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八十年代债务危机 1981年—1982年
The debt crisis in 1981 eighty - 1982
1981年,危机从墨西哥开始.其到期的公共债务本息达到268.3亿美元,墨西哥无力支付本息,要求国外银行准许延期 支付,但是遭到拒绝.政府不得不在1982年夏宣布无限期关闭兑汇市场,暂停偿付 外债等措施,从此爆发了债务危机.其后,巴西、阿根廷、秘鲁等国家也相继告急.如果拉美国家 发生倒帐,作为债主的西方几百家大银行将不堪设想.
In 1981, the crisis began in Mexico. The maturity of public debt and interest of $26830000000, Mexico cannot afford to pay the principal and interest, requirements of foreign bank extension of payment, but was rejected. The government had declared a closed indefinitely foreign exchange market in the summer of 1982, suspend repaying debt and other measures, from the outbreak of the debt crisis. Subsequently, Brazil, Argentina, Peru and other countries also have an emergency. If Latin American countries have bad debt, creditor Western hundreds of big banks will be unbearable to contemplate.
1990年以来,世界先后发生多次经济危机:美国1987年危机 1990年的日本房产泡沫 1994-1995年墨西哥金融危机以及1997年东南亚金融危机等涉及范围较广、影响较大的金融危机
美国1987年危机 1987年—1992年
1987 1987 - 1992 American crisis
In October 19, 1987, it is a "black Monday", the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 508 points, or 22.61%, the day before the closing, the Dow 2246.74 points to close at 1738.74 points. Since that day fall Dow has the history of second - row. This "crash" USA outbreak, also caused the collapse of global stock market synchronization. January 17, 1991 - February 28th, the USA led multinational forces launched the Gulf war. About two and a half years experience at the beginning of this crisis (1987 October to early 1990), and then experienced a deterioration stage for three quarter (1990), and again after the crisis at a later stage of history about two and a half years, lasted five years and three months.
日本房产泡沫 1990年
The Japanese real estate bubble in 1990
Japan outbreak in twentieth Century 90's economic crisis, known as Japan's "lost ten years". The crisis in 1991 on the big securities fraud scandal for the outbreak of a sudden turn for the worse, economic situation, from the bubble boom to recession and depression.
墨西哥金融危机 1994年—1995年
The financial crisis in Mexico in 1994 - 1995
亚州金融危机 1997年—1998年
The Asian financial crisis in 1997 - 1998
互联网泡沫危机 2000年—2001年
The Internet bubble crisis in 2000 - 2001
回顾三百年世界经济历史 迄今为止出现的以滞胀为特征(生产停滞或缓慢发展和通货膨胀现象)的严重世界性经济 分别是1973年至1975年 第十八次经济危机 1979年至1982年第十九次经济危机
A review of world economic history of three hundred years so far appear to stagflation characterized (production stagnation or slow development and the phenomenon of inflation) severe world economic respectively from 1973 to 1975 eighteenth economic crisis from 1979 to 1982 nineteenth economic crises
一般来说,出现经济危机时市场需求减少,消费低迷,导致物价指数下降,CPI降低,高速通货膨胀的现象不会出现,除非某些特殊因素 比如战争 滥发货币等.
Generally speaking, the economic crisis, the market demand, consumer downturn, leading to price index drops, CPI reduced, a high rate of inflation does not occur, unless some special factors such as war overissue currency.
像这种靠年代内驱力带动的高膨胀率 在繁荣期通过工资福利的提高带动的旺盛需求来消化,通胀造成的货币贬值还可以通过工资福利的提高来抵消 但是危机年代里碰上高通胀的问题,情况就变得尤其恶劣,百业萧条,原料价格上升导致企业成本上升,大部分中小企业举步维艰 面临停工半停工破产倒闭的危险,失业率大幅上升,工作没有保障,工资会福利会缩水减少,而且手中的钱因通胀而变得不值钱.捂紧钱袋子不敢消费,除了基本的生活花销外,其他的消费市场必定萎靡,进一步加剧了萧条.
Like the time drive to drive the high expansion rate to digest in the boom by strong demand wage welfare improvement driven by inflation, currency devaluation can also through the wages and welfare increase to offset but the crisis years with high inflation problem, the situation becomes especially bad, All business languishes., raw material prices lead to rising the rise in the cost of enterprise, the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises have faced off half down the danger of bankruptcy, sharply rising unemployment, job insecurity, wages would reduce welfare will shrink, but in the hands of money due to inflation and become worthless. Wujin pocketbook not consumption, in addition to the basic living expenses, other consumer market will slump, further exacerbated the depression.
为什么会在这两个经济危机年代出现高物价高膨胀的现象,通过年代的相关性规律性就很容易解释得通,物价该涨的年代必涨,该跌的年代必跌.大道致简的道理,正如三百年世界经济的繁荣 衰退往返循环一样,有高峰就有低谷,并且按照预定好的年代执行,该涨就涨,该跌就跌.正如调好的闹钟,到了那个点比必被激发敲响.