帮我看看这个英语文章有没有语法错误Dear Tina,Last weekend,I had a really wonderful time .I took some photos.Here is a photo of last weekend.Let me tell you something about it Last weekend,I went to a beach of Hawaii with my family.We

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 01:51:35
帮我看看这个英语文章有没有语法错误Dear Tina,Last weekend,I had a really wonderful time .I took some photos.Here is a photo of last weekend.Let me tell you something about it Last weekend,I went to a beach of Hawaii with my family.We
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帮我看看这个英语文章有没有语法错误Dear Tina,Last weekend,I had a really wonderful time .I took some photos.Here is a photo of last weekend.Let me tell you something about it Last weekend,I went to a beach of Hawaii with my family.We
Dear Tina,
Last weekend,I had a really wonderful time .I took some photos.Here is a photo of last weekend.Let me tell you something about it
Last weekend,I went to a beach of Hawaii with my family.We went there by plane.The sun was shiny.In the picture ,Aunt Nancy and Betty are playing football.Uncle Ed is sunbathing.He looks relaxed.Guess Where am I in the picture I’m in the water!I’m swimming in the sea!I like swimming very much I had great fun playing in the sea.
We enjoyed playing there.This trip was wonderful!We want to go there again!
How about you?What did you do last weekend?

帮我看看这个英语文章有没有语法错误Dear Tina,Last weekend,I had a really wonderful time .I took some photos.Here is a photo of last weekend.Let me tell you something about it Last weekend,I went to a beach of Hawaii with my family.We
Here is a photo of last weekend.这句有点奇怪,建议改成:Here is one photo of them.(就是说:我照了一些照片,这是其中的一张.)
I went to a beach of Hawaii with my family.表示家人的话,建议用成families
We want to go there again!仅仅是通顺的建议,可改成:We plan to go there again another day.(我们打算改天再去那儿一次)


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