选C呢The court___1,500 damages to the person he had hurt.A.judged him to pay B.suggested him payingC.ordered him to pay D.persuaded him to payorder sb.to do 命令某人做某事judge sb to do,不可以吗

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 07:40:38
选C呢The court___1,500 damages to the person he had hurt.A.judged him to pay B.suggested him payingC.ordered him to pay D.persuaded him to payorder sb.to do 命令某人做某事judge sb to do,不可以吗
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选C呢The court___1,500 damages to the person he had hurt.A.judged him to pay B.suggested him payingC.ordered him to pay D.persuaded him to payorder sb.to do 命令某人做某事judge sb to do,不可以吗
The court___1,500 damages to the person he had hurt.
A.judged him to pay B.suggested him paying
C.ordered him to pay D.persuaded him to pay
order sb.to do 命令某人做某事
judge sb to do,不可以吗

选C呢The court___1,500 damages to the person he had hurt.A.judged him to pay B.suggested him payingC.ordered him to pay D.persuaded him to payorder sb.to do 命令某人做某事judge sb to do,不可以吗

ordered sb to do sth意思是命令某人去做某事
judge sb to do(be)意思是授权某人什么职位

这就是英语学习的难处之一,英语词语的具体用法。如果你只是背到这两个单词的中文意思是做不出来的。因为都可以加Sb to do,都存在命令,断定的意思。
先看judge的英文意思:to form or give an opinion about someone or something after thinking carefully about all information you kno...


这就是英语学习的难处之一,英语词语的具体用法。如果你只是背到这两个单词的中文意思是做不出来的。因为都可以加Sb to do,都存在命令,断定的意思。
先看judge的英文意思:to form or give an opinion about someone or something after thinking carefully about all information you know about them(对于某件事在所理解和知道的范围内得出的结论,或给出观点)
再来看order:1,a command given authority(权威部门机构下达的命令),2 an official statement form a court that someting must be done(法律决议)
那就不用说了,只有了解这个两个词的真含义你才知道为什么选C。换句话说order 前面主语一般是authority ,而judge 前面的主语一般是人。当然judge也有涉及到官员机构的意思,但只有是名词的时候,中文意思是官员。
其实这就英语难的地方,如果没有一个语言的环境,真正了解词语的内在意思的时候,很多时候用词,真的是准确的吗。比如这个要求,英语中的要求有:order ,ask ,request,command,demand..............放在一起怎么办。很多英语单词在中文的语境不同,只能找到一个中文意思和这个英文单词最接近的来,但又不是。所以说英语真的没想的那么容易的


选C呢The court___1,500 damages to the person he had hurt.A.judged him to pay B.suggested him payingC.ordered him to pay D.persuaded him to payorder sb.to do 命令某人做某事judge sb to do,不可以吗 The woman is looking------the zebra A to B at c / 选哪个呢 Which of the following states belong to the Old Glory美国国旗?A.Washington B.Texas C.New York D.California请问为什么呢为什么选C呢 为什么选C呢. 为什么选c呢 为什么选C呢 是不是选c呢 为什么选C呢? 为什么选C呢 为什么选c呢 ___you read the text,____you understand it.a.The more,better b.More,the better c.The more,the better d.More,better 选什么?为什么呢? Black,______ father of ______ Tom,lost his new watch.A./,/ B.the,the C.the,/ D./,the为什么 选 A 呢 不是特指 THE which of the following animal is from china ?A :the monkey B :the elephant C :the panda D:the cat 选哪个呢?为什么 China has _______population in the world.A.bigger B.larger C.the biggest D.the larggest 应该选D,但这时为什么不可以选C呢? the police ( )looking for the missing boy in the forestis b.was c.ared.were应该选c,但是为什么不选d呢 James took the magazines off the little table to make___ for the television.A、room C、field为什么选A不选C呢? The boys spent the whole morning _______ possible answers to the question.A.discussB.and discussing C.discussingD.and discussed 为何选 C,语法是怎样的呢? Put_______trousers on the shelf.A.this B.that C.these ABC要选哪个呢?