
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 11:58:25
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A tranquil landscape initiates contemplations
A boisterous ambience causes impetuosity,
More importantly is to be a man of wisdom with strong inner strengths.
“Relocation creates wealth,squandering brings back destitution”,we should regard this with a normal mindset.

The serenity of the landscape to meditation, noisy environment make the person blundering, more important is to do a wise and powerful people inside.


Peaceful landscape makes peope ponder,noisy environment makes people ficckle,the most important thing is to be a wise and strong man.


The peaceful scenery causes the human to ponder, the environment which makes
noise causes the human to be impetuous, more importantly is a wisdom innermost
feelings formidable person.


The peaceful scenery causes the human to ponder, the environment which makes
noise causes the human to be impetuous, more importantly is a wisdom innermost
feelings formidable person.
希望我能帮助你。 To normal to see the demolition of sudden wealth, squandered back into poverty. 是这个么。希望能帮助你,


Above all, one ought to make oneself wise and powerful inwardly, with tranquil sights casting one into thought, and noisy surroundings leading to impatience.

The serene landscape leads one to contemplate,the bustling environment makes one restless,what necessitates more is to become a wise person with great innermost being.

A landscape of tranquility is fit for pondering and reverie while tumult leads to disturbulence of the mental peacefulness. It is significant to aim to be a person of intellegence and of a powerful heart.

Peace motivates deliberation.
Noise disturbs the nerves.
Despite the external environment, we need to sharpen wisdom and build strength at all costs.

Tranquil surroundings make people meditate, while blatant environments make people fickle. What is more important is a wise mind with a powerful heart.
We should see the phenomena of "getting rich through demolition and resettlement, but squandering back into poverty" with a peaceful/ unbiased/ normal/ common heart.

Serene view make men meditative,noisy impetuous.Above all,the most important is to be a man of wisdom and strong will.(这句前半句结构参考 培根-论读书 里面的一句话)

With a peaceful heart, one should confront with both nouveau riche due to compensation for demolition and the poor owing to squander.

英语翻译加这一句:要以平常心看待“拆迁暴富,挥霍返贫”。 求”以平常心对待每一件事”的英语翻译 英语翻译一个人要以清醒的心智和从容的步履走过岁月,保持淡泊的心态很重要.如果能以淡泊的心态看待世上的一切,不计得失,不惊荣辱,人生就会活得轻松而有滋味.以一颗平常心去对待生活 不管遇到什么问题,都要以平常心 怎样以平常心看世界 都说以平常心活着以平常心做人,我想问何为平常心? 怎样做到以平常心看待一切事物?,压力超大,本人好胜心也很强.我想的就是 我以后出来要比班上的每个人都屌,而且我爸接触的都是些 有钱的人,我以后也要朝这方面发展.而且我看不惯一些 装 有一句话的意思是要以平常心去对待任何事情?我记得有句古文,好像是诗句什么的,意思就是教我们要以平常心去对待任何事情.急啊!拜托大家给个话啊!谢了~ 英语翻译摘 要随着我国经济的发展及城市化进程的加快,土地征收和房屋拆迁在经济建设中的使用越来越频繁.尤其是城市房屋强制拆迁是城市建设不可避免的一个问题,这不仅关系到拆迁人、 英语翻译:住宅定位拆迁安置房 应该以平和的心态看待这一问题,英语翻译 有关平常心的英文经典句子,要有中文翻译.注意要经典的!是有关“平常心”,比如说“用平常心对待生活”之类的~ 什么是平常心? 平常心是什么意思? 英语翻译我真诚待人,坦荡做人,能以一颗平常心面对生活中的酸甜苦辣.最后,我想把这句话送给在场的每一位朋友请尽快翻译成英文, 如何看待中国国际地位新变化要以我的位置怎样看待 肥乡拆迁有人管吗 肥乡拆迁有人管吗太黑了,要把老百姓逼死啊? 英语翻译如何看待毛遂自荐?