
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 21:23:33
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hi,I am one live on beautiful and the broad Yellow Sea shallow seas and tidelands Pere David's deer.Our long angle resembles the deer,the surface resembles the horse,the hoof resembles the cow,the tail resembles the donkey.perhaps everybody will see us to think that we will look like Jiang Ziya very much the saddle horse “the weird creature”.Actually that is precisely our ancestor,but “the weird creature” is also precisely our alias.the our Pere David's deer is also deer's one kind,also with other deer branch animal is the docile herbivore equally.Generally the male Pere David's deer body weight may amount to 250 kilograms,moreover long has the sharp point's angle,after their angle's angle point faces.But we female have not looked like their same angle,the build is also small.we the Pere David's deer is not only much longer,and has also experienced a section of legendary color time.listened to me the elders saying that as early as we appeared more than 3000 years ago in Yangtze River,a Yellow River generation,but very quick went into hiding.Afterward the people discovered 120 multi-threads in Beijing we the ancestor.But very quick is robbed toward the overseas zoo.When “Eight Power Expeditionary Force” time only saves several are also stolen.after the overseas majority Pere David's deer had died one after another,but the zoo also lived fortunately in Wu Bangsi several.Also several centuries,under have let us in our country forestry department the ancestor return to the motherland finally diligently,have finished the life which this kind drifts about destitute.our motherland's bosom has been growing healthy and strong now,lives the multiplication.From now on the humanity may certainly want to treat us well!

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