M.O.C可以看作是哪三个单词的简写,其意思是什么想要做个战队名,将MOC三个字母看成哪三个单词缩写 而且要有含义

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 18:38:59
M.O.C可以看作是哪三个单词的简写,其意思是什么想要做个战队名,将MOC三个字母看成哪三个单词缩写 而且要有含义
xWߏEWq1']Hps '=u3 =ݓ֧# DHaAWv/g.`vꫯ.N==ѝџG_>==zh|뗏xx/no>~orFGOoM>zr_߿1n[ |ݙܺt1_|7?YY_C].#͵ fYRp'fs+e0x弥[aEY#l<\<ۦ/`=ͺ01XGpH Ň8o,;/?ؼ''Zi}p4QѩlTYw .&C 2&:g-i~vBQ,-vnhaZF6~Y^%fhg5d%NUػR[^:a-2^$;%jS`4*dzц)d2<FĒ,B꺹;sᜢH#:ps\1 j;;:@*8z6JᲘ:j:Ժ,|IΡ0ReR5M5ON:Z~sG݌딚ah[Pp-Ɔ7s5h fIxԡf'Yp 3 VǶǶUOwz\3¢@Iu4w1%*b{(Ka6^ K! ZxW\ǧcW' Uta&{kDRIηz WLQ>:fKs;^*>

M.O.C可以看作是哪三个单词的简写,其意思是什么想要做个战队名,将MOC三个字母看成哪三个单词缩写 而且要有含义
想要做个战队名,将MOC三个字母看成哪三个单词缩写 而且要有含义

M.O.C可以看作是哪三个单词的简写,其意思是什么想要做个战队名,将MOC三个字母看成哪三个单词缩写 而且要有含义
MOC Maintenance of Certification
MOC Ministry of Culture
**** MOC Mission Operations Center
**** MOC Music On Console (console audio player for Linux/UNIX)
**** MOC Mint On Card
**** MOC Member of Congress
**** MOC Models of Computation
**** MOC Mise en Oeuvre Conjointe (French:Joint Implementation; Kyoto Protocol)
**** MOC Mouvement Ouvrier Chrétien (French:Christian Workers Movement; Belgium)
**** MOC Master of Ceremonies
**** MOC Mars Observer Camera
**** MOC Materials of Construction
**** MOC Model of Care
**** MOC Méthode Ouverte de Coordination (French:Open Method of Coordination; EU)
**** MOC Maintenance Operations Center
**** MOC Marriage of Convenience (personal ads)
*** MOC Match on Card
*** MoC Ministry of Coal (India)
*** MOC Military Order of the Cootie (VFW)
*** MOC Massachusetts Oilheat Council
*** MOC Managing Organizational Change
*** MOC Minimum Obstacle Clearance (aviation)
*** MOC Media Operations Center
*** MOC Mobile Operations Center
*** MOC Mission Operations Control (Center)
*** MOC Managed Object Class(es)
*** MOC Military Operations Command (Myanmar)
*** MOC Major Oil Company
*** MOC Mail-Order Company
*** MOC Means of Compliance (aircraft)
*** MOC Medical Operations Center
*** MOC MERS Operations Center
*** MOC Mobile Originated Call (Global System for Mobile Communication)
*** MOC Minimum Oxygen Concentration (for Combustion; Chemical Engineering)
*** MOC Military Operations Center
*** MOC Maintenance Operational Check
*** MOC Marcos Owners Club (automobile club; UK)
** MOC Miata Owners Club
** MOC Mystérieux Objets Célestes (French:mysterious celestial objects)
** MOC Mobile Office Card
** MOC Management and Operating Contractor
** MOC Management Operating Committee
** MOC Materials of Concern
** MOC Mexican Olympic Committee
** MOC Mopar Owners Club (automobile club; various locations)
** MOC Model of Control
** MOC Mission Operations Contract
** MOC Memorandum of Conference (meeting record)
** MOC MILSTAR Operations Center
* MOC Missile Operations Center
* MOC Meteorological Operational Capability
* MOC Method Of Command
* MOC Materials Only Costing
* MOC Maintenance,Operations and Construction
* MOC Maintenance Operating Center
* MOC Margin of Control (criticality)
* MOC Master Ordnance Configuration
* MOC Military Occupational Career (Canadian Forces)
* MOC Modulus of Continuity
* MOC Multiple Orthogonal Code(s)
* MOC Mission Observation Center
* MOC Materiel Operations Center
* MOC Master Operational Computer
* MOC Minimum Overtime Credit (on overtime forms)
* MOC Mission Operations Contractor
* MOC Mission Operations Commander
* MOC Materiel Obligation Code
* MOC Maintenance on Call (technical working environment)
* MOC Middle of Curve (engineering)
* MOC Mississippi Outdoor Club
* MOC Mother of Child
* MOC Mount Olive College
* MOC Murphy Oil Corporation (various locations)
* MOC Multinational Oil Company
* MOC Multiple On Capital
* MOC Mint Original Condition (product description)
* moc Meta Object Compiler (code generator)
* MOC Merchandise Only Credit (retailing)
* MOC Meridional Overturning Circulation
* MOC Member Organizing Committee (various organizations)
* MOC Melody of China (music ensemble; San Francisco,CA)
* MOC Medal of Commendation (Singapore Youth Award)
* MOC Manual of Official Controls (UK)
* MOC Management Oversight Committee (various organizations)
* MOC Means of Communication
* MOC Masculine of Center (gender identity)