各位英语高手,麻烦帮我翻译一下这篇文章,非常感谢Singapore airlines is one of the most successful airlines in the world ,the main reason for this is its strong brand management,because the airline has no domestic flights ,it had to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 14:08:49
各位英语高手,麻烦帮我翻译一下这篇文章,非常感谢Singapore airlines is one of the most successful airlines in the world ,the main reason for this is its strong brand management,because the airline has no domestic flights ,it had to
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各位英语高手,麻烦帮我翻译一下这篇文章,非常感谢Singapore airlines is one of the most successful airlines in the world ,the main reason for this is its strong brand management,because the airline has no domestic flights ,it had to
Singapore airlines is one of the most successful airlines in the world ,the main reason for this is its strong brand management,because the airline has no domestic flights ,it had to compete for international routes ,straight away ,This difficult start led to stand out from the other major airlines .Singapore airlines invested greatly in research and development .they aimed to offer the best technology and excellent customer service
One of the most important aspects of the brand was the cabin crew when the airline was launched in 1972,it employed the French designer,Piere balmain ,to design the uniform ,he created a spacial version of the Malaysian sarong ,the image of the Singapore Airfine flight stewardess in her strong became one of the best known in the air travel industry .it illustrated the brand values of hospitality and customer care ,singapore airlines ran a very detailed training programme for the cabin crew to make sure that the brand was always fully delivered,their slogan,a great way to fly also emphasized the high quality of the brand

各位英语高手,麻烦帮我翻译一下这篇文章,非常感谢Singapore airlines is one of the most successful airlines in the world ,the main reason for this is its strong brand management,because the airline has no domestic flights ,it had to
其品牌的一个最重要方面是它的乘务组,1972年推出首条航线的时候,它雇佣了法国的设计师 Piere balmain 来设计制服,他创造了马来西亚围裙的一个独特版本,新加坡航空空中小姐的形象作为其强项成为了在整个航空业中最闻名的.它还展现了好客与客户关怀的品牌价值,新加坡航空公司为乘务人员进行了非常详细的培训计划,以确保其品牌文化能够被充分的传达.他们的口号--“飞跃万里,超越一切”同样也强调了其高质量的品牌文化.

这个品牌最重要的一方面是乘务员.当这个航空公司建于1972年,它请了法国的设计师Piere balmain去设计制服.他...


这个品牌最重要的一方面是乘务员.当这个航空公司建于1972年,它请了法国的设计师Piere balmain去设计制服.他创造了一种特别的马拉西亚sarong版本.新加坡的女乘务员的形象闻名于世在航空旅游业中.这说明了品牌的价值在于接待和客服.新加坡航空公司经营了一个非常详细的训练计划,确保乘务员都明白一个品牌总是完全交付.他们的口号是:一个伟大的飞行还强调高质量的品牌.







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