
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/18 15:01:59
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I am in favor of keeping pets,however my parents don't allow me to do so.They think keeping pets is troublesome.I used to raise three dogs but all of them died in less than five days.From then on,keeping pets is forbidden in my family.Now I want to raise a snake because it is a cool idea.But again my parents disagree.Animals are like human beings,so we should treat them well.I have to give up the idea in order to keep them safe.

I am in favor of keeping pets, but the family does not allow, because it is a very troublesome thing. Having been previously raised three dogs did not all live off the whole 5 days, then i no longer b...


I am in favor of keeping pets, but the family does not allow, because it is a very troublesome thing. Having been previously raised three dogs did not all live off the whole 5 days, then i no longer be allowed to keep dogs at home I am in favor of keeping pets, but the family does not, because it is a very troublesome thing. Have been previously raised three dogs did not all live off the whole 5 days, then on will no longer be allowed to keep dogs at home. Now I would like to keep snakes, it sounds cool. But also rejected by their families. Animals are living creatures, we should all be well cared for, in order to their life safety, I can only give up keeping the.
. Now I would like to keep snakes, it sounds cool. But also rejected by their families. Animals are living creatures, we should all be well cared for, in order to their life safety, I can only give up keeping the.


I am in favor of keeping pets, but the family does not, because it is a very troublesome thing. Have been previously raised three dogs did not all live off the whole 5 days, then on will no longer be ...


I am in favor of keeping pets, but the family does not, because it is a very troublesome thing. Have been previously raised three dogs did not all live off the whole 5 days, then on will no longer be allowed to keep dogs at home. Now I would like to keep snakes, it sounds cool. But also rejected by their families. Animals are living creatures, we should all be well cared for, in order to their life safety, I can only give up keeping the.


I am in favor of keeping pets, but the family does not, because it is a very troublesome thing. Have been previously raised three dogs did not all live off the whole 5 days, then on will no longer be ...


I am in favor of keeping pets, but the family does not, because it is a very troublesome thing. Have been previously raised three dogs did not all live off the whole 5 days, then on will no longer be allowed to keep dogs at home. Now I would like to keep snakes, it sounds cool. But also rejected by their families. Animals are living creatures, we should all be well cared for, in order to their life safety, I can only give up keeping the.


英语翻译我很赞成养宠物,但家里却不允许,因为是个很麻烦的事.以前也曾养过3条狗,全没都活过5天,从此以后家里便不再允许养狗.现在我想养条蛇,听起来很酷.但也被家人否决.动物也是生命, 英语翻译身边有很多朋友,都很疼爱家里养的宠物如狗,猫等各种小动物但他们却很爱吃肉. 被家里养的宠物老鼠(仓鼠)咬了怎么办昨天晚上不小心被自己养的宠物老鼠咬了一下手指头,挺疼的,那时手很湿,虽然被咬的地方没有出血,但我还是随便用清水清洗了一下.可是第二天却发现被 古老的数学题如果我身上只有100元,可以买多少食物给1只流浪狗和1只流浪猫?(能吃得下的)附近有流浪的小动物,看他们可怜,怎么买,买什么家里不允许养这里没宠物收留所,很惨的 但我却忘不了 英语翻译 假如你的妈妈不允许你在家里养狗,但是你却有自己喜欢的宠物,电子狗,他知道自己的名字,也知道你的名字和生日,甚至还知道你朋友的名字,他还可以重设.,你可以看着它长大首句:Although my mo 英语翻译其他人可以休年假,但不允许我休假,哪怕只有一天 英语翻译 英语翻译翻译内容; 1.这篇文章告诉我们环保的重要性 我非常赞成(支持环保)的观点,然而,很可惜的是 现实与其却不一样随(环保意识)日益严重,或许这个问题存在已久,但我们必须正视, 家里养宠物空气不好怎么办 英语翻译翻译内容如下:(大约5年级水平就可以了)现在人们都十分喜欢养宠物,我也一样,我也很喜欢养宠物,我家就有一只狗.但对于养宠物问题人们往往有许都不同的看法.养宠物的优点是 家里想养宠物,猫咪和狗哪个好养话说我家养过狗狗 请问现在国家允许家庭饲养宠物猴子吗?我很喜欢猴子.从小就想养一只猴子当宠物.不知道现在国家允不允许让养.但是在这方面我掌握的信息和知识不多. 英语翻译我的音乐梦想我喜欢音乐,喜欢动人心弦的音乐,而不是轻浮的流行音乐开始接触音乐,是因为钢琴曲.我非常喜欢,我也曾经想学钢琴但家里的条件不允许.如果真的要学,估计.我也学不 英语翻译要求:用初一的简单成都英语翻译,意思达到就可以.一会就要!内容如下:我曾经养过一只宠物,它是一只小鸭子.很可爱,有黄色的毛绒.它的食量不是很大.它很活泼,总喜欢在家里走来 求一篇关于养宠物的英语作文不少于120个单词包括如下内容1 养宠物已成为一种时尚2 人们饲养宠物的原因各异3 你是否赞成养宠物,理由是什么 英语翻译我家里养了一只小宠物.它有灰色和白色的毛.它的眼睛有时是黑色,有时是红色.它的尾巴又短又小,非常可爱.它是一只小兔子.有时它很听话,有时又很调皮.我爱我的小兔子. 英语翻译我的家庭有三个人,我,妈妈,爸爸.我爸爸在政府上班,他很严格,总是在我犯错误的时候教导我.我妈妈是个会计,她在生活上对我照料的无微不至.我家里对我出来找工作很赞成,我爸爸对 一般家里养宠物狗卫生还是养宠物猫卫生?