
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 12:01:13
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1.tag along and report the regional sales and policy implementation of all branches.
2.ensure the safety of the item stock in every regular chain and branch to keep the stock quntity in good condition,and help with the procurement and allocation.
3.tag along the storage info.of new items and the total inventory status,timely give warning on the products' expirdation date and deal with the products with problems,lower the storage expenses to the most.
4.verify and handle the return and exchange on the interent or in kind.
5.deal with the complaints from the materials flow and the emergencies,take control of the delivery time to ensure all arrivals,analyze and lower the logistics cost through optimization
of the system.

1, follow up each branch, regional sales, sales policy implementation feedback;
February 2, all goods safety stock, branch the control; Strive to inventory quantity in healthy state; Assist Februa...


1, follow up each branch, regional sales, sales policy implementation feedback;
February 2, all goods safety stock, branch the control; Strive to inventory quantity in healthy state; Assist February, branch products recipients, and transfers.
3 and follow up new incoming information, timely attention, total warehouse storage provide products, problems and validity of early warning information products handled in a timely manner, near validity will inventory costs will to the lowest;
4, audit to handle customer in system and forms of authorization;
5, solve the logistics operation complaints, abrupt changes timely treatment; Control, ensure timeliness delivery; delivery time delivery The logistics cost analysis, optimize logistics system, save the logistics cost.


1, follow up each branch, regional sales, sales policy implementation feedback;
February 2, all goods safety stock, branch the control; Strive to inventory quantity in healthy state; Assist Febru...


1, follow up each branch, regional sales, sales policy implementation feedback;
February 2, all goods safety stock, branch the control; Strive to inventory quantity in healthy state; Assist February, branch products recipients, and transfers.
3 and follow up new incoming information, timely attention, total warehouse storage provide products, problems and validity of early warning information products handled in a timely manner, near validity will inventory costs will to the lowest;
4, audit to handle customer in system and forms of authorization;
5, solve the logistics operation complaints, abrupt changes timely treatment; Control, ensure timeliness delivery; delivery time delivery The logistics cost analysis, optimize logistics system, save the logistics cost.


英语翻译1、跟进各分公司,区域销售情况、销售政策实施情况及时回馈;2、各直营店、分公司货品安全库存把控;力求库存数量处于健康状态;协助直营店、分公司产品领用、及调拨.3、跟 英语翻译:青岛销售分公司. 英语翻译从事**的销售工作对产品的销售情况及时进行跟进,提交销售报告;收集客户信息,按照客户的重要等级确定客户拜访计划并定期拜访;与技术部、采购部、客户及时进行沟通,保证订 英语翻译还有“辽宁省分公司” 英语翻译山东昆仑润滑油销售有限公司成立于1999年,隶属于中国石油东北润滑油销售分公司.中国石油天然气股份有限公司东北润滑油销售分公司(前身为中国石油天然气股份有限公司东北润 海丰销售分公司用英语怎么翻译? 英语翻译这个公司已从1个分公司发展到拥有12个分公司了要用 expand 英语翻译朔州分公司的英文 英语翻译深圳嘉妮缘翻译有限公司苏州分公司,想问苏州这边的情况,请知道的说的详细点, 英语翻译1.卖场的日常维护与管理...2.采购沟通,合同谈判,促销申请,陈列要求等.3.对全国除东北区以外的华联进行管理,主要解决物流配货跟进,账款日常跟进,协调工厂货品生产与销售的有机结 英语翻译:中秋节和国庆节各分公司紧急联系人表,请见附件.怎么翻译最准确? 英语翻译请提供各分公司现在使用的快递公司的服务合同, 英语翻译:北方重工集团有限公司运输分公司 英语翻译EA在中国有无分公司 1+1--几个分公司代表 英语翻译具体内容如下:【工作经历】•2007.3—2007.8.在伟业顾问担任房屋销售,销售楼盘有滨河小区,东方夏威夷VBO溪谷等.•2007.8—现在:北京公路工程监理总公司山东分公司,担任施工 会计基础的一道多选题,下面可以作为会计主体的是?1.销售部门.2.母公司.3.分公司.4.企业集团.求证答案1是否正确.为什么? 计算推理一公司销售部有4名区域销售经理,每人负责的区域数相同,每个区域都正好有两名销售经理负责,而任意两名销售经理负责的区域只有1个相同.问这4名销售经理总共负责多少个区域的业