两个英语短语选择题求讲解~1.(blanket)to Beijing in 2008a.Welcome you b.A warm welcome c.Welcoming d.Warmly welcoming正确答案是b 可是为什么不选a啊?~2.The students here are not often late (blanket) their homewok.a.fo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:37:55
两个英语短语选择题求讲解~1.(blanket)to Beijing in 2008a.Welcome you   b.A warm welcome c.Welcoming       d.Warmly welcoming正确答案是b   可是为什么不选a啊?~2.The students here are not often late (blanket) their homewok.a.fo
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两个英语短语选择题求讲解~1.(blanket)to Beijing in 2008a.Welcome you b.A warm welcome c.Welcoming d.Warmly welcoming正确答案是b 可是为什么不选a啊?~2.The students here are not often late (blanket) their homewok.a.fo
1.(blanket)to Beijing in 2008
a.Welcome you b.A warm welcome
c.Welcoming d.Warmly welcoming
正确答案是b 可是为什么不选a啊?~
2.The students here are not often late (blanket) their homewok.
a.for b.about
c.on d.with
正确答案是d,同样不懂为什么不是a .
不是有be late for 吗.
求详解哈!~~~ 给分~~

两个英语短语选择题求讲解~1.(blanket)to Beijing in 2008a.Welcome you b.A warm welcome c.Welcoming d.Warmly welcoming正确答案是b 可是为什么不选a啊?~2.The students here are not often late (blanket) their homewok.a.fo
第一题,这么理解,如果选A,那么welcome作为一个及物动词,这句就应该是一个祈使句,因为他省略了主语,原句应该是We welcome you to Beijing in 2008.主句完整的绝对是没有错误的.但是,需要注意,如果认为它是祈使句的话,祈使句的使用必须要表达请求要求或者美好的祝愿才可以,如have fun.may you success.wish you a nice day.give me that pen.show me your hand.等等,但是这句我们欢迎你2008年来北京,首先不可能是请求要求,因为我们不可能请求自己欢迎你来北京,其次也不是美好祝愿,祝愿我们欢迎你来北京的意思也很扭曲.所以,这句用了祈使句的语法,但是不满足使用祈使句的情景,就是无故缺少主语,是个错句.
you are welcome to Beijing in 2008 作为形容词(adj.)
you are welcomed to Beijing in 2008 作为动词(vt.),被动语态
(a warm) welcome to Beijing in 2008 作为名词(n.),最为常用
Welcome!We are looking forword to your coming to Beijing in 2008 作为感叹词(interj.)
第二题,be late for 的意思是迟到,而题目中的be late with their homework表达的意思是不会落下功课,就是学习不会落下的意思,放在这里比较合适,因为学生是不可能be late for their homework迟到他们的作业的,应该是be late for一个地方才行.

短语不对 这里不能用for

1、A明显错了,A的话welcome做动词,这样就缺少主语了;B项 则为短语,介词to之后都是修饰welcome的。C项错在时态,用一般式就行,D项同理。
2、be late with 做某事拖拉缓慢,这是固定的词组。而 be late for是 迟到 的意思,区别两者间的不同。


1、A明显错了,A的话welcome做动词,这样就缺少主语了;B项 则为短语,介词to之后都是修饰welcome的。C项错在时态,用一般式就行,D项同理。
2、be late with 做某事拖拉缓慢,这是固定的词组。而 be late for是 迟到 的意思,区别两者间的不同。


1.(blanket)to Beijing in 2008
a.Welcome you b.A warm welcome
c.Welcoming d.Warmly welcoming
正确答案是b 可是为什么不选a啊?~
析:一、welcome to Sp. 欢迎你来到某地,是一常用语,是“You...


1.(blanket)to Beijing in 2008
a.Welcome you b.A warm welcome
c.Welcoming d.Warmly welcoming
正确答案是b 可是为什么不选a啊?~
析:一、welcome to Sp. 欢迎你来到某地,是一常用语,是“You are welcome to Sp.”的省略说法。如Welcome to Beijing!欢迎您来北京。一般是客人到了主人的地方时,主人说的话,是现烧现卖。是不是可以预售呢?Welcome to Beijing in 2008. 欢迎您在2008年时来北京。(当然这是过时的话了,可能是2008年前教北京市民尤其是出租车司机的奥运英语吧)。个人感觉,应该是可以的。
PS,关于welcome在上面句式中的词性和省略的说法,是我自己猜的。《Longman》上将它列入了interj.条:[(to)] (an expresion of pleasure when someone arrives in a place new to him, said by any person who belongs there): Welcome to our home. |Welcome home/back (when returning from another place). | Welcome to England
二、welcome sb. to sp. 欢迎某人来到某地。这里的welcome是及物动词。如:We welcome you to Beijing. 我们欢迎你来北京。但这样的说法不太好,带有带明显的汉式思维。查《Longman》中welcome的动词条,没有这样的用法:The Queen welcomed the President as soon as he got off the plane. They welcomed him with flowers. They opened the door and welcomed him in.
三、a warm welcome to sb. 我猜测是Let's give a warm welcome to sb. 的省略 或就是一个标语,一个标题,是一个名词词组,表示“对。。。的一个热烈的欢迎”。一般都是对“人”才会表示“welcome”,当然,有时也可以是“新年”之类的,但作为一个“地方”,一个不能移动的地方,好象不妥。所以A warm welcome to Beijing in 2008. 对2008年的北京的一个热烈的欢迎。感觉不是很好。《Longman》上welcome作为名词的例句:The Queen gave a welcome to the foreign minister. They gave us a warm welcome.
结论:综上所述,此题设计有误!CD不用考虑。A因you而定welcome为及物动词,而定其为祈使句,不合逻辑! B因不定冠词词而断定welcome为名词,而定其为一名词词组:对。。。的一个热烈的欢迎。用法也不对。
2.The students here are not often late (blanket) their homewok.
a.for b.about
c.on d.with
正确答案是d,同样不懂为什么不是a 。。。
不是有be late for 吗....
答:此题也不常见。常见的句型确实是:be late (for) 如:
Tom is late. 汤姆迟到了。
Tom is often later for class/ school. 汤姆经常上课/学迟到。
要是我来翻译这句话,我可能会这么说:The students here often hand in their homework late.
查一下词典,看一看有没有sb. be late with(on/about) sth.用法以及意思:
查《Longman》late adj.条,竟然连be late for ...都没有找到!只好靠对介词on, about,及with的理解去猜测了。 with有“和。。。一起”,“带着。。。”,所以:
The students here are not often late with their homewok. 字面意思就是:这里的学生经常和作业一起迟到。人都迟了,随身带的作业当然也迟了!但是,作业迟交的同学,不一定迟到啊,会不会是“在作业方面”呢?about和on有“关于,在。。。上面”的解释啊?不好意思,孤陋寡闻,不敢确定。既然能肯定不是A,参考答案又说是D,那就D吧。
欢迎(welcome to)
英文表达“欢迎”之意的句子并不是很简单,这里有一个重要的句型: “Welcome to(某个地方)”。这个句型可以作为日常家中来客人时的欢迎语,也可以用在饭店宾馆服务员招待顾客时。还可以用在招牌或标语上,欢迎人们来到某地。
例如,当乘客乘机抵达洛衫矶时,第一眼看见的就是“Welcome to Los Angeles.”然而 “欢迎你再来北京站”就不能译成“Welcome you to Beijing Station”. 应译为“Welcome to Beijing Station” 或“Please come again.” 再看“欢迎”的另一种表达方式:
Translating sentences and thoughts containing the Chinese word “欢迎”into English is difficult. Here is an important sentence pattern:
“Welcome to (some place)”.
This pattern can be used when someone arrives at your home. You can say,
“Welcome ! Welcome to my home. Please come in and make yourself at home.”
It can also be used by hosts and waiters and waitresses in restaurants and clerks in hotels:
“Welcome to McDonald’ s! May I take your order?”
“Welcome to the Hilton Hotel. How may I help you?”
It can also be used on signs welcoming people to a particular place. For example, when passengers get off airplanes in Los Angeles, the first sign they see is the airport says
“Welcome to Los Angeles.”
However, a sentence like “欢迎你再来北京站”
Should not be translated “Welcome you to Beijing station.”
It should be either “Welcome to Beijing Station” or “please come again.”
Let’s consider another use of “欢迎”.
Chinese : 欢迎你到我家来.
Incorrect English:
“Welcome you to my home.”
Correct English:
“You are welcome at my home any time.”
-or- “please feel welcome to come to my home.”
