
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:48:16
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Subjunctive Mood (虚拟语气)
从句 主句
现在时间 陈述语气 does shall/will do
虚拟语气 did should/would do
过去时间 陈述语气 did should/ would do
虚拟语气 had done should/would have done
将来时间 陈述语气 does,am/is/are to do shall/will do
虚拟语气 should do,were to do should/would do
* 如果wish是过去式,虚拟从句无时态变化.
* wish cf· hope wish引导的从句表示愿望实现的可能性很小
hope 引导的从句表示愿望有可能实现
动词 advise,agree,appoint,arrange,argue,ask,command,decide,decree,demand,desire,determine,direct,expect,insist,intend,order,permit,persist,propose,prefer,pray,provide,recommend,request,require,suggest,urge等之后加(should) do.
上述动词转化成名词后,引导的从句也加(should) do
eg.I suggest that a meeting (should) be held as soon as possible.
My suggestion is that a meeting (should) be held as soon as possible.
I suggested that a meeting (should) be held as soon as possible.
It is + 下述形容词+ that+ (should) do
eg.It is essential that everyone (should) bear this in mind.
It is + 下述形容词+ that+ should do
absurd,amazing,annoying,awkward,funny,natural,odd,pitiful,a pity,regrettable,to be regretted,ridiculous,strange,surprising.
* should 不能省略
if only + 虚拟式
would rather/sooner + that + 虚拟式
* would rather/sooner + (to) do
eg.I would rather you came tomorrow.
I would rather wait.
It is (high) time + that + did
lest,for fear that,in case + should do
But for…,虚拟句
But that…,虚拟句
With/ without…,虚拟句
God bless you.
Long live China.
Suffice to say that we won.
May you live a long and happy life!
Come what may,we will go ahead with our plan.
Heaven forbid that I should let my own parents suffer.
条件句中的were,had,should 等助动词移到句首,省略if,构成倒装虚拟条件句.
Eg.If he had come earlier,he would not miss the bus.
Had he come earlier,he would not miss the bus.

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