
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 09:42:00
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There is a river in my hometown and there are a lot of fish in the river.
I often go fishing with my friends by the river.
There is also a large greenlawn , which is the paradise of the children.
In addition,there are boundless stretch of fields and trees .
Of course,there are a large number of animals in the forest.
This is my hometown.


there is a river in my hometown, and the river has a lot of fish. i often go finshing with my friends, and there is also a large greensward, which is the paradise of children. what's more, there are endless fields and trees, and in the woods, there are many animals. That is my hometown!

there is a river in my hometown, which is full of fish.i often go fishing there with my friends.and near the river ,there is a big lawn.it's children's paradise. a lot of animals are in the wood.so this is my hometown.

My hometown is a river, in and there are so many fish. I often and my friends to go fishing by the river, there is a big lawn. It is the children's paradise. Have the vast field and trees. There are many animals in the forest. This is my hometown.

There's a river in my hometown. There're a lot of fish inside it. I often go fishing with my friends. Near the fish there's a big lawn. It's the fairyland for children. And there are also endless forest and fields. Many animals live in the woods. That's my beautiful hometown.

There is a river in my hometown, and there are a lot of fish. I and my friend to go fishing by the River, there is a large lawn. It is a paradise for children. Endless fields and trees. There are many animals in the forest. This is my hometown.

There is a river in my hometown, fish and have very much. My friend and I used to go fishing by the river, there is a large lawn. It is a paradise for children. A stretch as far as eye can see fields and trees. There are a lot of animal in the woods. This is my hometown.

In my hometown lies a beautiful river,with many many lovely fish swiming in it. I used to go fishing with my good friends. And there also a great piece of grassland,which is "Heaven garden of kids".The endless forest and fields embraced many varieties of animals. My hometown, that is.

英语翻译我的家乡有一条河,在和里有非常多的鱼.我经常和我的朋友去河边钓鱼,还有一块很大的草坪.它是孩子们的乐园.有一望无际的田野和树木.树林中有很多的动物.这就是我的家乡. 用英语翻译下面文字我的家乡在桂林,那里有许多高山,山上有许多树,树上有一些鸟儿在唱歌.在山下,有一条清澈的河,河里有许多鱼儿在游泳.我爱我的家乡! 英语翻译我住在一个小乡村里,它非常漂亮在小乡村的外面有很多的树,前面有一条河,水很干净,小孩喜欢在小河里游泳树上有很多小鸟,我和它们是朋友乡村里的人都很勤劳 为家乡的某一景点设计一条广告词我的家乡在福建省屏南,有白水洋、鸳鸯溪 英语翻译我的名字叫秦璐,我的故乡是一个小乡镇,它在扬州.它很干净,也很漂亮.我的家乡在长江附近,我经常和父母一起去江边玩,那有许多的轮船,江边有很多的花,它们很厂漂亮.我非常爱我的 使我惊讶的是,这里有一条非常美丽河流 英语翻译 英语翻译我叫XXX,我是来自内蒙古呼和浩特市的一名大学生,我的家乡非常美丽,希望大家有时间的话可以去那里旅游.我非常热爱我的家乡,我更爱我的父母和我的朋友.一方面,我是一个电影达人 英语翻译我有一个漂亮舒适的房间.我的房间里有很多可爱的布娃娃,每天阳光都会照进我的房间,非常的舒服.我的书桌上有一盆植物,那是我妈妈在我生日时送给我的.书桌旁有一条精致的椅子, 英语翻译我的家乡我的家乡在青岛,那是一个非常美丽的海滨城市,因为啤酒而出名.青岛的人民很热情,也有很多游客.青岛的海是蓝色的,很美丽.青岛的崂山很高,还很美丽.你们喜欢我的家乡青 求音乐:我的家乡有一条小河,有一条小河,叫什么歌 英语翻译我的家乡是山西运城,家乡是夏热冬冷,农作物有棉花,苹果,桃子,我家乡最富有的是煤炭!随着旅游的发展,城市建设在朝东发展!在我眼中,我的家乡是最美的!《上文翻译!英文的!》 英语翻译我叫季晓冉,今年12岁,我是一个性格开朗,积极向上的女孩,文静内向,爱好广泛,我生活在一个和睦的家庭里,有爸爸妈妈和我,我非常喜欢英语,一定要正确的 英语翻译我的家乡在中国天津.天津是一个古老且文化丰富的沿海城市.是中国主要的港口之一.在天津有许多欧洲风格的房子.天津以小吃和曲艺而闻名.大多曲艺艺人居住在天津.天津人还非常 做梦抓鱼代表什么?在梦里我和一个同事在外面做完事在回去的路上.在一个水坑里看到有很多鱼.非常漂亮...结果我们俩就下去抓...我抓了2条.其中一条还把我的手搞出血了.一会有2个人来了. 英语翻译我来自厦门,一个很美丽的海滨小城,在我的家乡,有风景如画的鼓浪屿和自由飞翔的白鹭.三楼的!好感激你 英语翻译在我的家乡有一个地方叫石塘,那是一个非常有名的地方.石塘盛产海鲜,并且那里的水产品非常有名.石塘有很多古老的石屋,这些石屋不但历史悠久,而且非常有文化特色.石塘还有一个 我的家乡是一条十多里的山沟,中间有一条无名小溪,五六个小小村庄和零零散散的人家,像星星般分布在小溪旁.求缩句 谁有 赵本山落叶归根 如果我的家乡的mp3?就那个如果我的家乡是一片大海,我就是一条小鱼,我游啊游,我多快乐!如果我的家乡是一条大路,我就是一辆汽车,我跑啊跑,我多快乐!如果我的家乡是