
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:56:12
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查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin电影作品列表:(一共 299 个电影作品)
作为导演查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin的电影作品(数量:47)"The American Experience" Mary Pickford ------- (2005)
香港女伯爵 A Countess from Hong Kong ------- (1967)
The Chaplin Revue ------- (1959)
纽约王 A King in New York ------- (1957)
舞台春秋/舞台生涯 Limelight ------- (1952)
凡尔杜先生/杀人的喜剧/杀人狂时代 Monsieur Verdoux ------- (1947)
大独裁者 The Great Dictator ------- (1940)
摩登时代 Modern Times ------- (1936)
城市之光 City Lights ------- (1931)
马戏团 The Circus ------- (1928)
淘金记/寻金热 The Gold Rush ------- (1925)
巴黎一妇人 A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate ------- (1923)
朝圣 The Pilgrim ------- (1923)
发饷日/发薪日 Pay Day ------- (1922)
弃儿的故事/寻子遇仙记 The Kid ------- (1921)
有闲阶级/无业游民 The Idle Class ------- (1921)
光明面 Sunnyside ------- (1919)
快乐的一天 A Day's Pleasure ------- (1919)
狗的生涯 A Dog's Life ------- (1918)
债券 The Bond ------- (1918)
从军记/大兵日记 Shoulder Arms ------- (1918)
The Cure ------- (1917)
移民 The Immigrant ------- (1917)
冒险家 The Adventurer ------- (1917)
安乐街 Easy Street ------- (1917)
救火员 The Fireman ------- (1916)
凌晨一点 One A.M. ------- (1916)
当铺 The Pawnshop ------- (1916)
百货店巡视员 The Floorwalker ------- (1916)
The Count ------- (1916)
溜冰场 The Rink ------- (1916)
警察 Police ------- (1916)
在银幕后面 Behind the Screen ------- (1916)
流浪汉/街头提琴手 The Vagabond ------- (1916)
Shanghaied ------- (1915)
公园 In the Park ------- (1915)
流浪汉 The Tramp ------- (1915)
银行 The Bank ------- (1915)
A Night in the Show ------- (1915)
A Night Out ------- (1915)
新工作 His New Job ------- (1915)
冠军 The Champion ------- (1915)
工作 Work ------- (1915)
在海边 By the Sea ------- (1915)
女郎女狼 A Woman ------- (1915)
计程车上的私奔 A Jitney Elopement ------- (1915)
The Rounders ------- (1914)
作为演员查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin的电影作品(数量:118)Old Hollywood: Silent Stars, Deadly Secrets ------- (2007)
Geraldine en España ------- (2006)
Boffo! Tinseltown's Bombs and Blockbusters ------- (2006)
"The American Experience" Mary Pickford ------- (2005)
Douglas Fairbanks: The Great Swashbuckler ------- (2005)
The Forgotten Films of Roscoe Fatty Arbuckle ------- (2005)
Cecil B. DeMille: American Epic ------- (2004)
Final Cut: The Making and Unmaking of Heaven's Gate ------- (2004)
Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust ------- (2004)
Chaplin Today: A King in New York ------- (2003)
Chaplin Today: The Kid ------- (2003)
Chaplin Today: The Gold Rush ------- (2003)
Chaplin Today: The Circus ------- (2003)
电影之光:卓别林的艺界人生 Charlie: The Life and Art of Charles Chaplin ------- (2003)
Chaplin Today: Monsieur Verdoux ------- (2003)
Chaplin Today: Modern Times ------- (2003)
Outlaw Comic: The Censoring of Bill Hicks ------- (2003)
Chaplin Today: City Lights ------- (2003)
Chaplin Today: A Woman of Paris ------- (2003)
Charlie Chaplin - Les années suisses ------- (2003)
The Tramp and the Dictator ------- (2002)
Chaplin Today: Limelight ------- (2002)
Captured on Film: The True Story of Marion Davies ------- (2001)
Without Lying Down: Frances Marion and the Power of Women in Hollywood ------- (2000)
"Canada: A People's History" ------- (2000)
第72届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 72nd Annual Academy Awards ------- (2000)
第71届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 71st Annual Academy Awards ------- (1999)
"Biography of the Millennium: 100 People - 1000 Years" ------- (1999)
Charlie Chaplin: A Tramp's Life ------- (1997)
Birth of a Nation ------- (1997)
"Biography" Sophia Loren: Actress Italian Style ------- (1997)
Sports on the Silver Screen ------- (1997)
Mary Pickford: A Life on Film ------- (1997)
Judy Garland's Hollywood ------- (1997)
The Roaring Twenties ------- (1996)
Chaplin's Goliath ------- (1996)
The Casting Couch ------- (1995)
赛璐路壁橱 The Celluloid Closet ------- (1995)
Jackie Mason: An Equal Opportunity Offender ------- (1995)
Entertaining the Troops ------- (1994)
卓别林/卓别灵传 Chaplin ------- (1992)
A Tribute to the Boys: Laurel and Hardy ------- (1992)
The Chaplin Puzzle ------- (1992)
Oscar's Greatest Moments ------- (1992)
Hollywood Sex Symbols ------- (1988)
The Secret Life of Sergei Eisenstein ------- (1987)
A Good Turn Daily ------- (1983)
变色龙/西力传 Zelig ------- (1983)
Unknown Chaplin ------- (1983)
Hollywood Outtakes ------- (1983)
Ken Murray Shooting Stars ------- (1979)
希特勒:职业生涯 Hitler - eine Karriere ------- (1977)
It's Showtime ------- (1976)
America at the Movies ------- (1976)
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? ------- (1975)
The Gentleman Tramp ------- (1975)
Chaplinesque, My Life and Hard Times ------- (1972)
香港女伯爵 A Countess from Hong Kong ------- (1967)
The Funniest Man in the World ------- (1967)
Hollywood My Home Town ------- (1965)
米高梅公司的喜剧电影回顾 The Big Parade of Comedy ------- (1964)
三十欢乐世界 30 Years of Fun ------- (1963)
Hollywood Without Make-Up ------- (1963)
Nickelodeon Days ------- (1962)
Days of Thrills and Laughter ------- (1961)
滑稽大王 When Comedy Was King ------- (1960)
The Chaplin Revue ------- (1959)
纽约王 A King in New York ------- (1957)
舞台春秋/舞台生涯 Limelight ------- (1952)
Screen Snapshots: Memories of Famous Hollywood Comedians ------- (1952)
Herrliche Zeiten ------- (1950)
凡尔杜先生/杀人的喜剧/杀人狂时代 Monsieur Verdoux ------- (1947)
大独裁者 The Great Dictator ------- (1940)
Ewige Jude, Der ------- (1940)
摩登时代 Modern Times ------- (1936)
城市之光 City Lights ------- (1931)
Show People ------- (1928)
马戏团 The Circus ------- (1928)
淘金记/寻金热 The Gold Rush ------- (1925)
朝圣 The Pilgrim ------- (1923)
巴黎一妇人 A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate ------- (1923)
发饷日/发薪日 Pay Day ------- (1922)
弃儿的故事/寻子遇仙记 The Kid ------- (1921)
有闲阶级/无业游民 The Idle Class ------- (1921)
光明面 Sunnyside ------- (1919)
快乐的一天 A Day's Pleasure ------- (1919)
狗的生涯 A Dog's Life ------- (1918)
债券 The Bond ------- (1918)
从军记/大兵日记 Shoulder Arms ------- (1918)
移民 The Immigrant ------- (1917)
安乐街 Easy Street ------- (1917)
The Cure ------- (1917)
冒险家 The Adventurer ------- (1917)
警察 Police ------- (1916)
当铺 The Pawnshop ------- (1916)
凌晨一点 One A.M. ------- (1916)
百货店巡视员 The Floorwalker ------- (1916)
救火员 The Fireman ------- (1916)
The Count ------- (1916)
流浪汉/街头提琴手 The Vagabond ------- (1916)
在银幕后面 Behind the Screen ------- (1916)
溜冰场 The Rink ------- (1916)
公园 In the Park ------- (1915)
工作 Work ------- (1915)
新工作 His New Job ------- (1915)
女郎女狼 A Woman ------- (1915)
冠军 The Champion ------- (1915)
流浪汉 The Tramp ------- (1915)
在海边 By the Sea ------- (1915)
Shanghaied ------- (1915)
银行 The Bank ------- (1915)
A Night in the Show ------- (1915)
A Night Out ------- (1915)
计程车上的私奔 A Jitney Elopement ------- (1915)
Kid Auto Races at Venice ------- (1914)
Tillie's Punctured Romance ------- (1914)
The Rounders ------- (1914)
Making a Living ------- (1914)
作为编剧查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin的电影作品(数量:49) "The American Experience" Mary Pickford ------- (2005)
卓别林/卓别灵传 Chaplin ------- (1992)
The Adding Machine ------- (1969)
香港女伯爵 A Countess from Hong Kong ------- (1967)
The Chaplin Revue ------- (1959)
纽约王 A King in New York ------- (1957)
舞台春秋/舞台生涯 Limelight ------- (1952)
凡尔杜先生/杀人的喜剧/杀人狂时代 Monsieur Verdoux ------- (1947)
大独裁者 The Great Dictator ------- (1940)
摩登时代 Modern Times ------- (1936)
城市之光 City Lights ------- (1931)
马戏团 The Circus ------- (1928)
淘金记/寻金热 The Gold Rush ------- (1925)
巴黎一妇人 A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate ------- (1923)
朝圣 The Pilgrim ------- (1923)
发饷日/发薪日 Pay Day ------- (1922)
弃儿的故事/寻子遇仙记 The Kid ------- (1921)
有闲阶级/无业游民 The Idle Class ------- (1921)
光明面 Sunnyside ------- (1919)
快乐的一天 A Day's Pleasure ------- (1919)
狗的生涯 A Dog's Life ------- (1918)
从军记/大兵日记 Shoulder Arms ------- (1918)
债券 The Bond ------- (1918)
移民 The Immigrant ------- (1917)
The Cure ------- (1917)
冒险家 The Adventurer ------- (1917)
安乐街 Easy Street ------- (1917)
在银幕后面 Behind the Screen ------- (1916)
凌晨一点 One A.M. ------- (1916)
The Count ------- (1916)
警察 Police ------- (1916)
当铺 The Pawnshop ------- (1916)
溜冰场 The Rink ------- (1916)
救火员 The Fireman ------- (1916)
流浪汉/街头提琴手 The Vagabond ------- (1916)
百货店巡视员 The Floorwalker ------- (1916)
在海边 By the Sea ------- (1915)
计程车上的私奔 A Jitney Elopement ------- (1915)
公园 In the Park ------- (1915)
新工作 His New Job ------- (1915)
银行 The Bank ------- (1915)
冠军 The Champion ------- (1915)
工作 Work ------- (1915)
女郎女狼 A Woman ------- (1915)
Shanghaied ------- (1915)
A Night in the Show ------- (1915)
流浪汉 The Tramp ------- (1915)
A Night Out ------- (1915)
The Rounders ------- (1914)
作为制片人查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin的电影作品(数量:31)香港女伯爵 A Countess from Hong Kong ------- (1967)
The Chaplin Revue ------- (1959)
纽约王 A King in New York ------- (1957)
舞台春秋/舞台生涯 Limelight ------- (1952)
凡尔杜先生/杀人的喜剧/杀人狂时代 Monsieur Verdoux ------- (1947)
大独裁者 The Great Dictator ------- (1940)
摩登时代 Modern Times ------- (1936)
城市之光 City Lights ------- (1931)
马戏团 The Circus ------- (1928)
淘金记/寻金热 The Gold Rush ------- (1925)
朝圣 The Pilgrim ------- (1923)
巴黎一妇人 A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate ------- (1923)
发饷日/发薪日 Pay Day ------- (1922)
弃儿的故事/寻子遇仙记 The Kid ------- (1921)
有闲阶级/无业游民 The Idle Class ------- (1921)
快乐的一天 A Day's Pleasure ------- (1919)
债券 The Bond ------- (1918)
从军记/大兵日记 Shoulder Arms ------- (1918)
狗的生涯 A Dog's Life ------- (1918)
移民 The Immigrant ------- (1917)
安乐街 Easy Street ------- (1917)
冒险家 The Adventurer ------- (1917)
The Cure ------- (1917)
溜冰场 The Rink ------- (1916)
The Count ------- (1916)
百货店巡视员 The Floorwalker ------- (1916)
流浪汉/街头提琴手 The Vagabond ------- (1916)
救火员 The Fireman ------- (1916)
在银幕后面 Behind the Screen ------- (1916)
当铺 The Pawnshop ------- (1916)
凌晨一点 One A.M. ------- (1916)
作为原创音乐查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin的电影作品(数量:16) Por un amor ------- (2005)
电影之光:卓别林的艺界人生 Charlie: The Life and Art of Charles Chaplin ------- (2003)
Pokhorony Stalina ------- (1990)
The Gentleman Tramp ------- (1975)
香港女伯爵 A Countess from Hong Kong ------- (1967)
The Chaplin Revue ------- (1959)
纽约王 A King in New York ------- (1957)
舞台春秋/舞台生涯 Limelight ------- (1952)
凡尔杜先生/杀人的喜剧/杀人狂时代 Monsieur Verdoux ------- (1947)
大独裁者 The Great Dictator ------- (1940)
摩登时代 Modern Times ------- (1936)
城市之光 City Lights ------- (1931)
马戏团 The Circus ------- (1928)
淘金记/寻金热 The Gold Rush ------- (1925)
巴黎一妇人 A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate ------- (1923)
从军记/大兵日记 Shoulder Arms ------- (1918)
作为电影剪辑查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin的电影作品(数量:37)城市之光 City Lights ------- (1931)
马戏团 The Circus ------- (1928)
淘金记/寻金热 The Gold Rush ------- (1925)
朝圣 The Pilgrim ------- (1923)
巴黎一妇人 A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate ------- (1923)
发饷日/发薪日 Pay Day ------- (1922)
弃儿的故事/寻子遇仙记 The Kid ------- (1921)
有闲阶级/无业游民 The Idle Class ------- (1921)
光明面 Sunnyside ------- (1919)
快乐的一天 A Day's Pleasure ------- (1919)
从军记/大兵日记 Shoulder Arms ------- (1918)
狗的生涯 A Dog's Life ------- (1918)
移民 The Immigrant ------- (1917)
冒险家 The Adventurer ------- (1917)
The Cure ------- (1917)
安乐街 Easy Street ------- (1917)
在银幕后面 Behind the Screen ------- (1916)
百货店巡视员 The Floorwalker ------- (1916)
The Count ------- (1916)
救火员 The Fireman ------- (1916)
溜冰场 The Rink ------- (1916)
当铺 The Pawnshop ------- (1916)
流浪汉/街头提琴手 The Vagabond ------- (1916)
凌晨一点 One A.M. ------- (1916)
Shanghaied ------- (1915)
银行 The Bank ------- (1915)
女郎女狼 A Woman ------- (1915)
流浪汉 The Tramp ------- (1915)
A Night in the Show ------- (1915)
在海边 By the Sea ------- (1915)
公园 In the Park ------- (1915)
计程车上的私奔 A Jitney Elopement ------- (1915)
冠军 The Champion ------- (1915)
工作 Work ------- (1915)
新工作 His New Job ------- (1915)
A Night Out ------- (1915)
The Rounders ------- (1914)
作为其他职员查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin的电影作品(数量:1)舞台春秋/舞台生涯 Limelight ------- (1952)