These clothes are of good quality 这句话中的of是什么用法

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 21:41:24
These clothes are of good quality 这句话中的of是什么用法
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These clothes are of good quality 这句话中的of是什么用法
These clothes are of good quality 这句话中的of是什么用法

These clothes are of good quality 这句话中的of是什么用法
这里是be of的用法,下面是我找到的,你看看对你有帮助
一、“be of+抽象名词”,这时的of短语相当于这个名词的同根形容词,作为表语表示主语的性质或特征.of的意思是“具有、具备”等,常用于该结构的名词常见的有
of use=useful;of nouse=useless;of importance=important等.如:
The matter is of great importance.=The matter is very important.
在形容词前常用very来修饰,在“of+抽象名词”结构中,名词前常用great, much等来修饰.再如It is of great importance for college students to master a foreign language.
=It is very important...对大学生来说,掌握一门外语是很重要的.
二、“be of+集合名词或其它类型的名词”,相当于belong to或have.of表示归属关系或“有”的意思.如:The army and the people are of one family.
=The army and the people belong to one family.军民是一家.
三、“be of+物质名词”表示主语是“用某种材料构成或制作的”,相当于be made of或be built of.如:Our building was of bricks.=Our building was built of bricks.
四、be of+(表示种类、颜色、年龄、形状、价格等)名词,多用来表示主语的特征.这类结构的主语可以是人,也可以是物,其中的of可以省略.常用于该结构的名词有:kind,age,colour,size,height,shape,type,way,price等.如:
Several of the stamps were of the unusual kind.其中几张邮票是不同种类的.
The two boys are of the same age.这两个男孩年龄相同.
She is of a different way of thinking.她的思维方式与众不同.
These two kinds of article are of the same price.这两种物品价格相同.
五、“be of+名词”也可以表示“来源、组成”.如:
He was of a poor peasant family.他出身贫农家庭.
The committee is of seven people.该委员会由7人组成.
六、“be of+形容词的最高级”相当于one of.如:
Mr.Wang is of the best teachers in our school.
=Mr Wang is one of the best teachers in our school.

be of ..指某物处于。。。的状态=be
be of 用法 be of 结构用法很灵活,在句中可作表语,后置定语或宾补. 一,"be of+ 表示年龄( age ),大小( size ),颜色( color ), 重量( weight ),高度( height ),价格( price ),意见( opinion ), 形状 shape ) 种类 kind ) (...


be of ..指某物处于。。。的状态=be
be of 用法 be of 结构用法很灵活,在句中可作表语,后置定语或宾补. 一,"be of+ 表示年龄( age ),大小( size ),颜色( color ), 重量( weight ),高度( height ),价格( price ),意见( opinion ), 形状 shape ) 种类 kind ) ( , ( 和方法 way ) ( 等的名词", 表示"具有……", 说明主语的特征.例如: When I was of your age, I entered the war. 当我是你这个年龄的时候,我就去打仗了. These flowers are of different colors. 这些花的颜色都不同
