great, not of malice aforethought, but inevitably. It goes to the root of the matter, and reaches some unconventional conclusions, which, however, would scarce be apprehended by one reader in twenty. For the external or literal significance of the story, though in strict correspondence with the spirit, conceals that spirit from the literal eye. The reader may choose his depth according to his inches but only a tall man will touch the bottom.
The punishment of the scarlet letter is a historical fact; and, apart from the symbol thus ready provided to the author's hand, such a book as The Scarlet Letter would doubtless never have existed. But the symbol gave the touch whereby Hawthorne's disconnected thoughts on the subject were united and crystallized in organic form. Evidently, likewise, it was a source of inspiration, suggesting new aspects and features of the truth,—a sort of witch-hazel to detect spiritual gold. Some such figurative emblem, introduced in a matter-of-fact way, but gradually invested with supernatural attributes, was one of Hawthorne's favorite devices in his stories. We may realize its value, in the present case, by imagining the book with the scarlet letter omitted. It is not practically essential to the plot. But the scarlet letter uplifts the theme from the material to the spiritual level. It is the concentration and type of the whole argument. It transmutes the prose into poetry. It serves as a formula for the conveyance of ideas otherwise too subtle for words, as well as to enhance the gloomy picturesqueness of the moral scenery. It burns upon its wearer's breast, it casts a lurid glow along her pathway, it isolates her among mankind, and is at the same time the mystic talisman to reveal to her the guilt hidden in other hearts. It is the Black Man's mark, and the first plaything of the infant Pearl. As the story develops, the scarlet letter becomes the dominant figure,—everything is tinged with its sinister glare. By a ghastly miracle its semblance is reproduced upon the breast of the minister, where "God's eye beheld it! the angels were forever pointing at it! the devil knew it well, and fretted it continually with the touch of his burning finger!"—and at last, to Dimmesdale's crazed imagination, its spectre appears even in the midnight sky as if heaven itself had caught the contagion of his so zealously hidden sin. So strongly is the scarlet letter rooted in every chapter and almost every sentence of the book that bears its name. And yet it would probably have incommoded the average novelis