10:2:1,将下列单词或短语按要求分类1short 2 heavy 3watch TV 4 thin 5eat candy6attend gym class 7 sleep with light on 8read comics9chew gum 10get up early 11play games 12straight hair13paint pictures 14medium build 15play on the swim team

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 21:29:10
10:2:1,将下列单词或短语按要求分类1short 2 heavy 3watch TV 4 thin 5eat candy6attend gym class 7 sleep with light on 8read comics9chew gum 10get up early 11play games 12straight hair13paint pictures 14medium build 15play on the swim team
xJA_<@G">Et?;3eBeBlftio~ 銈A"/t!S@[Km?+yu ^F=z< zǾ[ {C$hŒJYK@RfB` 6UgKIL4EB6tQ v-UP*SĞB Zֈ*-аA3 e9fYf9lItP>N[IJ@IQ,[[M . + D u&X /p< N m*3-K~K ttP12N2OrFq zܜOFM+[^ru+LW/fiv$<

10:2:1,将下列单词或短语按要求分类1short 2 heavy 3watch TV 4 thin 5eat candy6attend gym class 7 sleep with light on 8read comics9chew gum 10get up early 11play games 12straight hair13paint pictures 14medium build 15play on the swim team
1short 2 heavy 3watch TV 4 thin 5eat candy
6attend gym class 7 sleep with light on 8read comics
9chew gum 10get up early 11play games 12straight hair
13paint pictures 14medium build 15play on the swim team

10:2:1,将下列单词或短语按要求分类1short 2 heavy 3watch TV 4 thin 5eat candy6attend gym class 7 sleep with light on 8read comics9chew gum 10get up early 11play games 12straight hair13paint pictures 14medium build 15play on the swim team
容貌外表:1short 2 heavy 4 thin 12straight hair
生活习惯:7 sleep with light on9chew gum 10get up early 14medium build (中等身材)
活动爱好:3watch TV 5eat candy 6attend gym class 8read comics11play games 13paint pictures 15play on the swim team

10:2:1,将下列单词或短语按要求分类1short 2 heavy 3watch TV 4 thin 5eat candy6attend gym class 7 sleep with light on 8read comics9chew gum 10get up early 11play games 12straight hair13paint pictures 14medium build 15play on the swim team 将下列单词或词组分类(英语) 将下列单词或短语前的字母填入空格, 将下列表示家庭成员的单词按辈分分类. 按要求将下列物质或结构分类(1)1胰岛素 2消化酶 3手掌上的老茧 4叶绿素 5叶肉细胞 6红细胞 7头皮屑A.细胞的产物_______B.活细胞______C死细胞______ 英语填空 如果能在3月12号1点10分回答给分!按要求写出下列句子括号中所给的单词或短语的相应形式(注意时态,人称和单复数的变化)1Andy_______(go)home at six yesterday.2Today it is______(warm)than yester 将下列单词要求进行分类 salad tea hamburger sandwich将下列单词要求进行分类salad tea hamburger sandwich water milk juice ice cream fish bread cake chicken rice egg beef noodles 分别分入food 和drink 将下列字母或单词按读音分类bag,desk,egg,apple,c,evening,Amy,Ben,D,B,name开音节:开音节:闭音节:闭音节: 2、将下列各数按自定的分类标准,按要求进行分类.-3,+5,-3.1,0,4,12,七分之三,4.9(1)分成两类:2.分成三类 为下列单词或短语选出正确的汉语意思. 根据读音将下列字母、单词分类填入表中 将下列成语按要求分类.(只写序号)1崇山峻岭 2笑逐颜开 3柳暗花明4滥竽充数 5狐假虎威 6不毛之地7拔苗助长 8失魂落魄 9惊慌失措10昂首挺胸 11惊涛骇浪 12破斧成舟(1)描写自然景物的:( 将下列汉字按形声字的要求分类 盅、冲、黎、爬、豁, 按要求将下列动物分类.鲫鱼 羊 青蛙 蚕 鲸 猫 猴 喜鹊 卵生:胎生: 朗读下列单词和短语,然后按照提示进行分类dictionary jane my 按要求将成语分类高瞻远瞩、神机妙算、舍己为人、阴谋诡计、斗志昂扬、好高鹜远、自私自利、垂头丧气 (1)将上述成语按褒义词和贬义词分类.1.褒义词------------------------------------------ 2 将下列单词按音节个数分类swim Saturday school cartoon modern watches towns tomatoes favourite homework boring face单音节单词:双音节单词:多音节单词: 请你用两种不同的的方法将下列8种元素〔或元素符号〕进行分类. H He CN O Na Mg AI《1》 1_________,2_________,分类依据_________.《2》 1_________,2_________,分类依据_________.