
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:45:05
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That day I told the story of Sima Guang drop tank, and then ask questions. My intention is to give students Sima Guang smart or witty, brave and the like, and then make the best students to learn. Stu...


That day I told the story of Sima Guang drop tank, and then ask questions. My intention is to give students Sima Guang smart or witty, brave and the like, and then make the best students to learn. Students have raised their hands, and actively speak it makes me warm and happy.
the first question a student almost makes me depressed out.
she asked: teacher, what is the tank?
I faint! your junior high school, and do not know what is the tank? Hey! Also, how can tank the city now, no wonder kids do not know. Most students see the same puzzled look at me, I had to draw on the blackboard had a cylinder shape, to tell you, the cylinder is a common household containers.
second student question is: where to buy the tank? How much is one?
I said, this issue is not important, the next one!
to the student asked me: very important, the teacher, if the cylinder is very expensive, I will not be home to the most expensive computer I smashed it?
I glared at him, it Sima Guang-cylinder is not home. The next student!
third student asked: What cylinder is used for?
is a super naive question. A student cut in and said: \
I had to explain that: In ancient times, each with a cylinder is designed to catch water.
fourth student immediately asked: their homes are often without water or less water it?
view of history lesson for students is really important. Shall be construed: was no running water, people are taking to the river or well water tank every day existence.
not even tap water, indicating that ancient people stupid, or our modern understanding. The student issued with emotion.
fifth of students: where to put the tank?
You idiot! I said to myself. I am a bit impatient, and rebuked the teacher telling a story he has just why go? Is not without carefully listening? I clearly told on the yard for a while you Zhanzhao Ting!
his defense: the teacher I have been listening, I mean is that the cylinder placed on where in the yard? A wall or door of the court or the Court under the eaves or the hospital in the middle?
could I know! Sima Guang, have left no detailed description of the memoirs, say it all fell into place where children do not go? Do not look for excuses to continue doing it now!
sixth students: Why did not cover that tank?
child if the lid will not fall down. Say should be said that the ancient people of Health ah, no cover, dust, dirt what insects are inside out, people will get sick eating ... ... ... ...
This is what I like what it! Has a lid, and fell to one side. I realized that this question is not a way to go, bunch of stupid fix will be out of touch on faint and had to come up with the old time-tested way to comprehend the question and strong good student. I motioned Sports Committee.
Sports Committee: \Was going to say and I head meter eighty tall, but I have not seen such a high cylinder, can be too short Sima Guang also do not save.
Labour members see my hands: so high, how the child up for?
a ladder or jumping from a height into the? I can not go up for. How big rock? Sima Guang, how much? Sima Guang told the teacher when your child is, he hugged move large stones? If the water tank was not deep enough, the children do not fall into danger, they do not save. This guy I have ashen face despite the self-serving to go on.
As to save enough to prove that the water tank or a full tank of deep water. Can withstand the pressure of so much water that the tank did not break the cylinder wall is thick enough to strong enough. Sima Guang, since just little kids, hold not move big stones, then he took a small stone that is thick enough to shatter solid enough vats it? No way! Even if he took out 铁杵磨成针 spirit, about to drop under the patient until the smashed so far, even if he ultimately smashed the tank really, that a child drowned early estimates, so ... ...
Stop ! I stopped him to go on. This kid was really good in physics. I hope in the final squad leader who: Sima Guang hit cylinder from the story of what you get inspired?
squad leader to stand up to see the students looking forward to the eyes, took a deep breath: \> vomited blood, and I stumble on the podium. Sima Guang! Why did you drop tanks?


2.24克铁粉和50ml稀硝酸刚好完全反应(硝酸还原产物是NO).向反应后所得溶液中加入50ml0.2mol/l的KI溶液,碘离子恰好被氧化成单质碘,求原稀硝酸的物质的量浓度 1.68克铁粉和100ml稀硝酸刚好完全反应(硝酸还原产物是NO).向反应后所得溶液中加入NaOH溶液,恰好使铁元素化为沉淀,过滤放置一会后得固体ag,(1)求a的值(2)此硝酸的物质量浓度范围(3)假 将5.6g铁粉投入足量的100ml 2mol/L稀硫酸中,2min时铁粉刚好完全溶解 下列关于这个反应的反应速率表示正确将5.6g铁粉投入足量的100ml 2mol/L稀硫酸中,2min时铁粉刚好完全溶解下列关于这个反应的反 将100g铁粉置于400mL较浓的硝酸中,微热完全反应时,收集到二氧化氮和一氧化氮混合气体在标准状况下为1...将100g铁粉置于400mL较浓的硝酸中,微热完全反应时,收集到二氧化氮和一氧化氮混合气 将1.68g铁粉投入100mL稀硝酸中,两物质恰好完全反应,硝酸的还原产物全部是NO.向反将1.68g铁粉投入100mL稀硝酸中,两物质恰好完全反应,硝酸的还原产物全部是NO.向反应后的溶液中加入一定量的Na 铁粉和足量的稀硝酸反应,和过量的铁粉与稀硝酸反应有没有差别? 关于化学中金属与硝酸反应将10g铁粉置于40mL较浓的硝酸中,微热完全反应时,收集到NO2和NO混合气体共1792mL(标准状态下),还残留4.4g固体.求1)该反应中被还原的硝酸和未被还原的硝酸的物质 关于化学中金属与硝酸反应将10g铁粉置于40mL较浓的硝酸中,微热完全反应时,收集到NO2和NO混合气体共1792mL(标准状态下),还残留4.4g固体.求1)该反应中被还原的硝酸和未被还原的硝酸的物质 问一道高一化学简单计算题 将5.6g铁粉投入足量的100ml 2mol/L稀硫酸中,2min时铁粉刚好完全溶解将5.6g铁粉投入足量的100ml 2mol/L稀硫酸中,2min时铁粉刚好完全溶解下列关于这个反应的反应速率表示 铁粉和氧化铁粉末的混合物共48.8g,加入到700ml的稀硫酸中,恰好完全反应,得到氢气0.1mol,向反应后的...铁粉和氧化铁粉末的混合物共48.8g,加入到700ml的稀硫酸中,恰好完全反应,得到氢气0.1mol,向反 把48.8克铁粉和氧化铁粉末的混合物,溶于200ml稀硫酸中,恰好完全反应,在标况下收集到氢气2.24L……把48.8克铁粉和氧化铁粉末的混合物,溶于200ml稀硫酸中,恰好完全反应,在标况下收集到氢气2.24L 少量铁粉和过量铁粉分别溶于稀硝酸 实验研究发现,硝酸发生氧化还原反应时,硝酸的浓度越稀,对应还原产物中氮元素的化合价越低.现有一定量的铝粉和铁粉的混合物与100ml某浓度的硝酸充分反应,反应过程中无气体放出.在反应 铁粉和硝酸反应式 已知铁和某硝酸溶液反应的还原产物是NO.若将5.6克铁粉投入100ml的稀硝酸溶液中,铁粉全部溶解硝酸也无剩余,则此硝酸可能的物质的量浓度为A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 将48.8克氧化铁粉末和铁粉混合物投入到200mL的稀硫酸中……将48.8g氧化铁粉末和铁粉混合物投入到200mL的稀硫酸中,恰好完全反应,标况下放出氢气2.24L,此时溶液中滴加KSCN溶液无现象.问:(1) 铁粉和硝酸恰好完全反应,质量比2:9,求起氧化作用硝酸质量 将一百克铁粉置于四百毫升较浓的硝酸中,微热完全反应时,收集到NO2和NO混合气体在标准状况下为17.92L...将一百克铁粉置于四百毫升较浓的硝酸中,微热完全反应时,收集到NO2和NO混合气体在标