谁有关于全球气温变暖的英文文章或英文报告 加中文翻译

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谁有关于全球气温变暖的英文文章或英文报告 加中文翻译
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谁有关于全球气温变暖的英文文章或英文报告 加中文翻译
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谁有关于全球气温变暖的英文文章或英文报告 加中文翻译
The consequences of global warming
According to xinhua the United States the world watch institute researchers recently warned that global climate warming will cause global agricultural output,probably in the next century appear the lack of food situation.The researchers on the analysis of the United Nations and the U.S.national academy of sciences released information and the world rice market trend view came to this.
The world watch research thinks,the global climate warming and groundwater levels fall will become a global grain supplies the direct cause,global rice prices reflected in this trend.
The United States government released statistics show that even in global grain harvest last year,wheat and corn prices fell,rice prices still rose 30%,to $260 per ton.
The U.S.national academy of sciences published last year a report,rice growing season abnormal temperature rise will make harvest by.In addition,in many parts of the world the groundwater level fell,and the well appears dry up problems,also will constitute the influence on food production.
How to slow down global warming
Scientists put forward a bold idea,to build a around the earth by small particles or the space shuttle composition of artificial space ring,cover tropical sunshine,regulating the earth's temperature.
But some opponents say the idea will certainly have some side effects,a can effectively to the sun a scattering of particles with will make our every night sky all become during a full moon and as bright; And this budget will be a plan is surprisingly high,to perhaps 6 trillion to 200 trillion dollars,and even the global capital of most enough scientific research institutions NASA also cannot undertake,if the scattering particles to the space shuttle words,agency will have less,can estimate down to about $500 billion.
The earth since birth,atmospheric temperature had a few degrees up and down,solar radiation,cloud cover and greenhouse gas and all kinds of other factors have been or are affecting our climate.If the earth surrounds a particle or a ship of "belt" if,over the equator will appear a shadow,to deploy these particles,you must use some special control ship,like collie as looking after particle swarm.
The last century,the earth's temperature rises significantly,the future one hundred years this trend will continue,many studies have proved that the earth temperatures will increase in the next few centuries 1 to 20 degrees,sea level rise significantly,some coastal city will disappear.Some scientists pointed out,reduce the light of the sun,the earth's temperature will be low,and some of the ground or space system can achieve this goal.However,scientists point out that people are unable to calculate the earth really can absorb much sunshine,and how many sunlight is reflected back into space,and that is the key step in the plan implementation.
American scientists research shows that,the ancient Chinese farmers who had made the world avoid activities to enter a new ice age.The results shows that human activities cause of global warming is not a new phenomenon,it may run for thousands of years.Britain's observer newspaper recently quoted researchers words,cut down the tree and the first piece of land reclamation of prehistoric farmers to make the earth's atmosphere methane and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide content produced very big change,global temperatures so pick up gradually.The United States,a professor at the university of Virginia's the matter 路 radi,said:"if it weren't for early agricultural activities to bring greenhouse gas,at present the earth's temperature is likely or the temperature of ice age." Research shows that,and if there are no human intervention,the earth would be lower than it is now 2 degrees Celsius,the spread of ice cover and ice will affect many parts of the world.Human emissions of some gases such as carbon dioxide,methane,LvFuTing has the function of infrared ray radiation absorption,these gases are called "greenhouse gas".They are present in large amounts in the atmosphere,as a cover,the quantity of heat to send out the way.Just as the "greenhouse",causing the surface temperature rise.Scientists put this phenomenon is called the "greenhouse effect".There is a saying:think caused by greenhouse effect is the main cause of global warming.This is the scientists examining the nearly one hundred years to carbon dioxide emissions and increase the temperature rise of the correlation and put forward.Think control greenhouse gas emissions,may control the global climate warming,prevent the destruction of ecological balance,agricultural variation,glacial melting disasters.Of course,according to the modern environmental science research,to the greenhouse effect and global wait gas warming related degree,still further exploration.But people really have felt global warming and the exception,in this respect,the scientists proposed control greenhouse gas emissions may be to prevent it.
Global warming is the cause of two aspects:plenty of burning coal and natural gas produce greenhouse gas emissions; To cut down the original forest,makes the ability to absorb carbon dioxide.The atmosphere and surface this system is like a huge "glass greenhouse",make the surface continue to a certain temperature,and produced the suitable for human and other biological survival environment.In this system,not only can let the sun radiation atmosphere through to the ground,and at the same time,can prevent the radiant floor loss,we put the atmosphere to the ground of the protection of the atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect.Greenhouse gas called "greenhouse gases",they can let the sun shortwave radiation free through,and at the same time,can absorb the surface of a wave radiation.These gases have a carbon dioxide and methane,CFC,ozone,nitrogen oxide and water vapor,etc,among which are carbon dioxide.Nearly years of global climate are gradually warming,meanwhile,the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases in the content has increased dramatically.Many scientists think,a large number of greenhouse gas emissions caused by increased greenhouse effect may be the basic cause of global warming.
Greenhouse gas emissions of human activities include:all the fossil energy by burning activity emissions of carbon dioxide.In the fossil energy,coal highest carbon content,oil is the second smallest,and natural gas is lower; Fossil energy in the process of mining coal gas,natural gas leak emissions of carbon dioxide and methane; Cement,lime,chemical and other industrial production process carbon dioxide emissions; Rice paddies,ruminants such as cows and sheep animal digestion process methane; The change of land use to reduce carbon dioxide absorption; Waste disposal methane and oxygen