in the ceiling和on the ceilingthe light in the ceiling 为什么不用on the .表示在...某个区域内.容器内,或被...包围着.on 表示与一个表面有接触 .或被...表面支撑着.显然这里on 最合适了.问了三个问

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:41:22
in the ceiling和on the ceilingthe light in the ceiling 为什么不用on the .表示在...某个区域内.容器内,或被...包围着.on 表示与一个表面有接触 .或被...表面支撑着.显然这里on 最合适了.问了三个问
xR[N@J@ 4EDY@%JJB%jxeP3]x" h~vs9J*vO(TӝoK/`TLjr%15N/ +/^ j8Q/ l1vCLGA^!?w^2wfF1-UpC\V|EME˖N73_k0Al@vEEkl5V=:.b%g%4,kԉ>O$"gv-

in the ceiling和on the ceilingthe light in the ceiling 为什么不用on the .表示在...某个区域内.容器内,或被...包围着.on 表示与一个表面有接触 .或被...表面支撑着.显然这里on 最合适了.问了三个问
in the ceiling和on the ceiling
the light in the ceiling 为什么不用on the ceiling.
in .表示在...某个区域内.容器内,或被...包围着.
on 表示与一个表面有接触 .或被...表面支撑着.
显然这里on 最合适了.
问了三个问题,没一个人答.再等会.还没有我去就 撞墙了

in the ceiling和on the ceilingthe light in the ceiling 为什么不用on the .表示在...某个区域内.容器内,或被...包围着.on 表示与一个表面有接触 .或被...表面支撑着.显然这里on 最合适了.问了三个问
这里应该用in the ceiling的,
所以用on the ceiling显得有些词不达义.

in the ceiling和on the ceilingthe light in the ceiling 为什么不用on the .表示在...某个区域内.容器内,或被...包围着.on 表示与一个表面有接触 .或被...表面支撑着.显然这里on 最合适了.问了三个问 I am going there___May,the 12th in和on 为什么填on 月份前不是填in place a ceiling on the (会展英语) She lay on her back starting up at the ceiling. 我们教室里的灯是长长的日光灯,两边连两根细铁链,连在天花板上,还有投影仪用一根棍子连在天花板上in the ceiling还是on the ceiling? 是in the afternoon of April 30th 还是 on the afternoon of April 30th in the 19th 和in the 1980's When I came into the room,I found he sat still,his eyes (fixed)on the ceiling,(lost)in thought.fixed以及lost是什么用法,为什么这么做? 3.I found her eyes ___ on the hole in the ceiling A.are fixed B.fixed C.fixing D.being fixed After hearing the judgement pronounced,Saddam,former president of Iraq,sat in court for a fewminutes,with his eyes()on the ceiling.为什么填fixed不能填fixing? on the morning of july 25th 1992与in the morning on july 25th 1992有什么区别 Is your birthday (in) May?No,it's (on) the 14th of August填in和on的依据是什么? The mid-autumn day on august 15th in chinese lunar calendar.这句话对吗on 和 IN 会重复吗 on the morning 和in the morningon the morning 用于具体某个早上.那为什么下面这个句子里会用in the morning?Could you tell me there is a flight in the moning on November 26th. 英语方面的.速度回答on the morning of 3th May还是in the morning of 3th May How real is she (for Robert)?What is there on the ceiling?和胖的英文按初中的水平. Keep taking the tablets什么意思...-I've just walked on the headmaster's ceiling.-Don't worry,Martha,just keep taking the tablets.这句中walked on the headmaster's ceiling和 Keep taking the tablets分别是什么意思?thanks^^Keep taking the t The boy stood up h_____ his head on the low ceiling.