
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:44:15
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China's three gorges office equipment company in order to guarantee the unit,the main transformer,GIS and other major equipment in domestic transportation process can safely and timely at three gorges site,was developed based on the global positioning system (GPS) technology equipment transportation management system.
The three gorges project electromechanical equipment supply mainly divided into two parts,namely the foreign and domestic supply parts supply parts.In accordance with the provisions for foreign supply parts delivery location of Shanghai,the domestic supply parts for the three gorges site.Domestic supply of parts for domestic transportation work by the manufacturer,equipment company is responsible for the work site at picking up,Foreign suppliers to Shanghai,partial equipment mainly by equipment company responsible for the equipment to transport,customs clearance and territory.In order to efficiently organize equipments,equipments of domestic companies in 1998 to unit of the contract equipment within the domestic transport work through the invitation to bid,the comprehensive evaluation expert at Shanghai dongya international freight Co.,LTD and cosco international freight Co.,LTD,the bid.
Shanghai to the mode of transportation of the three gorges construction are mainly waterway transport and road transportation in two ways.Generally,shipment to the mass of goods (Shanghai) is mainly through the Yangtze gorges water shipped to the site,transportation time,this is for 20d three gorges project of domestic transportation mode of transportation mainly,From abroad to Shanghai airport freight cargo transportation usually adopts the highway to three gorges site,transportation time for 2 3d,Special emergency goods by air can consider.

China Three Gorges Corporation, the company in order to ensure equipment units, main transformer, GIS and other major equipment in the territory during transport to the safety and timely arrival of th...


China Three Gorges Corporation, the company in order to ensure equipment units, main transformer, GIS and other major equipment in the territory during transport to the safety and timely arrival of the Three Gorges construction site, has developed a satellite-based Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, equipment and transportation management system .
Three Gorges Project Electrical equipment supply is mainly divided into two major parts, that is part of foreign suppliers and domestic parts suppliers. In accordance with the terms of the contract provided for foreign parts suppliers place of delivery for Shanghai Port, the domestic supply parts for the Three Gorges site. Part of the territory of the domestic supply transport commitment by the manufacturer, equipment companies are only responsible for goods received in the site work; abroad part of the equipment suppliers to reach Shanghai, the major equipment companies by the transfer of equipment, customs clearance and domestic transport. In order to efficiently organize the territory of transport equipment, equipment companies in 1998 on a contract crew transport equipment inside the work of the domestic invited tenders for a comprehensive assessment by experts, to finalize the Shanghai Oriental International Freight Co., Ltd. and COSCO International Freight Limited Company won the bid.
Shanghai to the Three Gorges construction site of the main mode of transport by sea transport and road transport in two ways. In general, by sea to Shanghai's high-volume goods (equipment) is mainly transported by sea through the Yangtze River to the Three Gorges construction site, transportation for the 20d time around, this is the territory of the Three Gorges Project of the main transport mode of transport; from abroad by air to Shanghai Airport cargo generally use Highway mode of transport to the Three Gorges Project construction site, the transport time for 2 ~ 3d; special emergency goods may consider the air.


英语翻译中国三峡总公司设备公司为了保证机组、主变压器、GIS等重大设备在境内运输过程中能够安全、及时地运抵三峡工地,开发了一套基于全球卫星定位系统(GPS)技术的设备运输管理系统. 英语翻译,翻译公司名称现需制作公司铭牌(略阳县、城固县、勉县)但不知英文怎么写.总公司的名称如下:中国人民人寿保险股份有限公司,英文是:PICC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED;以“中国 英语翻译由于我公司与中国安徽省XXXX有限公司于2009年6月达成协议,为了向日本出口小菜产品,特购买了日本制新设备,只因其中有一台是旧设备,在日本出港时,对中国入境条件要求不是十分了 哪位英语好的朋友帮我翻译一下,谢谢公司成立于1993年8月8日,经营期限20年,主要从事生产和销售设备配件.总投资额500万美元,其中美国总公司投资350万美元(占70%),中国分公司投资150万美元 长江三峡总公司包不包括三峡水利发电站,它们是什么关系? 中国电子系统工程总公司 英文翻译怎么写 铁道部为什么要改成中国铁路总公司? 英语翻译中国·安徽·万佛湖渔业总公司公司位于国家AAAA级风景区万佛湖畔,离安徽省会合肥仅60km.现有资产总值6000多万元,年实现综合收入近2亿元,可养水面150平方公里,湖水容量24亿立方米,水 英语翻译河北国控金石矿业HeBei State Controlling JINSHI Mining Co,Ltd 金石是我们公司的名称 河北国控是我们总公司的名称 你什么时候到我公司来调试设备 英语翻译 英语翻译【摘要】 在机械制造中,为了更好的保证产品质量,提高生产率,除了发挥人的主观能动性以外,还必须在现有设备条件下,广泛采用各式各样的辅助装置,夹具是其中最为重要的,应用最 英语翻译三峡工程大酒店为三峡工程酒店集团旗舰店,隶属于长江三峡工程开发总公司,是一家集商务、休闲度假为一身的四星级酒店,位于举世瞩目的三峡工地,濒临西陵峡畔.酒店独特的外观 “商务部中国对外总公司化肥办公室”用英语怎么翻译? 英语翻译公司介绍:公司主要是卖电视台用的设备,摄录机之类的.力求简短,有内涵,对不起,我要的是英文 英语翻译在一篇文章中,同时出现“本社”和“カンパニー”的时候,怎么翻译呢是总公司和分公司的意思,还是本公司和客户公司的意思? 英语翻译**为我公司员工,**年开始,在我公司任**职位,这次应**邀请,去西班牙几个城市进行商务技术方面的考察和交流,时间大约是*日-*日,活动结束后,该员工保证返回中国 中国的三峡是哪三峡? 中国铁路总公司和中国铁道部有什么区别?对中国铁路事业有什么影响?