请从句子结构成分的角度分析这句话的意思?Computer software,or just software,is the collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:04:09
请从句子结构成分的角度分析这句话的意思?Computer software,or just software,is the collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do
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请从句子结构成分的角度分析这句话的意思?Computer software,or just software,is the collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do
Computer software,or just software,is the collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do

请从句子结构成分的角度分析这句话的意思?Computer software,or just software,is the collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do
先整体翻译:计算机软件或会着说软件是一系列的计算机程序和相关数据,计算机就根据它们发出的指令运行.Computer software, or just software是主语is是谓语the collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do是is的宾语.(也有的语法书把主语+系动词be+表语的结构成为“主系表结构”).这是句子的总体框架主语、谓语、宾语,但是宾语很长我们还可以细分.宾语中还有一个that为标志的定语从句结构,也就是说that引导后半句做先行词the collection of computer programs and related data的定语,that后半句还可以细分 telling a computer what to do又做 instructions 的定语.如果不明白可以再问我.


请从句子结构成分的角度分析这句话的意思?Computer software,or just software,is the collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do 请高手分析一下这句话的句子结构和成分Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. 情人眼里出西施请从哲学的角度分析这句话 请分析一下这句的成分,从汉语语法的角度他答应娶我“ 请高手从语法的角度详细分析这句话(各做什么成分)it appears from their brain structure that toothed species are unable to smell 请从语法结构的角度上分析这句话的意思outstanding balances on bookings made in the UK must be settled within 10 weeks of sending the deposit 从艺术的角度分析“搜遍奇峰打草稿”用艺术理论的角度来解释这句话的意思. 常言道:“一个巴掌拍不响”请从物理上力的角度来分析,这句话有道理吗? 常言说:“一个巴掌拍不响.”从力的角度来分析,这句话有道理吗?请说明道理 成功是优点的发挥,这句话对吗?请从哲学角度分析. Gone are the days when women were looked down upon.请从语法角度分析这句话,并举出类似的句子. Who do you think of is the best basketball player in China.这句话有错误吗有错请帮忙改正,并请分析下句子结构成分。这个句子是不是对宾语从句的主语进行提问? 请分析一句话的结构语法Urbanization does have an upside with greater access to eduction and healthcare,for example.句子中does是什么成分,什么作用,这句话的结构是怎样的. 英语翻译Hegel's philosophy first stated the principles upon which the belief in a historical method,thus conceived,depended.求助这句话的汉语意思,并分析该句子结构和成分,重点说明介词upon以后的句式结构. “Consider yourself lucky you are not fired.”请分析一下这句话的句子结构, 英语语法:请从语法角度分析这个句子的成分.So we should realize how ridiculous it is that we are wasting food without limitation. 请帮忙发分析一下这句话中句子的结构和成分,用到了哪些语法?when we encounter some difficulties or failures ,we should be confident and try our best to overcome them以及两个句子的时态 “坚夷夏之防”是什么意思?“坚夷夏之防”这句话是什么意思?请具体解释一下这句话的意思?“夏”指什么?用夏变夷,请从语文的角度分析这句文言文“坚夷夏之防”的词与词的意思,我