
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:58:02
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(1) it has been said that life is exercise, to this, I was very positive.
When it comes to sports, I like the most is sit-ups. Physical exercise is sit-ups an important link, the main function is to strengthen abdominal muscle strength. Do it correctly, can not only improve sit-ups abdominal muscle flexibility, and also can be protected back and improve posture effect. This is the reason I love this sport.
(2) reading is an accomplishment of body and mind the good method. Reading can not only increase our knowledge, more can make bosom to dust off turbidity, natural QiuHe camp inside, and made into a transformative.
My favorite book is novel. The novel is the method of literature four points a big style. It is through the characters, tell a story about the environment, to reflect the life and express a literary genre.
I think you will ask: "the world so many books, why only lai novels?" Actually very simple, I am a perceptual person, the stories of the twists always deeply attracted me, then, in the books there, my soul and novel closely intertwined, and finally cannot be separated.
(3) to make the friend, will have to do the following: 1. To you want to make friends with the object of friendly, to give him a good impression; 2. For some things and the differences, don't fight, to stand in the Angle of the other side to think, think about the feeling of the friend to talk; 3. Friend is in trouble will stretch out of the hand of the generous; 4. Let friends see your sincerity.
Follow these four o 'clock, you will have a lot of friends.
(4) "jiangnan scenery, good old once grand; the sunrise river bonus-fire, spring to bluish green, blue. Can not have jiangnan?" This poem, always put the people's minds led to the picturesque jiangnan. Jiangnan water is located in the south of the Yangtze river in jiangsu province, zhejiang, Shanghai and jiangxi province in anhui province, parts of southern jiangsu area and is in southern anhui province, northeast China, more plain and water, climate slightly damp and hot, since ancient times enjoy paradise of reputation.
Jiangnan water is beautiful, lacustrive crisscross, water channel and vertical and horizontal, Bridges, the ancient town town, rural villages, and numerous; Classical garden, winding corridors, glamour infinite; WuNong whispers, jiangnan silk, do not have lasting appeal. I will melt itself, the water flowing into jiangnan clever, from now on with the forever.