英语语法高手一点进哦1,It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows ______A.it what to do withB.what to do it withC.what to do with itD.to do what with it1,这个题目有很多人解释过,一时说是省略一

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 13:03:21
英语语法高手一点进哦1,It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows ______A.it what to do withB.what to do it withC.what to do with itD.to do what with it1,这个题目有很多人解释过,一时说是省略一
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英语语法高手一点进哦1,It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows ______A.it what to do withB.what to do it withC.what to do with itD.to do what with it1,这个题目有很多人解释过,一时说是省略一
1,It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows ______
A.it what to do with
B.what to do it with
C.what to do with it
D.to do what with it
1,这个题目有很多人解释过,一时说是省略一是说是固定搭配 ,搞蒙了,求高手进行详细权威的分析
2,what to do with sth 和how to deal with是固定搭配吗?

英语语法高手一点进哦1,It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows ______A.it what to do withB.what to do it withC.what to do with itD.to do what with it1,这个题目有很多人解释过,一时说是省略一
看句子后面:government knows.
首先看出后面有疑问词,what要提前,后面不定式what to do结构很熟悉.而with it只是一个状语,[关于这件事]不知道做什么(what to do).这道题选C,但是与你问的问题2无关.
【what to do】
【what to do (with it)】
【how to (deal with) it】
【what to (deal with)】
[deal with]处理
(1)在这里deal是一个不及物动词,所以说处理某事(A)不能直接加在后面说deal A,于是才有了deal with.固定搭配.deal with A,处理A.加宾语时deal with是一个整体,不可拆.
(2)with是一个介词,后面必须加宾语.也就是说deal with后面就句号完了,那也是错误的.必须有一个with什么东西.
(3)相比之下关于do和deal有本质区别,do是一个及物动词,后面加宾语,做某事,do sth.
what 提问,后面少一个宾语,what就是那个宾语,提到前面来问.如果没有what句子会不完整.
【what to do】to do what
【what to do (with it)】to do what with it
【how to (deal with) it】to deal with it (how)
【what to (deal with)】to deal with what

是how to deal with it你掉了it, what to do with中what做 do with的宾语,how修饰to deal with it是副词

问:1,这个题目有很多人解释过,一时说是省略一是说是固定搭配 ,搞蒙了,求高手进行详细权威的分析
答:选C答案what to do with it
假设我们把后面的government knows what to do with it中的“what”用plan tree 来代替。
the government knows to plan tree with it


问:1,这个题目有很多人解释过,一时说是省略一是说是固定搭配 ,搞蒙了,求高手进行详细权威的分析
答:选C答案what to do with it
假设我们把后面的government knows what to do with it中的“what”用plan tree 来代替。
the government knows to plan tree with it
如果不知道plan tree 肯定要用Do 来代替,就出现了what to do with it
问:2,what to do with sth 和how to deal with是固定搭配吗?
答: 不是的
how to deal with 是错误的 应该是how to deal with it
what to do with sth 中的what 代表的是do 后面的宾语。我们试着补充完整可以这样说
to help people with the money. what =help people
how to deal with it 中的how 代替的是后面的方式,我们试着补充完整可以这样说。
to deal with it by giving me help. how = by giving me help
how to deal with. 这么说是错误的,这样一来with后如果没有宾语就不完整了。补充完整就是
to deal with by giving me help. 明显with 后面还差东西


1 a it 后面不跟名词性从句
b dowith 固定词组,不分开
d 无法翻译
than 后面省略 the land
2 是的

英语语法高手一点进哦1,It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows ______A.it what to do withB.what to do it withC.what to do with itD.to do what with it1,这个题目有很多人解释过,一时说是省略一 英语语法改错高手进1,It is no doubt that we will find out the truth sooner or later.这里面为什么要把it改为there?It is no doubt that 和 there is no doubt that 之间区别是什么?2,It is difficult for you to get a room face the la It'sa small city.把这句话变成感叹句.( ) ( ) ( ) city it is! 真正英语语法高手请进1,Mr Li thinks ______ necessary to vist the Effiel Towel in Paris.A,it is B,that is C,that D,that it这个题选择什么?为什么?2,She was ill yesterday.______ she did not come to school.A,No wonder B,so that 这两 求高中英语语法高手 高中英语语法,it is 的强调用法如题 英语语法:it is +adjective +of ...+(not) to-infinitive 用英语说中国用餐礼仪(英语高手进)用“it is impolite”或“it is polite”说说中国用餐礼仪,简单一点(初二水平),最好不要有错误,“it is impolite”和“it is polite”各说3条. Is that Jane?Yes,it'sA.she B.her C.hers D.I Whose shoes are these?______Jin`sA.they`re B.It is C.they`re 理由 is this an ( )?no,it'sa clockA,eraser  B,key  C,telephone is your final exam difficult?no,it'sa piece of cake to me.翻译 英语语法,高手HELP HELP~!1 He is ____much of a gentleman to fight.A so B as C very D too(为什么这里不选A,要选D呢?翻译为如此多,不可以吗?) 2 How long ____?A you suppose did it last B do you suppose it lastedC did yo what is it?和what it is?有什么区别详细一点哦 英语语法高手一定要进哦Oh, your brother has arrived already. I _____be ____ tomorrow.A, think, is coming B, thought ,was coming C, thought ,will come D,think, will come.疑惑:1,这个想是我现在想还是过去的想?2,第二个空 英语语法高手进哦1,How did you____ the movie last niight?----oh ,both interesting and instructive.A,find B,feel C,think到底用什么?好像AB都行他们有什么区别?2,Thinking that you know_____ in fact you don't is not a good idea.疑 英语语法高手帮忙来检查一下这句话有没有什么错误~Maybe the life is what keep some sweet memories in mind and just keep moving for new life .Maybe that`s it. 初一英语语法,全一点