英语翻译1 从某种意义上讲,微笑不仅可以使人愉快,还可以帮我们解决生活中的小问题,这就是我们要多微笑的原因 (in a way)2 看管一个用计算机语言进行交流的足球队是很滑稽的。(wat

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 11:43:26
英语翻译1 从某种意义上讲,微笑不仅可以使人愉快,还可以帮我们解决生活中的小问题,这就是我们要多微笑的原因 (in a way)2 看管一个用计算机语言进行交流的足球队是很滑稽的。(wat
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英语翻译1 从某种意义上讲,微笑不仅可以使人愉快,还可以帮我们解决生活中的小问题,这就是我们要多微笑的原因 (in a way)2 看管一个用计算机语言进行交流的足球队是很滑稽的。(wat
1 从某种意义上讲,微笑不仅可以使人愉快,还可以帮我们解决生活中的小问题,这就是我们要多微笑的原因 (in a way)
2 看管一个用计算机语言进行交流的足球队是很滑稽的。(watch over)
3 因特网上有很多有关如何防止计算机免受病毒袭击的网站。(protect from)
4 这位机智的足球队员在比赛中向队友发出了传球给他的信号。(signal)
5 同大多数青年人一样,他喜欢追求时尚(in common with)
6他没有练习,所以,他在这次比赛中失败了 (as a result)
7 这些花看起来是真的,但是事实上它们是假的 (artificial)
8 这个盒子里总共有十本书,包括三本英语书 (contain)
9Tom 差点在事故中丢命,幸运的是,最终他脱险了。(in danger of)
13Mary非常同情那些在地震中失去家园的人(have mercy on)
14我不知道怎样打发我的业余时间(deal with)
15你能否在我外出度假的时候帮我照看一下花(watch over)

英语翻译1 从某种意义上讲,微笑不仅可以使人愉快,还可以帮我们解决生活中的小问题,这就是我们要多微笑的原因 (in a way)2 看管一个用计算机语言进行交流的足球队是很滑稽的。(wat
1In a sense,a smile can make people happy,but also can help us to solve small problems in life,which is why we have to smile
2In charge of a computer language to communicate with the football team is very funny
3There are a lot of information about how to prevent computer virus attacks on websites on the Internet
4The wisdom of the football players in the game to teammates gave a pass to his signal
5And like most young people,he likes the pursuit of fashion
6He didn't practice,so,he failed in the match
7The flowers look really,but in fact they are fake
8A total of ten books in the box,including three English books
9Tom almost killed in the accident,luckily,he eventually escaped.
10If you can teach me how to use the computer and I would be grateful
11We must pay more attention to the protection of wildlife damage
12The sudden change in the weather may affect your health
13Mary is very sympathetic to those who lost their homes in the earthquake.
14I don't know how to spend my spare time
15Can you in my vacation time to help me look after the flowers

1.In a way, smile can not only cheer people up , but also help us solve some small problems occurring in our life.That is why we should smile more.
2. It is quite funny to watch over a football ...


1.In a way, smile can not only cheer people up , but also help us solve some small problems occurring in our life.That is why we should smile more.
2. It is quite funny to watch over a football team in which people communicate with computer languages.
3. On the internet there are many websites that can tell us how to protect our computers from the
computer virus .
4. The clever football players gave his teammates a signal of passing the ball to him.
5. In common with most of the teenagers, he likes following the trendency of fashion.
6. He did not practice a lot. As a result ,he failed the match.
7. These flowers seem to be real ;However, they are artificial in fact.
8. There are 13 books in the box ,containing 3 English books.
9. Tom almost died in the accident.But luckily enough ,he finally got out of danger.
10. I would appreciate it if you can teach me how to use a computer.
11. We must pay close attention to how to protect the wildlife.
12 The sudden change of the weather will possibly affect your health.
13. Mary has much mercy on those people who lost their homes in the earthquake.
14 .I don't know how to deal with my spare time.
15. Can you watch over my flowers when I am out ?


英语翻译1 从某种意义上讲,微笑不仅可以使人愉快,还可以帮我们解决生活中的小问题,这就是我们要多微笑的原因 (in a way)2 看管一个用计算机语言进行交流的足球队是很滑稽的。(wat 英语翻译1 从某种意义上讲,微笑不仅可以使人愉快,还可以帮我们解决生活中的小问题,这就是我们要多微笑的原因 (in a way)2 看管一个用计算机语言进行交流的足球队是很滑稽的。(wat “从某种意义上来说”英语翻译 什么叫从某种意义上讲?怎么造句? 乌迪尔从某种意义上讲他有几种动物属性 乌迪尔从某种意义上讲他有几种动物属性 乌迪尔从某种意义上讲他有几种动物属性 为什么从某种意义上讲,是劳动创造了人本身?求大神帮助 英语翻译从某种意义上讲,一个人一生能获一次诺贝尔奖就可谓功成名就,不虚此生了.能两次获得诺贝尔奖的人不说绝无仅有,也可谓真正意义上的凤毛麟角.这样的“凤毛麟角”全世界只有数 从法律意义上讲的瑕疵 翻译:从某种意义上,用英语怎么说 “从某种意义上说” 用英语怎么说啊? 拿破仑战争从某种意义上说是第一次世界大战 从某种意义上来说,这句是废话吗? 从蒙娜丽莎神秘的微笑上,你准备怎样评价这幅世界名画的作者用不仅--------还----- 英语翻译1 即使没有较高的学历,你也可以成为向成龙一样的电影明星或者比尔盖茨那样的成功的商人2 尽管从某种意义上说,大学教育有助于成功,但是不是决定你生活中成功的因素.3正如俗话 中国传统文化在某种意义上 他不仅会讲汉语而且会讲英语翻译