汉议英1、要是她不这么忙,她就和我一起来了.2、我们在机场不期而遇.3、Antonio把他弟弟藏起来躲避警察.英议汉:4 The doctor was so excited that he fell on the floor when he heard what the old man said.5 These thing

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 20:11:22
汉议英1、要是她不这么忙,她就和我一起来了.2、我们在机场不期而遇.3、Antonio把他弟弟藏起来躲避警察.英议汉:4 The doctor was so excited that he fell on the floor when he heard what the old man said.5 These thing
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汉议英1、要是她不这么忙,她就和我一起来了.2、我们在机场不期而遇.3、Antonio把他弟弟藏起来躲避警察.英议汉:4 The doctor was so excited that he fell on the floor when he heard what the old man said.5 These thing
4 The doctor was so excited that he fell on the floor when he heard what the old man said.
5 These things are difficult to say to their family members.
6、I was too nervous to say a word.
I was so nervous that ( ) ( )say a word.
7、Don't you think pets can help you become happy?
Don't you think pets can ( ) ( )your sadness?
8、Have you thought of a good way to solve the problem?
Have you ( )( )( )a good way to solve the problem?
9、My teacher often tells us not to frustrate our parents.
My teacher often tells us not to ( ) our parents( ).
10、Some of the boys climbed the hill ,and the others played games.
Some of the boys climbed the hill ,and ( ) ( ) played games.

汉议英1、要是她不这么忙,她就和我一起来了.2、我们在机场不期而遇.3、Antonio把他弟弟藏起来躲避警察.英议汉:4 The doctor was so excited that he fell on the floor when he heard what the old man said.5 These thing
1、要是她不这么忙,她就和我一起来了.if is she not so busy,she will be come with me
2、我们在机场不期而遇.we met each other in airport without any appoitment
3、Antonio把他弟弟藏起来躲避警察.Antonio hides his brother in order to avoid the policemen
4 The doctor was so excited that he fell on the floor when he heard what the old man said.当医生听到老人说的话得时候,是如此惊讶以至于到摔到了地上
5 These things are difficult to say to their family members.这些事情是很难向他们家人启齿
6、I was too nervous to say a word.
I was so nervous that ( i ) ( cannot )say a word.
7、Don't you think pets can help you become happy?
Don't you think pets can ( keep ) ( off)your sadness?
8、Have you thought of a good way to solve the problem?
Have you ( tried )( to )(find )a good way to solve the problem?
9、My teacher often tells us not to frustrate our parents.
My teacher often tells us not to ( make) our parents(frustrate ).
10、Some of the boys climbed the hill ,and the others played games.
Some of the boys climbed the hill ,and (other ) ( boys ) played games.

1:if she wasn't that busy, she then could come with me together
2:we met at the airport
3:Antonio hide away his brother to avoid police/cops


1:if she wasn't that busy, she then could come with me together
2:we met at the airport
3:Antonio hide away his brother to avoid police/cops
6:i couldn't
7:wash away
8:try to think
9:fell, will/hope/wish
10:the rest



自力更生 你要好好学习..............................

plz dont be lazy. that's not good for you.
If you have any difficulties, you can ask and we will all help you with pleasure.

汉议英1、要是她不这么忙,她就和我一起来了.2、我们在机场不期而遇.3、Antonio把他弟弟藏起来躲避警察.英议汉:4 The doctor was so excited that he fell on the floor when he heard what the old man said.5 These thing 初三英语翻译:1,要是他不这么忙,他就和我一起来了If she (were) not so busy,she would (come) ( with) me.是否正确2,在众人面前讲话我会觉得很有自信I feei (nerwus) (talking) in front of many people talking是否争 如果我是你,我会带一份小礼物 If I were you,I'd(bring) a small present.括号内能否换成taking要是他不这么忙,他就和我一起来了If she (were) not so busy,she would (come) ( with) me.是否正确在众人面前讲话我会 她这么说我,啥意思我喜欢的女孩子,我现在能感觉出来她不是很讨厌我,但喜不喜欢就不知道啦!她生日那天对我说,总觉得我是一个可爱的大男孩,请教一下这啥意思哈?她还和我说过,对爱她怕 她践踏了我的尊严她告诉我,她心有所属,但是就在前天晚上.我问她为什么要和我分,她却说不知道,今天我问她,她的BF是谁,她也不告诉我,说什么不告诉我是对我好,本来我打算扇她一巴掌,她不 女友让我问她3个问题来了解她我不知道问什么好很急问完要是满意就和我处对象我该问什么好那? 她这么说是不是说明我可以约她出来了?我和她同学,偶然在车上看到了她,但没上去打招呼,短信了这么久我今天问她要不要出来见见,她说有缘就能见到啊,我说这很难吧,后来她又回我说下次我 我再也不相信爱情了!和她分手时间不长,她深深地伤害了我的心,由此,我就开始再也不相信爱情,爱情都是虚伪的!敢问大家这么一句,世界上有真爱吗? 小明在路上遇见小红随口叫了她一句:胖子,到哪里去?“小红很不高兴,嘟着嘴生气的走开了.小明想:平时女生都这么叫她,她怎么就不生气,我一叫她她就生气.(1)为什么面对男同学的一句 我最爱的女孩说她不值得我这么对她,我该怎么回答? 英语翻译这位朋友,请你留言不要这么暧昧.不要以为我看不懂英文.虽然我很相信她,但是不代表我就不会去管她. 1求一首英文歌,男生唱的,开头是its ONE ONE ONE什么的我女朋友说要是七点半之前还不告诉她我就完蛋了! 感觉她神神叨叨的、其实我和她关系很好,就因为上个月她过生我打电话说请她吃饭,她开始都不准备来.还骗我说她生日过了.我说出她生日之后,她就勉强答应了,但是叫我叫上她的闺蜜.第二天 我想和女友分手,该怎么办~她的任性和谎言让我受够了!可是她说我要是和她分手他就自杀,她已经吃过30粒安眠药了,我该怎么办才能和她和平分手,当个朋友其实很不错!可我就是说不通她,现在 她叫我小丑鱼.她和她的朋友喜欢叫我小丑鱼,最近又叫我比目鱼,我问她为什么这么叫,她说秘密.注:我喜欢她,感觉她也对我有好感. 她的年龄和我一样 用英文这么说 上英语课背语文!不然我的语文书就回不来了!直接和她说她还是不还 感觉她对我很奇怪这女人是我同事,我和她以前关系很好.有的时候她又要问我有没有女朋友,喜欢什么样的女孩子.她很奇怪,有的时候她家里的事情弄的她不开心了,她就和我赌气,第二天她又像