麻烦帮忙看看这个英语句子对不对,The noise pollution is as the same as the air pollution is bad for our health.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:58:32
麻烦帮忙看看这个英语句子对不对,The noise pollution is as the same as the air pollution is bad for our health.
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麻烦帮忙看看这个英语句子对不对,The noise pollution is as the same as the air pollution is bad for our health.
The noise pollution is as the same as the air pollution is bad for our health.

麻烦帮忙看看这个英语句子对不对,The noise pollution is as the same as the air pollution is bad for our health.
不对,The noise pollution as well as air pollution is bad for our health.

而这句话出现了两个is 。

the noise pollution as well as air pollution is bad for our health.

麻烦帮忙看看这个英语句子对不对,The noise pollution is as the same as the air pollution is bad for our health. 帮忙看看这个英语句子对不对,They just slept and slept,waiting for a huge stone falling and doing nothing. 麻烦看看这个英语句子resigned from the company neither because i was ill nor because i felt the salary was too low.这个句子的主语是什么啊.帮忙从句子结构上给分析分析 麻烦懂英语的看看这几题对不对 帮忙看看这几个英语句子对不对我可以用For what purpose is the daily talk given?这个句子问daily talk的目的是什么?那Do you think the purpose of this daily talk is to tell you not to watch Super girl?这个句子对吗?stand 帮忙看看对不对啊! I like the person who has a big eyes.看看这个句子对不对? 看看这个英语句子对不对.Patience is a quality every job needs,not only for teachers. 大家帮我看看这个英语句子对不对?要求用过去时来写的:she wants to look at the boys swam 如果不对,应如何改正? 英语 看看这个句子对不对Children listen to the older tell stories.是tell 还是 to tell我想说 孩子们听老人讲故事。 麻烦各位大侠看看这个分段函数画得对不对 麻烦大家来看看这句子对不对she wore a long skirt which was swept the ground 英语句子看看这个句子对不对?一个句子里能有两个be 动词吗There are two students are playing badminton. 帮忙看看这个数学题的答案对不对怎么做的? 帮忙看看这个用protues画的电路对不对? 求英语高手帮忙看一下这个句子对不对!I'm not the man who will walk this road together,through the storm? 帮忙看看我做得对不对,英语高手进! 一个英语句子给我看看对不对Have you small change?这个句子对吗?不要用got?