英语四级复习时遇到的问题洒泪四级!复习复得心急火燎的!发现了很多问题,It enrolls 90,000 students,a statistic used to support its claim to be the largest private university in the country.(请帮忙分析句子的语法

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:36:09
英语四级复习时遇到的问题洒泪四级!复习复得心急火燎的!发现了很多问题,It enrolls 90,000 students,a statistic used to support its claim to be the largest private university in the country.(请帮忙分析句子的语法
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英语四级复习时遇到的问题洒泪四级!复习复得心急火燎的!发现了很多问题,It enrolls 90,000 students,a statistic used to support its claim to be the largest private university in the country.(请帮忙分析句子的语法
It enrolls 90,000 students,a statistic used to support its claim to be the largest private university in the country.(请帮忙分析句子的语法结构,句子的意思是知道的了)
Students themselves seem to understand the weaknesses inherent in the setup.(为什么inherent形容词放在名词 weaknesses 后面?)
what service come with that?(此句子是不是省略了什么,请补充!感觉不合语法)

英语四级复习时遇到的问题洒泪四级!复习复得心急火燎的!发现了很多问题,It enrolls 90,000 students,a statistic used to support its claim to be the largest private university in the country.(请帮忙分析句子的语法
"It enrolls 90,000 students",算是主句,后面的一长串的是修饰这句话的,used to support its claim statistic 的,its claim 是support的宾语,to be the largest private university in the country是针对“its claim”的.
inherent是修饰the weaknesses ,如果把inherent放weaknesses前面,其实也行的,应该算是单纯的句子结构调整,避免前长后短类的

我觉得你前面两个句子是不是漏打了一些东西??第一个句子是不是漏了标点符号?第二个句子是不是漏打了个and在weaknesses 和inherent in the setup之间?第三个句子是对的,没有省略,that在这里是个指代名词。比如说:I see that。就是:我看见那个了。