
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:02:30
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理论认为 黑洞是一种引力极强的天体,就连光也不能逃脱


理论认为 黑洞是一种引力极强的天体,就连光也不能逃脱
黑洞的产生过程类似于中子星的产生过程;恒星的核心在自身重量的作用下迅速地收缩,发生强力爆炸。当核心中所有的物质都变成中子时收缩过程立即停止,被压缩成一个密实的星球,同时也压缩了内部的空间和时间。但在黑洞情况下,由于恒星核心的质量大到使收缩过程无休止地进行下去,中子本身在挤压引力自身的吸引下被碾为粉末,剩下来的是一个密度高到难以想象的物质。由于高密度而产生的力量,使得 黑洞


Black hole production process is similar to the process of neutron stars; star core of the self weight quickly under contraction occurs, a powerful explosion. When the nuclear heart all the material i...


Black hole production process is similar to the process of neutron stars; star core of the self weight quickly under contraction occurs, a powerful explosion. When the nuclear heart all the material into a neutron when the contraction process stop immediately, to be compressed into a compact star. But in the case of black holes, because the core of the star quality is so great that the contraction process indefinitely indefinitely, neutron itself in the extrusion of gravity to attract crushed powder, the remainder is a high density to unimaginable substance. Due to the high density and strength, the black hole anywhere near its objects are sucked into it.Can be simple to understand: usually star initially only containing hydrogen, hydrogen atom moments within stars collide, fission, fusion. Because the stars are massive, fission and fusion energy and stellar gravitational contend, to maintain the stability of stellar structure. Because the fission and fusion of hydrogen atoms, the internal structure of the final change, rupture and the composition of the new element -- helium. Then, the helium atoms are also involved in fission and fusion, change the structure, formation of lithium. By analogy, in accordance with the periodic table of elements of order, it will turn a beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen and other generation. Until the iron element is generated, the star will collapse. This is because iron is quite stable in fission or fusion, and iron elements exist in stellar interior, leading to its interior does not have enough energy and massive stars gravity counterbalance, causing the collapse of a star, eventually forming a black hole. With the white dwarf and neutron stars, black holes may also be a mass greater than 20 solar masses of stellar evolution and come. When an aging star, its thermonuclear reaction has run the center fuel ( hydrogen ), the energy generated by the center is running out. In this way, it is no longer enough strength to bear the weight of enormous shell. So in the case of under pressure, core begins to collapse, until the final formation of small volume, high density stars, to have ability and pressure balance. Material will inexorably toward the center of March, until it becomes a very small volume, large density trend. And when it's radius once to a certain degree of contraction ( smaller than the Schwarzschild radius), a huge attraction to make even light can not radiating from the star, thus cut off all contact with the outside world --" black hole" was born.
