can it,get,the,the,with,girl,mouth,flowers,her怎么连词成句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:58:25
can it,get,the,the,with,girl,mouth,flowers,her怎么连词成句
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can it,get,the,the,with,girl,mouth,flowers,her怎么连词成句
can it,get,the,the,with,girl,mouth,flowers,her怎么连词成句

can it,get,the,the,with,girl,mouth,flowers,her怎么连词成句
the girl can't get the flower with her mouth

can it,这个应该是can't吧
The girl can't get the flowers with her mouth.
Can't the girl get the flowers with her mouth?

The girl can get he tflowers with her mouth.

It can get the leaves on the tall trees. Do it ,so you can do it .Climb the hill,so you can get the top. 英语翻译M:There,the room looks really great now that we finally get the furniture.Aren't you glad we made it to the clearance sale?W:En,I still can't get over the huge discounts we got 英语翻译13.M:There,the room looks really great now that we finally get the furniture.Aren't you glad we made it to the clearance sale?W:En,I still can't get over the huge discounts we got. the bus doesn't can't()A.get off it B.get it off Or they may let the food s( ) in the air.Then they float to the food and get it w( ) their mouthsBits of food that stay in the air can go into astronauts' n( ) when they're breathing where can I get the can it,get,the,the,with,girl,mouth,flowers,her怎么连词成句 If I can get the job,I'll do all I can do it well改错 谜语It is aplace full of knowledge.we can get the books without .what is it? It's like it can just kinda get in the air 不懂哎 it's worth a fraction of what the farmer can get if it's perfect. He can it tell the right time because his w( )doesn it work. I can’t take it anymore.I’ve had enough of your...I can’t take it anymore.I’ve had enough of your garbage.I can’t believe a word you say.You never tell the truth!Enough is enough!Knock it off.Don’t bother me.Get out of my face.Get lost..W Put the medicine ____you can easily get it A.wPut the medicine ____you can easily get it A.when B.where C.that D.which Where can I take the No.6 bus?you can __ at the third crossing A.get it on B.get on it为什么答案选B 英语问题doing it like this can help you get the actiondoing it like this can help you get the actionA.beautiful B.goodC.right D.well Can you tell me the way on the hospital?it's not far.You can get there on ________.